Yeah, lot of people love firefly, and it's definitely a good PvE perk.
Why as in why do I want it or as in why did I get all the exotics?
I know it's a longshot... but does anyone have a Hard Mode Atheon checkpoint yet? If not, probably going to start a fresh run if anyone wants in...
Ass mats shouldn't be NF rewards at all.
Lol i bought both of those last time ib was upNo I think only sniper and AR are gonna be dropping
Can't really notice the difference when you have outlaw.I can't find a 331 scout rifle to replace my Cryptic Dragon. I want firefly and a large clip. Dropping down to 13 shots (from 27) isn't worth the damage boost to 331.
Cause it looks cool.why do you want birdmoon
After thousands of scout rifle kills, I can say, with 100% certainty, that the MIDA Multi Tool is the game's best scout rifle. The shooting speed, the reload speed, the movement speed bonus, magazine size... just can't be topped. I have some legendary scouts with outlaw, firefly, etc, but they just seem so sluggish compared to MIDA. Note that I don't really mind pulling the trigger per shot, so the VoC auto bonus doesn't do much for me, though the elemental buff is niceA 331 VoC would be top. I think.
What armor piece can you get from death singers?
Very strange words coming from a certain person (゚д゚
steoyd and I are more included in this group now..
Thanks.I'll be at the Gorgon cp for the next 15 min for anybody who needs it
PSN: hydruxxo
Agreed. It's the most underrated weapon in the game in my opinion. The agility buff is ridiculous too.
And for some reason, the sound of the gun firing is better than anything else in the game for me.
After thousands of scout rifle kills, I can say, with 100% certainty, that the MIDA Multi Tool is the game's best scout rifle. The shooting speed, the reload speed, the movement speed bonus, magazine size... just can't be topped. I have some legendary scouts with outlaw, firefly, etc, but they just seem so sluggish compared to MIDA. Note that I don't really mind pulling the trigger per shot, so the VoC auto bonus doesn't do much for me, though the elemental buff is niceA 331 VoC would be top. I think.
I know it's a longshot... but does anyone have a Hard Mode Atheon checkpoint yet? If not, probably going to start a fresh run if anyone wants in...
Yup, ascendant mats, class item, or exotic.None. It's the exact same rolls you could get from the old 1st CE chest.
Start from the Gorgon HM checkpoint?
Lol i bought both of those last time ib was up
Agreed. It's the most underrated weapon in the game in my opinion. The agility buff is ridiculous too.
And for some reason, the sound of the gun firing is better than anything else in the game for me.
Does he also have all the exotic armors as well? He's prob missing 1 or 2 if true, I have no place to complain. But this is how I feel about Steroyd:
None. It's the exact same rolls you could get from the old 1st CE chest.
First Raid, all 4 drops = Energy hahaha. Not funny, RNG.
Here is Bungie's Smart Loot system introduced in The Dark Below. Also... dem ascend materials...
Speaking of the MIDA, do the staggering rounds fired from this weapon work in PvP? I swear it seems like it's pretty noticeable in PvE but nonexistent when I'm shooting at players in crucible matches.
Can't really notice the difference when you have outlaw.
Where?What? The patch notes said they would drop armor...
Had team bail need 2 crotas down anyone able to help?
None. It's the exact same rolls you could get from the old 1st CE chest.
Anyone want to take out Gatekeepers and Atheon on Hard? I need some chances at Timepiece.
I'll be at the Gorgon cp for the next 15 min for anybody who needs it
PSN: hydruxxo
I got it at 31 dec out of ROC. It just feels so good. Fast and fluid. I love it and the staggering is pretty damn powerful. My Badger is stronger, but doesn't handle half as well.
Same happened on my Warlock, my lvl 31 warlock with no CE helm or chest yet... Either drop would let me get to 32 though I'd prefer to get the helm... I've run the raid every week... That smart loot system.First Raid, all 4 drops = Energy hahaha. Not funny, RNG, not funny.
Me (ethomaz)Looking to do a fresh CE. Join up!
1. Mranderson(greyblade)
PSN is greyblade
We have 3 ready in a few min, starting at gatekeeper, whats your psn?
Looking to do a fresh CE. Join up!
1. Mranderson(greyblade)
PSN is greyblade
None. It's the exact same rolls you could get from the old 1st CE chest.
What? The patch notes said they would drop armor...
The patch notes said it would include a chance at armour too. Likely chest, boots and gauntlets, helmet is always saved for the last boss (Atheon, Crota).
However, we have had at least a dozen or so groups run it here with no one getting armour. Either the drop rate is EXTREMELY low, or Bungie fucked up like they did with the helmet roll on Crota.
The hotfix notes say it can drop armor now.
Deathsinger Encounter
Fixed a rare case where the Shriekers would not spawn, preventing players from reaching the Deathsinger
The Deathsinger now has a chance to drop Exotic weapons and armor, class pieces, and Radiant materials
I just got the Crota drop of all drops! Titan raid helmet AND Hunger of Crota in ONE drop!![]()
We have 3 ready in a few min, starting at gatekeeper, whats your psn?
Looking to do a fresh CE. Join up!
1. Mranderson(greyblade)
PSN is greyblade
lol I'm not sure why anyone would bother with Iron Banner when we all have at least 3 pairs of raid gaunts and boots already.