Have a bridge cp on hard mode if anyone wants to try and beat the raid tonight, send a message.
PSN CamoKid42
Can I join for the brigde part? ShikiAoi
Have a bridge cp on hard mode if anyone wants to try and beat the raid tonight, send a message.
PSN CamoKid42
It's so hard!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Play PvP.It's so hard!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It can be quite difficult the first time. It always is. But it gets easier afterwards.It's so hard!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It can be quite difficult the first time. It always is. But it gets easier afterwards.
that's what she said
It's so hard!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It can be quite difficult the first time. It always is. But it gets easier afterwards.
Have a bridge cp on hard mode if anyone wants to try and beat the raid tonight, send a message.
PSN CamoKid42
I'd like to take a moment to recognize Hawkian. He's put forth an unmeasurable amount of good will towards this community. We're lucky to have him and I expect he'll still be around running his newbie raids, writing his guides and providing his passionate analysis. Thanks Hawk! I hope the community hasn't burned (or bummed) you out too much.
OT title should have been a tribute.
That's a damned good idea. And the thing about Hawkian is he is a generally cool and great-natured person. I've always enjoyed his presence when playing. He's a pillar of this community, if I do say so myself.
It kind of is, in a way...
But yeah, I agree, Hawkian did an awesome job for this community here on GAF. I hope he will keep on posting, even if he slows down a bit / takes a back seat.
Hawkian did an over the top fantastic job. He had a wonderful temperament and posting style for being the OT maker for so long. He has put in an amazing amount of time and effort towards helping the DGAF community in all the long months since Destiny launched.
Thank you, truly, for all the kind words, it means an enormous amount to me. It occurs to me now that I must have given the impression that I didn't feel appreciated by the community or that the community was ungrateful in some way. That's not what I was getting at at all. I've actually received PSN messages from people who don't even have GAF accounts thanking me for a piece of information that affected their experience, or for help with their first newbie raid. Regardless of all other variables these kinds of things are consistent and just as representative of the people we have here as the thread itself, and they absolutely keep me going and keep me close to the community.Shout out to Hawkian for his admirable work here in the Destiny OTs. I really appreciate the dedication you bring to the table, and it shouldn't go overlooked.
Ha! XD outstanding.I like it! Both amazing at what they do and both (unfortunately) PS4 exclusives.
That's really about it. Well-summarized.Deku Truee said:As far as I could tell he was upset about the posting styles of some people, and the apparent consensus approval of certain posts, and the further GAF moderation decisions within this thread. And I understand that.
That was three months, 24 days, and 11 OTs ago.me said:Whether you consider Destiny a "successful social game" or not, a GAF community is forming around it. I've already killed aliens and other guardians with many of you, and I've never not had fun doing it. It might not seem like it to you right now, but the GAF community for Destiny is shaping up to be very strong. I want to see it grow and thrive and follow the game for months, if not years. And I know that some of you will end up wanting to be a part of this and some of you won't.
Hawk fan here as well. We'll cool down shortly. He accurately described our reactions to everything Bungie will ever do. Sine wave.
We're up and then quickly down the drain again.
Hawkian mentioned that... he called it a Sine Wave.
Wait... oops, no, that was from OT6. From the first batch of Nightfall rewards before engrams had been fixed. This one too heh:FloatingDivider said:FUCKING GREAT SHIT ON MY FACE SOME MORE BUNGIE, I MUST LIKE TURDS IN THE MOUTH BECAUSE I KEEP DOING THIS SHIT
Shit, no, that was OT7, about Atheon.Bitmap Frogs said:Fucking assholes at Bungie, you didn't fix ANYTHING??
agh, crap, I'm bad at this. That one's from OT11 about a bad Xur inventory.firehawk12 said:lolololololol
Fuck you Bungie.
...okay well that's obviously from OT14, when Bungie had the gall to give us free legendary weapons.Jinjo said:Fuck you and your christmas gift Bungie.
It can be quite difficult the first time. It always is. But it gets easier afterwards.
Shoot me a FR. I'll do it if I'm on.
two waves of 3 sword hits x2 (two swords) = crota dead before ogres are out.
That's only 12 hits. Crota dies at 18 hits. Enrages at 15.
hey manOh you
Hey Hawk
you said:Alright, I'm done with the game after checking out the new raid tonight. Not gonna grind again.
Thanks- I was at work kinda late and then had family stuff, so I wouldn't have been able to make it anyway this time.Hawkian, we missed you greatly on the podcast!
It was particularly tough on me the way everything timed out because there's some stuff going on in my life in the mysterious "real world" right now that involves people I could get pretty justifiably pissed off at, for rational reasons. Things that could have an impact on my livelihood or the well-being of my family... but... I'm still trying my best to be civil and not overreact or react toxically, because it won't help. And this is shit that, no offense to any of you who are extremely passionate about Bungie's incompetence, is way more important than anything concerning a videogame could ever be.
I'm not going anywhere... it's hilarious to me that so many people seemed to read my post as though it was a "here's my dramatic monologue about why I'm leaving" kind of deal. I didn't say anything of the sort, and I just don't look at gaming that way. I'll be playing Destiny until actually playing Destiny isn't fun for me any longer. I urge you all to consider a similar approach, and its corollary; the instant it's no longer fun for you to play, stop playing immediately.
Maybe "tomorrow" will be the last straw for the rest of you, the last day DestinyGAF exists. But as long as that holds true tomorrow too, I think we'll be okay![]()
Where is my hawkmoon![]()
I've beaten Crota 3 times a week since the TDB launch and haven't got a single 36 light helmet yet.so my weapon drop rate for Crota has been horrible.
played the raid 3 times ever week since it launched and only got 2 weapon drops.
the rest have been chards and armor.
so my weapon drop rate for Crota has been horrible.
played the raid 3 times ever week since it launched and only got 2 weapon drops.
the rest have been chards and armor.
I'll always be there.Hawkian, we needed you. I was dying.
I've beaten Crota 3 times a week since the TDB launch and haven't got a single 36 light helmet yet.
Going to be doing a Fresh Normal Crota Raid PS4 at 10PM EST, please send an invite/message Spruchy if you would like to come.
Need 2 more.
I'll always be there.
oh you mean actually dying in the game don't you.
So many things could have fucked us up on that run. I don't know about you guys, but I was on some very thin fucking ice right from the get go. Luck was on our side for once.
oh ok good.No, I meant the podcast lol.
I believed in you. Believe....So many things could have fucked us up on that run. I don't know about you guys, but I was on some very thin fucking ice right from the get go. Luck was on our side for once.
I think you may have figured it out. My kid told me that I had a request from some camo person. He was leveling up my husk for me! Only 250 hive to go.
I kept by eyes on the boomers. Hope that helped.
oh ok good.
I'll usually be there. <3
Are you talking about our first HM run?So many things could have fucked us up on that run. I don't know about you guys, but I was on some very thin fucking ice right from the get go. Luck was on our side for once.