They're trying to push us: Either they're insanely ignorant or trying to piss us off.
After Ice Breaker last week, they can put up trash like NLB for one week. Heavy synths would have been nice though.
They're trying to push us: Either they're insanely ignorant or trying to piss us off.
Wait, didn't you finally get a VoC? Or maybe it was someone else. I was too busy staring at my shiny new Fatebringer to
Has anyone tested the smart loot rolls, where if you already have raid gear, but put it in the vault, will you likely get more of that same? It would be a good way to get more shards if I can run abyss and bridge without my raid gear equipped to keep getting dupes.
No Land Beyond? Thanks for the giant middle finger Bungie.
"What weapon can we give xur this week? How about the worst one, one we had recently no one bought? Perfect!"
They're trying to push us: Either they're insanely ignorant or trying to piss us off.
GAF XBOX ONE Destiny (& crota hm) list thus far;
- Liquidsnake00 (32 Hunter)
- randomraawr
- dmh33 (32 Warlock x2 [dirty])
- Korosenai
- Tapiozona (32 Hunter)
- purg3 (32 Titan x3)
- Iceman829 (32 Hunter, 32 Warlock, 31 Titan)
- Homeboyd903 (32 Titan x3)
- TacticalFailure (32 Titan, 31 warlock, 31 hunter)
- yLEFTy (32 titan and hunter and 31 warlock)
- Mortalikus (32 Titan)
- Ev0lved1 (31 Titan)
It's random.
I think everyone watched that world record video and then all the sudden felt a need to rush through the encounter. You can do it in 4 swords (we did 2 kneels, 2 kneels, 1 kneel, 2 kneels) playing nice and easy. I've experienced more teams dying trying to do it to fast and squeeze out an extra swing when it's not really required.
Like DrDrizzay said the encounter hasn't changed, just mind the boomers a little different (take down one at a time), for the Ogres go into the towers instead of the middle, and be mindful of your gear set up this time.
As far as I know and have observed, the "smart" loot system doesn't really determine what weapon or armor piece you'll get. All it does is increase your odds of getting some armor/weapon at a given segment of the Raid if it only gave you Energy or Shards the week before..
Doing fresh hard right now if anyone wants to join, need 4 more.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
I refuse to believe Icebreaker was random. They clearly did that to prepare people for the hard mode.It's random.
I got gauntlets from the lamps on hard yesterday.
Got my Warlock to level 26 and my Hunter is now level 23. Guess it's time to level up a Titian for the hat trick, right?
Really want to push my Warlock over the edge into that place were I'm confidant enough in her gear to get her raiding. I've never been engaged enough with a game to reach raiding status before. This is very exciting for me.
They read the message boards, Twitter, I'll assume have basic stats like how many buy an item or dismantle it; If it's random I feel a lot of people would appreciate it not being in the pool (like it seems Gjallahorn isn't) or at least make sure it's not for sale so soon again. In a world of everyone being annoyed by so much shit in this game it seems like a small step to take.It's random.
Got my Warlock to level 26 and my Hunter is now level 23. Guess it's time to level up a Titian for the hat trick, right?
Really want to push my Warlock over the edge into that place were I'm confidant enough in her gear to get her raiding. I've never been engaged enough with a game to reach raiding status before. This is very exciting for me.
I refuse to believe Icebreaker was random. They clearly did that to prepare people for the hard mode.
I've seen a few posts over the past few pages from lonely Xbox One users having a hard time finding GAFers to do Crota with. Wouldn't hurt to start a list so....
- Liquidsnake00 (32 Hunter)
- randomraawr
- dmh33
- Korosenai
- Tapiozona (32 Hunter)
- purg3 (32 Titan x3)
- Iceman829 (32 Hunter, 32 Warlock, 31 Titan)
- Homeboyd903 (32 Titan x3)
- TacticalFailure (32 Titan, 31 warlock, 31 hunter)
- yLEFTy (32 titan and hunter and 31 warlock)
I'll keep updating this list and add bump it every couple pages as more names are added.
I will be on around then.If anyone is going to be doing HM crota today I need to do it twice. Please keep me in mind ; ;. PSN is Greyblade, and I can be on around 4:15 PM est.
Last resort. And anyone in this thread shouldn't even need LFG. So many people are constantly requesting to group up for raids here.
