2nd Crota Hard beat. We got this now
Are you down to run again ? I have crota check point psn death4romabove22
2nd Crota Hard beat. We got this now
Ogres teleporting. >_<
People hoping for a challenging and FUN Hard Mode raid were met with artificial difficulty and extreme frustration... 'Twas the straw that broke a few backs.Heroic Crota took a massive hive dump on DGAF
versatility and accuracy for an auto rifleWhat's so good about it? I have it and it's damage is more in like Aetheon's Ep.
You are luckier than others then, or at least luckier than us by far. Just wiped our last run because Crota "killed" the sword runner with no animation while kneeling when the immune shield popped up. I can upload a clip later.
It's not just about the glitches, at all. TDB is one of the laziest excuses for content "expansion" I've ever seen, the most flagrant example of disc-locked "DLC" I can think of for sure. CE is terribly designed and a very poor excuse for a supposed "raid," as I've talked about many times around here. As much as I want to continue helping this community I need to take a step away from the game for my own well being, if I plan to continue participating in future expansions (and I sincerely hope that Bungie can "win" me and my teammates back, but that is up to them).
Hawk pls. We need you. We can get through these hard times together as a GAF family.
Wait, we lost Hawkian? Wow, Bungie, you done messed up hard, son.Hawk pls. We need you. We can get through these hard times together as a GAF family.
2 CROTA'S DOWN, 1 TO GO!!!!!
You are luckier than others then, or at least luckier than us by far. Just wiped our last run because Crota "killed" the sword runner with no animation while kneeling when the immune shield popped up. I can upload a clip later.
It's not just about the glitches, at all. TDB is one of the laziest excuses for content "expansion" I've ever seen, the most flagrant example of disc-locked "DLC" I can think of for sure. CE is terribly designed and a very poor excuse for a supposed "raid," as I've talked about many times around here. As much as I want to continue helping this community I need to take a step away from the game for my own well being, if I plan to continue participating in future expansions (and I sincerely hope that Bungie can "win" me and my teammates back, but that is up to them).
This is what I meant when I said casual players actually have more fun with this game than people who are the most dedicated to it.Take it easy friend. Everyone probably needs a bit of a breather. Play casually or not at all.
I have yet to run hard mode but already know I don't have the patience for it. A fun run and then done for me I suppose.
I'll come. Logging on now. PSN: DarknyssOK, so need 4 for normal CE. Will start when we get 6. Make sure to give your PSN.
1. TKRunningRiot
2. Frostburn
Wow looks like I missed it, as I too was stuck for hours trying to beat Crota.
So wait one more thing,
Bad Juju is good now?
OK, so need 4 for normal CE. Will start when we get 6. Make sure to give your PSN.
1. TKRunningRiot
2. Frostburn
Sounds good, about to eat dinner but won't be long
People hoping for a challenging and FUN Hard Mode raid were met with artificial difficulty and extreme frustration... 'Twas the straw that broke a few backs.
PSN: LordNimon
PSN: Darknyss2 spots for normal CE
1. TKRunningRiot
2. Frostburn PSN: US-Frostburn
3. Arekkusu77
4. LordNimon
5. ???
6. ???
I think everyone knew that when the raid was going to be 33, it was going to be more cheap than not.That's the only thing I don't get. Did anyone really expect anything different? Sure we hoped for it, but we all knew what they were going to do. There isn't even a path from the lights to the bridge, just a bright white loading screen. They weren't going to change anything for HM, just ramp it up.
2 spots for normal CE
1. TKRunningRiot
2. Frostburn PSN: US-Frostburn
3. Arekkusu77
4. LordNimon
5. ???
6. ???
Lol everytime I see your psn name, where did it come from?I'll join you guys.
PSN: Buttpuddin
Are you down to run again ? I have crota check point psn death4romabove22
What made the thread implode yesterday? I don't understand.
Lol everytime I see your psn name, where did it come from?
Well I have previous stated many times before, I was beginning to burn myself out on Destiny. The only reason I still continue playing, was due to this community. I personally believe this community is great and I am always happy to help out whenever I am available.
However I enrage yesterday due to the Hard Mode. Perhaps I did cause myself to enrage since I just kept attempting to kill Crota for ~5 hours straight. Within those ~5 hours, all the worst "glitches and bugs" occur when Crota was 1 sword break away from death. Personally I find it disappointing for Bungie to not fix any of those glitches. It doesnt matter that Hard Mode is level 33, just the frustration of losing the fight when its not your fault and there is noting you can do to prevent it.
