It's exhausting to read every day that matchmaking should be added for the raids and that even though there are problems with it, "you don't have to use it, so it wouldn't affect you, why do you care?"
Any discussion about matchmaking for tough content has to be framed not as "matchmaking vs. doing nothing" but "matchmaking vs. in-game LFG board/grouping tool."
I aggressively oppose matchmaking and aggressively support an LFG board.
Neither one would affect me in the slightest, because we have an extremely robust community here and I don't have to leave it to find people for groups except for extremely rare and dire circumstances. That doesn't preclude me from having an understanding of the relevant aspects of game design and an opinion on what would be best for it. I care pretty deeply about the experience that new players and especially new players to the raid have while playing, because the community isn't some nebulous entity floating out there to observe and analyze. It's us. Matchmaking ensures that at least every so often, a new player would have as poor an experience with their blind-matched teammates in a raid as I have maybe 1 in 5 playlist strikes with mine.
Arguments that voice support for matchmaking don't need to justify why matchmaking would be a good addition, they need to justify why it would be better than an LFG tool with customizable listings.
Today I heard one argument that addressed that, and it was "sometimes you just want to push a button."