And yes, majority of LFG people just want loot. They're not in it to make friends or have fun.
They read the message boards, Twitter, I'll assume have basic stats like how many buy an item or dismantle it; If it's random I feel a lot of people would appreciate it not being in the pool (like it seems Gjallahorn isn't) or at least make sure it's not for sale so soon again. In a world of everyone being annoyed by so much shit in this game it seems like a small step to take.
They sold it on week 5 and last week, that's it. Just twice.It's been sold twice before for no particular reason, no?
You already had a normal clear? I got armor as well, but I had not cleared normal yet on my main.
If anyone is going to be doing HM crota today I need to do it twice. Please keep me in mind ; ;. PSN is Greyblade, and I can be on around 4:15 PM est.
The new mechanic bungie added to hm Crota is that one player will always lag...
Doing fresh hard right now if anyone wants to join, need 4 more.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Week two it was sold, meaning it feels like it was removed from the table on purpose. No Land Beyond is labeled as the worse exotic and we've had it twice already.Gjallarhorn has been sold before though. Thunderlord, Universal Remote, and maybe some other guns I can't think of, have never been sold at all.
GAF XBOX ONE Destiny (& crota hm) list thus far;
- Liquidsnake00 (32 Hunter)
- randomraawr
- dmh33 (32 Warlock x2 [dirty])
- Korosenai
- Tapiozona (32 Hunter)
- purg3 (32 Titan x3)
- Iceman829 (32 Hunter, 32 Warlock, 31 Titan)
- Homeboyd903 (32 Titan x3)
- TacticalFailure (32 Titan, 31 warlock, 31 hunter)
- yLEFTy (32 titan and hunter and 31 warlock)
- Mortalikus (32 Titan)
- Ev0lved1 (31 Titan)
Now my eyes cannot unsee. :-(Does it... does it have a skull cock?
It's been sold twice before for no particular reason, no?
That new ship still looks to me like Aspect with some shitty bones glued on the outside.
Lazy-ass bullshit. That's Destiny, though.
FUCK man! Bought 6 helm engrams:
Mask of the Third Man
Skull of Dire Ahamkara
ATS/8 Arachnid
Helm of Inmost Light
Helm of Inmost Light
Helm of Inmost Light
Seriously WTF?! I don't have a hunter, already had Inmost Light, and it fucking rolled three Inmost Lights back-to-back-to-back.
Didn't they even hype it up on Twitter before hand that Xur was bringing the good shit. No way it's random. Maybe it's a random person selected each week that gets to pick the items and troll us haha
Gjallarhorn has been sold before though. Thunderlord, Universal Remote, and maybe some other guns I can't think of, have never been sold at all.
Need two more for fresh hard.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Triptych of PS Exclusives ().SAID TO BE UNCRACKABLE
YES! Finally got Helm of Saint-14.![]()
YES! Finally got Helm of Saint-14.![]()
Fig, are we gonna beat Crota first and then do the podcast?
I will definitely help and make sure you get a kill or two if you still need it.
We just have to be a little picky about if people have red bars or not, and not rush things for the 2 sword kill. Won't take any time at all with a properly connected team (i.e. no red bars).
lol honestly it has been way worse lag recently, no idea why.
Decent haul from the 3 Crota Kills
-Better roll helmet for Titan
-Shader for all 3 characters
-Word of Crota - Hand Cannon
-Fang of Ir Yut - Scout Rifle
-Graverobber Sparrow
Don't care about the tacky ship, and no idea how to get Crux yet. I can just relax doing hard mode Crota kills. Willing to help anyone who needs it now. No stress for loot or if I complete it.
My Titan has cleared all of Hard Mode but my Hunter and Warlock have only downed Crota. I would be so pumped if the two of them are able to get me the last two weapons left.
Xur was decent for me.
I bought Radiant Dance Machines and got Apotheosis Veil from the engram. Just need 3 more exotic armour pieces to complete the collection for all 3 classes! I bought 2 engrams, so I could buy more to try to get these last 2 helmets I need. Hrmmmm...
Hunter (1)
-ATS/8 Arachnid (Hunter Helmet)
Warlock (2)
-Skull of Dire Ahamkara (Warlock Helmet)
-Sunbreakers (Warlock Gauntlets)
Plus he finally has the Invective upgrade, so I have 22/24 of the exotic weapons, and all 22 are the 331 versions.