the new raid weapons seem kinda underwhelming compared to VoG ones. might just take some time to grow on me.
pretty disappointing that word of crota has the same issues as black hammer with hive disruptor, not to mention the explosive round kills would cause issues as well with the gun perk.
fang of ir yut really seems more geared to PvP, so if you're into that it might not be too bad: third eye, target mark, faster fire rate, perfect balance, etc. it will be pretty viable in PvE with field scout and speed reload though.
the auto rifle seems to be the thing most people are chatting about, decent damage, stability, and wizard disorientation is nice. there really aren't that many wizards in the game to use it on though.
id talk about the pulse rifle, but its ya know, a pulse rifle.
we still don't really know about necrochasm yet, but i cant picture it being better than the mythoclast in PvE and PvP at this point.