They're mostly on my chest.37, nearly 38 here. Take pride, ElderGAF. We've earned those grey hairs.
Top of page for 50 ppp'ers (the true chosen). I don't need to edit nothin!
They're mostly on my chest.37, nearly 38 here. Take pride, ElderGAF. We've earned those grey hairs.
Does Gaf have its own clan in Destiny?
They're mostly on my chest.
No, I don't. But I do remember lollipop getting me in trouble with fig with his comment.Nilla, Nami, do you have a log of all the twitch comments?
No, I don't. But I do remember lollipop getting me in trouble with fig with his comment.
No, I don't. But I do remember lollipop getting me in trouble with fig with his comment.
I finallywanted to get into the game and wonder if it still has an active community. Is it a good time to start playing Destiny and its coop aspects?
Worst week of NF/WH yet:
- NF1: 12 ass energy
- WH1: 1 blue engram, 2 purple engrams (one dropped from an enemy and one as a completion reward; one turned into 2 ass energy, one turned into 33 light arms for a class I don't use), 9 coins
- NF2: 11 ass energy
- WH2: 2 blue engrams, 9 coins
Just terrible. First week I've actually wondered why I bother.
The purples decoding into garbage is the salt in the wound. They drop SO rarely, for them to turn into something as useless as not just ass energy but only *2* ass energy is boggling. It's just mean.
At least with the raids I *know* I'm going to make some progress (for now): I still need rad mats for both armor and weapons.
IMO, 3 things should happen:
1) purple engrams should decode into light 33 armor for the class decoding it, 302 weapons, rad materials, or 3+ strange coins. No motes. No ass materials.
2) at least 1 purple engram should be guaranteed by NF. If you're doing NF, you don't need the XP boost, you need loot rolls.
3) rad materials should be tradeable for glimmer, exotic shards, or both.
Respect my time, Destiny, and make sure I'm always making SOME progress. Not burning ~30 minutes for a 5% chance at an exotic that I already have all but 2 of.
Anyone doing any weeklies or normal Crota?
Still need Nightfalls. Anyone up for it around 6:30pm EST? Xbox.
I was just about to put a call out for a PS4 Fresh Normal Crota run. Need Boots and a chest for my 31 Titan. Want in?
And anyone else?
1. RetroMG
Earned or not, they've certainly arrived.37, nearly 38 here. Take pride, ElderGAF. We've earned those grey hairs.
The queens wrath missions had like a story mission with NF epic type of element to them. And you could get good armor and weapons to drop from grinding them. Unfortunately when they first came out everyone hated them and we haven't seen them back since.
I can help if I'm on at the time.
Why is there no audio from Nami, Rob or I?
Why'd you mute us nilla![]()
I go into meetings for a couple of hours, come back and everyone is telling how old they are. I'm 30, and already starting to go gray.
I think the issue with Queens Wrath was that it was too narrowly focused to really inly benefit players in the 23-25 range looking for one or two more legendaries to get to 26 and be Raid ready. It had little benefit to anyone outside that.
I think the issue with Queens Wrath was that it was too narrowly focused to really inly benefit players in the 23-25 range looking for one or two more legendaries to get to 26 and be Raid ready. It had little benefit to anyone outside that.
33 Here.
And still looking for 4 more for Fresh Normal Crota!
1. RetroMG
2. Cilonen
33 Here.
And still looking for 4 more for Fresh Normal Crota!
1. RetroMG
2. Cilonen
The queens wrath missions had like a story mission with NF epic type of element to them. And you could get good armor and weapons to drop from grinding them. Unfortunately when they first came out everyone hated them and we haven't seen them back since.
Do all the trophies?
Hello guys... time to update my accomplishments of this weekend... it was really hard and I guessed to stop at some time but I didn't give up.
Control: 131/100
Clash: 51/100 (+26)
Savage 25/100
Skirmish 50/100 (+43)
Rumble 0/100
Yeap... I won 69 matches this weekend in Crucible... Skirmish is 10 minutes and Clash is 20 minutes... so the grind is real.
So much time to reach theses stats.
Now I need reach 100 in Clash or Skimish until late of this week... and I expect to open again Savage to reach at least 50.
Grimorie Score: 2800
PS or XB?
Do all the trophies?
I wouldn't mind trying for Flawless Raider -- we very nearly had it last week on a run with Memory_Of_Kor.
Hilariously enough, I doubt I would ever be able to do the Find 50 Dead Ghosts achievement. That just sounds tedious as hell.
the hate came after it was known you can break down queens gear for shards. which gamve poeple a reason to run after aquiring all legendary gear.
Then bungie fixed it so it doesnt break down to shards and then the hate came. I wanted the ship and sniper but was too discouraged to keep trying becuase at that time shards were pretty rare
also most folks were just reloading until the easy earth mission would pop up. I think bungie realized it needed some serious tweaking.
But I really enjoyed the bounties that came with it.
except the kill 3 fallen walkers becuase only the person with the killing blow got credit. That was pretty dumb
Are Defender Titans pretty much useless in Skirmish? It's the only Crucible mode I really enjoy and I can't figure out how to play my Titan effectively in it. My Gunslinger Hunter is way more dangerous.
Anyone on XB1 wanna do the nightfall before the reset? I still haven't done it this week.
I just realllllly don't want to level up another Titan subclass, lol. I hate their jetpack jump thing at first.Just play striker
I wouldn't mind trying for Flawless Raider -- we very nearly had it last week on a run with Memory_Of_Kor.
Hilariously enough, I doubt I would ever be able to do the Find 50 Dead Ghosts achievement. That just sounds tedious as hell.
33 Here.
And still looking for 4 more for Fresh Normal Crota!
1. RetroMG
2. Cilonen
Except it also had good weapons. People weren't as concerned about weapon variety back then... But now people grind IB just for the weapons. Queens wrath weapons were legit. Like the supremacy sniper. If the queens emissary let you re-roll the perks that would be fantastic.
I run the weekly Heroics and Nightfalls because they are fun... *snip*