The Dark Below was a very piss poor "expansion content". In addition, the regrind exotic weapons, gears, commendations, etc are design to keep people playing. I dislike how RNG works and alot of other players do get screw over on loot drops even tho they have been playing the game since launch. Why dont they give us a proper update to fix the glitches that are able to be fix? Instead they add anti cheese patch that screws over some portion of the game. And to fix those screw up causes by the patch, they take ~2 months. Plus I hate how Bungie always state " we are listening" but will they actually do anything? Meh of course they will in Destiny 2..
well take care DestinyGAFyou guys were the best and I had a great time playing with everyone.
Well I have previous stated many times before, I was beginning to burn myself out on Destiny. The only reason I still continue playing, was due to this community. I personally believe this community is great and I am always happy to help out whenever I am available.
However I enrage yesterday due to the Hard Mode. Perhaps I did cause myself to enrage since I just kept attempting to kill Crota for ~5 hours straight. Within those ~5 hours, all the worst "glitches and bugs" occur when Crota was 1 sword break away from death. Personally I find it disappointing for Bungie to not fix any of those glitches. It doesnt matter that Hard Mode is level 33, just the frustration of losing the fight when its not your fault and there is noting you can do to prevent it.
The Dark Below was a very piss poor "expansion content". In addition, the regrind exotic weapons, gears, commendations, etc are design to keep people playing. I dislike how RNG works and alot of other players do get screw over on loot drops even tho they have been playing the game since launch. Why dont they give us a proper update to fix the glitches that are able to be fix? Instead they add anti cheese patch that screws over some portion of the game. And to fix those screw up causes by the patch, they take ~2 months. Plus I hate how Bungie always state " we are listening" but will they actually do anything? Meh of course they will in Destiny 2..
well take care DestinyGAFyou guys were the best and I had a great time playing with everyone.
2 spots for normal CE
1. TKRunningRiot
2. Frostburn PSN: US-Frostburn
3. Arekkusu77
4. LordNimon
5. ???
6. ???
I'll join you guys.
PSN: Buttpuddin
I'll come. Logging on now. PSN: Darknyss
Any Crota groups recruiting?
Well I have previous stated many times before, I was beginning to burn myself out on Destiny. The only reason I still continue playing, was due to this community. I personally believe this community is great and I am always happy to help out whenever I am available.
However I enrage yesterday due to the Hard Mode. Perhaps I did cause myself to enrage since I just kept attempting to kill Crota for ~5 hours straight. Within those ~5 hours, all the worst "glitches and bugs" occur when Crota was 1 sword break away from death. Personally I find it disappointing for Bungie to not fix any of those glitches. It doesnt matter that Hard Mode is level 33, just the frustration of losing the fight when its not your fault and there is noting you can do to prevent it.
The Dark Below was a very piss poor "expansion content". In addition, the regrind exotic weapons, gears, commendations, etc are design to keep people playing. I dislike how RNG works and alot of other players do get screw over on loot drops even tho they have been playing the game since launch. Why dont they give us a proper update to fix the glitches that are able to be fix? Instead they add anti cheese patch that screws over some portion of the game. And to fix those screw up causes by the patch, they take ~2 months. Plus I hate how Bungie always state " we are listening" but will they actually do anything? Meh of course they will in Destiny 2..
well take care DestinyGAFyou guys were the best and I had a great time playing with everyone.
Damn, we're dropping like flies around here...
Just ignore HM Crota guys. It really ain't worth the effort. None of the drops really are
1. Bubble with blessing at the crystal
2. Clear trash, make sure everyone is using supers to make a nice reserve of orbs
3. Go to Left side stairs, but do not go out until everyone is ready, heal, heavy synth. Etc. swordbearer does not come out until someone exits the area.
4. 2-3 people on the swordbearer, one Titan with Ghorn and a warlock to make a shit ton of orbs (that player should not use their super at the crystal but save it) to help with healing and supers
5. Rest of the players on the knights in the left tower, do not shoot them immediately, wait for them to take their positions and then fire, firing early will stagger and fuck up path finding and then you may not see them behind there
6. Take out wizard and the swordbearer should go down at the same time, and a Titan should pop a blinding bubble on the left tower to blind the next 2 boomers that will come out usually around the second Crota kneel
7. DPS on Crota, Ghorns all the way, swordbearer does their thing going up the left side rock, we aimed for 3 swords, so you have to be careful you don't do too well (come on Bungie!) in case you leave Crota with too little health and hit the enrage
8. Regroup inside the left area and wait for Crota to move to centre, heal up, pop heavy ammo, etc start doing #4-6 just before he goes centre, don't wait
9. ogres, rush down to the left tower inside since it is the closest, have the team jump up above the doors, suppress ogre with suppression grenade once he comes out the door (they will still melee but should be fine since you are above the door, do not use the coffins, too low). DPS ogre, then be safe and kill the second ogre from that room, a blessing of light bubble is very useful here too
10. Go back to left stairs when safe, ensure Crota is not there, wait if needed
11. Rinse repeat for the last kneels