I always find Ir Yut a bit of a clusterfuck because of all the adds knocking about. You used to be able to aggro the Wizards from below with armor piercing rounds before you run out, so they come out straight away but they 'fixed' that 'bug'.
It's time limited, but I always think/feel there is less time than we actually have. On normal especially there's no real need to rush too much to get her down.
Looking to get Atheon HM, possibly X2 if people are down for it. Does anyone mind giving me the checkpoint?
1.) Amibguous Cad
2.) Darknyss
3.) Bradach
Still got room?
Need 2. Anyone want to knock out Atheon x2 real quick?Looking to get Atheon HM, possibly X2 if people are down for it. Does anyone mind giving me the checkpoint?
1.) Amibguous Cad
2.) Darknyss
3.) Bradach
5:00 a.m. EST?
Hmm, I maybe able to get out of bed by 5:45 to at least do a nightfall
Cool. Need 1 more for HM Atheon x2. PSN: DarknyssI'll join. PSN Lnkn52
Haven't booted the game in weeks. Decided to try my luck at Gorgon's before reset.
Haven't booted the game in weeks. Decided to try my luck at Gorgon's before reset.
CongratsHaven't booted the game in weeks. Decided to try my luck at Gorgon's before reset.
Speaking of Gorgons chest, anyone got a check point they could give me? =P
I can do that right now, do you need it 3x?
Anyone up to do Nightfall?
Haven't booted the game in weeks. Decided to try my luck at Gorgon's before reset.
No. Trying to do Nightfall so I can get the bonus XP.Did you max your horn yet
I can do that right now, do you need it 3x?
Does anyone want to do a fresh normal Crota's End? My rl friend wants to do it
1) iRAWRasaurus
2) rl friend
I can do that right now, do you need it 3x?
Does anyone want to do a fresh normal Crota's End? My rl friend wants to do it
1) iRAWRasaurus
2) rl friend
Cool. Need 1 more for HM Atheon x2. PSN: Darknyss
Sounds good!Sure Ill play. PSN is cooi_breeze
Sounds good!
Does anyone want to do a fresh normal Crota's End? My rl friend wants to do itWIll start as soon as we have 5 or 6
1) iRAWRasaurus
2) rl friend
3) ErnieMcCracken
4) Triple Oceans
5) Moridhin
I will join, need that chance for Titan chest
Does anyone want to do a fresh normal Crota's End? My rl friend wants to do it![]()
We are gonna get started, but if anyone is more than welcome to join in.
1) iRAWRasaurus
2) rl friend
3) ErnieMcCracken
4) Triple Oceans
5) Moridhin
I'm a Raid scrub...add me, be my friend etc.
Gamertag is rlench
Ive only finished crotas end twice with the help of some nice people here and I completed vog normal once as well. I would love to run them some more with people still somewhat inexperienced with it.
Add me on xb1: suchlikepompo
That goes for anyone else looking to raid too!
Crucible train?
If scrubs are allowed I'd also be downDo you accept PVP scrubs like me? The thrown and bad juju bounties have been sitting in my inventory forever...
damn. I know a lot of people are burnt out and/or bored, taking breaks or stockpiling like mad in advance of a break, et cetera... but I felt like mentioning how insane it is to me that Destiny is still managing to hold my attention at all at this point. It seems like many are still compelled to play, but struggling to have fun or trying to come up with a reason to keep playing even though they don't really want to. I sort of have the opposite "problem," in that I don't really play games like that in general; I like to play at least 2 or 3 different games per session when I have a block of free time, let alone over the course of months. But at this point, even with a dramatically tiny list of "carrots" left to pursue, when it's time to game more often than not I want to play Destiny. And for its seemingly endless sea of flaws I think there is a pretty great accomplishment found in that, knowing that despite having repeated fundamentally the same content, the same actions, the same interactions so many times, it is still fun for me to just log in and play.
Gotta turn a blind eye to it this week and punch through Dark Souls 2. I will seriously not be happy with myself if I don't beat it by the time Bloodborne releases.
Crucible train?
just to be clear, IB is in about 6 hours correct? With the DST in effect?
Thanks, Good smooth runDamn, no chest piece. I do not want to do Iron Banner again
Edit: And just shards from DS, meh
Double Edit: Shard from Crota too, fuck me. Just need a Hunger and a Chest piece and nada. Smooth run though guys, good job on the sword iRAWR
I have my friend, who's new, with me if that's cool with you.Do we have the people for another HM Atheon x2 group? I don't have the CP but it would be cool to start from the Gorgon Chest.
me and my friend, whose also new, can do thisanyone interested in running a normal VoG? I have 2 friends who want to run it, so need to gather a team. Starting in about a half hour. I can send out requests once we're ready.
1. Ichabod00 (me)
2. Friend
3. Frined
I am with you 100%. Destiny is my "default" game and everything else feels like a side-job. Last time I felt like this was with Gunbound and Halo 2 very long ago.
Thanks, Good smooth runexcept for the hard part
I have my friend, who's new, with me if that's cool with you.
Edit: we are gonna join the normal group^^
me and my friend, whose also new, can do this![]()