Add your name if you're down for a Crota normal run:
1. DazzlerIE
2. Kinezo
four spots to go!
Add your name if you're down for a Crota normal run:
1. DazzlerIE
2. Kinezo
Add your name if you're down for a Crota normal run:
1. DazzlerIE
four spots to go!
ill go, still need the start, want some shardsAdd your name if you're down for a Crota normal run:
1. DazzlerIE
four spots to go!
four spots to go!
Running one round of weeklies for anyone who is interested.
PSN CamoKid42
psn firabudAdd your name if you're down for a Crota normal run:
1. DazzlerIE
2. Kinezo
3. Moridhin
4. Lordnimon
5. W2000
what was the last PSN, you didn't mention it?
I'll add you all now and get it going
Yeah manyou were doin great BTW. I'm down to try again tonight.
Add your name if you're down for a Crota normal run:
1. DazzlerIE
2. Kinezo
3. Moridhin
4. Lordnimon
5. W2000
what was the last PSN, you didn't mention it?
I'll add you all now and get it going
What level you running them at?
Max levels.
Approaching the nightfall boss now.
PSN CamoKid42
I needed to change my pants when I saw I got Hawkmoon. Everyone in the party chat heard my reaction.I'm kind of worried that when you finally get a Hawkmoon you might just explode.
Max levels.
Approaching the nightfall boss now.
PSN CamoKid42
LF1M for HM Crota, wouldn't mind a sword or titan but any would probably do
PS4 = Qwell
Found my new favourite shotgun for PVP. Don't think I've seen another shotgun with as much range or impact yet. I was using the vendor's Secret Handshake before but I prefer this one. I can kill enemies from so far away. Rate of Fire is abysmal so if the first shot doesn't kill, you're out of luck haha.
Going to do a VoG on Hard, need 2 people.
PSN: Solidsnakejej
Starting Nightfall + weekly. Room for one more. Join PSN AdamKoy
I'll join. Is it from the start?
Yes, fresh unless we get a better checkpoint before the templar.
Max levels.
Approaching the nightfall boss now.
PSN CamoKid42
Thanks again that was so convenient!!!
Man that's nuts. That range and impact plus the spread perk. That's kind of OP
I swear if I surpass 30 runs of VoG without a Fatebringer, I might just give up on it.
I still havent see the VoG fusion rifle
Anyone up to join me in the lvl 30 daily?
Join me psn; Cornbread78
I'm just honestly curious if Bungie expected all 6 people to be able to get across in that encounter with a level disadvantage and boomers on steroids.
What the hell! I've put like 250+ hours in and had no idea whatsoever that there was a fusion rifle (not Vex). Wow. I don't know how to feel about that.
I'm down, want to run it on my titan. I need boots!. Sent a FR. My PSN: MiniMe637
Praetorian Foil drops at HM Oracles. Damn legit fusion, although sadly a little left behind like all other 300 attack weapons.
Good Raid. Took a little longer than it should have but we got Crota down. Did you end up getting the boots, I don't remember.