Any HM Crota kills today? I need to knock out 3 of them. Also if anyone can let me get the gorgon chest (3x) I would appreciate it.
Any specific DGAF members going to get Bloodborne? I never played a Souls game so I don't know what I will be getting into. Don't know why it has such hype but I'm going to do the Best BUY GCU deal so it is worth checking out.
Yep getting bloodborne. Welp you know those old school dungeon games such as Zelda, Metroid, etc. The game is similar to those NES classics. What I mean is the souls series doesnt "hold your hand". There is a sense of exploration and discovery for hidden passage ways, chest, shortcuts, locations in a very well crafted interconnecting world. There is no marker on the map to go this way or jelly in your eyes. It will ofter hints on the right direction. I want to say its not a "hard" game however it is a very punishing and fair game. In return it will ask you to respect the enemies and bosses, pay attention to their attack patterns and movements and take advantages of the weakness in the attack patterns and movements. Overcoming the challenges is a great aspect of the souls series and you will feel like you earned it. It might be hard for newcomers since the game doesn't explain much at the beginning but once you start to understand it then you will understand.
p.s For Dark Souls, I got up to the first objective, couldnt beat the boss and said fuck it. 5 months later, I suddenly came back to the game, finally beat the boss then fell in love with the series.
Everyone is talking like this is the end. I'm not ready to say goodbye.
Things have slowed down due to lack of content and everyone already have reached the maxed level and owns almost every exotic gears. But mainly lack of content plus its been about 5-6 months since the game have been release. Alot of us have been playing for almost that length

Just waiting for more content.
Yes! That game should hopefully be incredible. Just picked up Persona Q a few weeks ago, and been pouring a lot of time into that. Need me some more Persona absolutely.
Yeah I recently started that as well. Currently in the second dungeon on floor 4. Its fun and I like drawing the maps