No Land Beyond again? Hilarious.
If you are low on coins or don't need it for the collection, do not buy it.So No Land Beyond isn't worth the coins then? Maybe I'll just buy a shard instead
Seeing how Gjallahorn is mandatory now, I'm done. I won't rely on RNG to be relevant in Hard Mode, that is some shitty business practice I won't support any further. Xur selling No Land Beyond today is the final straw.
Thanks for all the people I grouped with, and the reset tuesday morning group. Have fun !
New page. Missing two!
Still reliant on RNG: you have to be 32.Run the sword = be useful without the horn.
Me me me. Can we run it once Xur has been?
Kadey stahp.
So No Land Beyond isn't worth the coins then? Maybe I'll just buy a shard instead
It is the greatest Carrot-on-a-stick they have in the game, except this week was the monkey wrench in that plan that seems to have broken a lot of vets. Many folks have quit this week out of frustration with the raid. Many will likely come back after having time to cool down, but it seems the release of the hard mode raid did more damage then good for business. If House of Wolves is just more of the same, I expect there to be a lot of attrition for whatever comes next.
We're waiting on you at the Tower! Are you still in?
Nope, my coins are indeed precious. I haven't got round to making any alts yet (I know, i know) so my supply is limited lately.If you are low on coins or don't need it for the collection, do not buy it.
Need one more to start a Heroic CE Abyss+Bridge. Come get your Auto Rifles! Had a guy drop out, 5 of us are waiting at the Tower.
Add a_javierp if you're willing! Only requirement is please be 32![]()
I'll help you guys since I only did Crota and Abyss. Still need to do bridge. You can leave Deathsinger for normal.
I'd love to finally get a chance to play with you! I still remember your generous offer to solo-carry my low lever Hunter a few days back
Sadly the group's full. Once I'm done with this run I'll post back to see if anyone wants to do it again.
I could be wrong, but I think the majority of the people who "quit" since yesterday are venting and will be back by next Tuesday's reset. When people legitimately lose interest, they tend to just stop playing the game, and no longer have any interest in posting about it. I think most of what's happened in the last day is temporary frustration.
Want to know what will REALLY make people quit? Running out of loot to strive for. The day Xur sells what everyone wants is the day that people lose interest, because the strikes/raids they've been playing over and over again will have no purpose.
The quest for seemingly unobtainable loot IS Destiny. Love it or leave it.
I'd love to finally get a chance to play with you! I still remember your generous offer to solo-carry my low lever Hunter a few days back
Sadly the group's full. Once I'm done with this run I'll post back to see if anyone wants to do it again.
Ah, being the swordbearer is exhilarating. Still not that great at it though.
I agree with that, the problem is that we have a different situation at hands.I could be wrong, but I think the majority of the people who "quit" since yesterday are venting and will be back by next Tuesday's reset. When people legitimately lose interest, they tend to just stop playing the game, and no longer have any interest in posting about it. I think most of what's happened in the last day is temporary frustration.
Want to know what will REALLY make people quit? Running out of loot to strive for. The day Xur sells what everyone wants is the day that people lose interest, because the strikes/raids they've been playing over and over again will have no purpose.
The quest for seemingly unobtainable loot IS Destiny. Love it or leave it.
What's the website that lists people looking for extra players? I've never used it before. I wanna give Crota a go and it's probably my best bet for a little while.
Ah, being the swordbearer is exhilarating. Still not that great at it though.
I get that. There were folks that have quit and come back in short order. I was one of them a few weeks ago. The difference here is that this one encounter is now heavily reliant on a single weapon to be effective as a fireteam. They may come back in a day or next reset, but when the frustration of beating against the wall and at the mercy of a single RNG drop becomes too much, they will leave for good. Teams stacked with Gjallarhorns are struggling, those of us without are even further at a loss.
I agree with that, the problem is that we have a different situation at hands.
We are talking about ONE weapon being so better than the others that Bungie had to design the hard mode around it. Before that it was just "the weapon to speed everything up and make your like WAY easier", but since this week it has become "the weapon you MUST have". It was already overshadowing all the other exotics, and now things will be even worse than before, leading to even more frustration to the player base that was not lucky enough to get it.
And instead of fixing this situation in a somewhat clever way (sell it at Xur, or nerf it, or buff other exotics way up), Bungie decided it was best to not only do *nothing* about it, riding on the idea that "people who don't have it will keep on playing the game for this carrot only", but to rub it in everyone's face at every possible occasion.
They are themselves creating the situation where people who finally bank on it stop playing the game. They are themselves making of this weapon the way to "end the game". and
I remember having a discussion here on GAF where people were claiming Gjallarhorn was necessary against (normal) Crota. I was of the view it wasn't. I retract that statement now hard mode Crota has been released. Looks like you'll need atleast two gjallarhorn wielders to get the shield down quick enough.
Want to know what will REALLY make people quit? Running out of loot to strive for.
Seeing how Gjallahorn is mandatory now, I'm done. I won't rely on RNG to be relevant in Hard Mode, that is some shitty business practice I won't support any further. Xur selling No Land Beyond today is the final straw.
Thanks for all the people I grouped with, and the reset tuesday morning group. Have fun !
Haaaa, so yeah. HM Crota is not for me until I upgrade my weapons. Was trying to solo the lamps last night with a Titan mate, both made it up to the Ogre, but one cheeky blast with his eye beams and dead in a split second. Was barely chipping off his health even with crits. Best get grinding and upgrading then!
Also, anyone know the best way to get Radiant Shards? I need 28 of them to fully upgrade all current armour (raid gauntlets, raid chest, already got maxed obsidian mind and maxed bog standard legendary wellies). Can't continue to upgrade any more armour until I get some.
From reddit:
MK.44 Stand Asides
Radiant Dance Machines
Starfire Protocol
No Land beyond
Exotic shard + exotic helm engram
No heavy ammo
Might be a stupid question but I really don't know. I have a 31 Titan and am considering making an alt. Is there anyway I can use my Titan to get legendaries for another class so that when I hit 20 with said alt I already have a set of armor ready to go? I know I can buy the exotic from Xur, but not sure about filling out the rest with legendaries. I'd much rather do higher level content with the Titan then going back to to lower level content.
Might be a stupid question but I really don't know. I have a 31 Titan and am considering making an alt. Is there anyway I can use my Titan to get legendaries for another class so that when I hit 20 with said alt I already have a set of armor ready to go? I know I can buy the exotic from Xur, but not sure about filling out the rest with legendaries. I'd much rather do higher level content with the Titan then going back to to lower level content.
Might be a stupid question but I really don't know. I have a 31 Titan and am considering making an alt. Is there anyway I can use my Titan to get legendaries for another class so that when I hit 20 with said alt I already have a set of armor ready to go? I know I can buy the exotic from Xur, but not sure about filling out the rest with legendaries. I'd much rather do higher level content with the Titan then going back to to lower level content.
Yeah: you can't.Not sure if you can buy legendaries for a different class though, never tried. I think not.
No need to open them on the alt: purple engrams are not character dependant. They decode to any class.Naa. If you get legendary engrams you can open them on your alt though.
I hope to run it with another group using my Hunter. Going to harder for me personally since I main the Titan and I was shield and DPS person. Plus Ruin Wings is amazing for this. I only had to pop like 3 synths.
Our group.
Dance Machines! I've been eager to try these out with the MIDA