Does hunger of Crota drop on hard?
No, but you a chance at the fanastic nechrocasm
Does hunger of Crota drop on hard?
Does hunger of Crota drop on hard?
Ah, finally got the hawkmoon? Congrats![]()
Still looking for one of HM Crota. Join on RetroMG or DrDrizzay101.
I'll be on in about 2 hours. If you still need it then I'll share it. I have gorgon HMNobody?
Question before I forget: has Bungie said whether or not we're going to have to level up our exotics all over again with the next expansion, or will we just buy an upgrade from Xur and they'll be maxed?
I'm hoping that HoW will be the start of big changes to how we upgrade items. Bringing over valued weapons is really great to hear, I'm really looking forward to hearing what's in store and what potential caveats there are. I'd love to see the shard economy vaporized, and more options to transmogrify stuff like Class materials (Hadronic Essence into Sapphire Wire, for instance).They'll tell us next week on April 22 during their ride along.
Yup, and thanks! About a month ago, in this OT actually lol, around page 15 for insanity throwback
Did you quit Destiny shortly thereafter?Once I got my ballerhorn, my playtime went to about 1 hour a month.
I assumed their mention of the reliability of the relic shield damaging the minotaur is a description of the same issue since the most egregious examples of his regaining health seemed to occur after I was sure I landed one last R2 shoulder charge on him.Lame. I guess it's probably caused by lag and maybe impossible to fix.
Bungie also didn't claim to fix the minataur regaining health which is probably also due to lag. They only claimed to fix the relic shield not reliably damaging the minataur.... Which I don't remember people complaining about.
I find the Crota stand up enrage mechanic to be cheap and uninteresting. Wiped a lot of good runs I was on because we incorrectly judged how much Health Crota had left.
They haven't said.Question before I forget: has Bungie said whether or not we're going to have to level up our exotics all over again with the next expansion, or will we just buy an upgrade from Xur and they'll be maxed?
Lol. Sounds like you deserve it. Have fun with it. It's a great bit of kitI know this has been worrying everyone since I first talked about it, so I thought I'd let you all know I finally got my Black Hammer last night, on my 33rd normal Crota run!
Anyone up for weekly x 3?
OK cool. anyone want the last spot?
If you're interested, please request to join by clicking the X-bone below:
Bad to the Xbone is here to get you your gjallarhorns today!
Lame. I guess it's probably caused by lag and maybe impossible to fix.
I find the Crota stand up enrage mechanic to be cheap and uninteresting. Wiped a lot of good runs I was on because we incorrectly judged how much Health Crota had left.
GG to all the HM Scrota killers. Scrota is alive and well, but the good news is I still haven't seen a single sword disappear. So hopefully that's legitimately fixed.
Does anyone remember a single sword disappearing before the cheese patch or did I just block it out?
I ran sword for a looooooot of hours the first week or two and don't remember a single one. All kills used a Lv31 Titan so I wouldn't have noticed the invis-sword-smash glitch, but afaik that one and the quick stand didn't exist.
Very boring while perfectly indicative of the level of thought and effort that went into HM CE, to have that be a "mechanic." The kills we just did had one wiped run because I scrubbed up keeping count of the hit markers on him, pretty sure they didn't actually change the HP Enrage trigger level.
There was an interesting wipe that I need to rewatch the video to figure out. Someone died before the last Enraged shield break but Scrota didn't do the Oversoul-summon animation. He took a really long time to break and the last hit didn't connect before the Oversoul wiped us, really weird. Even if DPS was just slow it's strange that he didn't do the standing pose.
Still looking for one of HM Crota. Join on RetroMG or DrDrizzay101.
I use what I got.![]()
No disappearing swords. In fact two swords.
Need a third for weekly. Anyone want in?
Hey Team Lonely Boner... Help has finally arrived! Our current Xbox One clan has created an Xbone only group over at we're planning to use to organize the weekly activities. We typically run all the same CP's each week, but always see others on Xbone in this thread looking for checkpoints, recruiting for raids and nightfalls, etc... and watch as their posts get covered up immediately with elated posts about how someone just got their hawkmoon or 4th horseman etc etc etc (yep, we're salty). So we figured this could be a good hub for you guys to land in and get some help. Not everyone has moved over yet, but we're in the process of getting everyone there. We still plan to use this thread as much as we always have, but this will allow you to see specific Xbone-related posts only at your leisure.
The benefit of using this group is the group wall. For those unfamiliar, it's basically a live chat that all members can access and post in, and you can view this from your companion app or on your PC via It's easy to keep up with and you can see who is looking to do what at any given time. We've been using it since launch and it's how we've been able to knock everything out each week.
If you're interested, please request to join by clicking the X-bone below:
Bad to the Xbone is here to get you your gjallarhorns today!
As a side note; here's the most recent Xbone GT list I could find (it's very old). So for those not on here (I see several already missing), please add your name to the list with a link to your account so we can quickly add you. Also if you know some of these guys don't play anymore, let me know and I'll take them off the list.
- Liquidsnake00
- randomraaawr
- dmh33
- Korosenai
- Tapiozona
- purg3
- Iceman829
- Homeboyd903
- TacticalFailure
- yLEFTy
- Mortalikus
- Ev0lved1
- Vince DiCola
- Karl2177
- Macjester
- Toejam2501
- Guitaratomik
- NJ Shlice
- misterthirsty
- rlench
- justkelson
- Natural vV High
- Alienoutsida
- dmc spokane
- Karg
- Defyler
- Ruze789
- WipedOut
- Mocolostrocolos
- ThingontheFloor
- IHaveAnIce
- JRod2100
Have there been any whispers about how the game breaking combination of an arena/horde mode and the heavy ammo glitch will be handled?
I can't imagine them being cool with us using the first wave or two to litter the floor with purple ammo packs when you will stay in that same area for the whole encounter. I can only think of two options, fix the glitch or put the packs on a timer like PvP. I really, really hope they don't put them on a timer since I think ammo management would be one of the "fun" parts of a horde mode.
i'm still keeping at least 2 of the things that i enjoy using, because one never knows when there may be shenanigans and an item could be lost in time...I'm surprised this isn't getting talked about more. To me, this is the biggest innovation of the patch.
When I saw that little icon next to the name one of my guns and clicked it, only to find it let me "lock" my Fatebringer (so there's no way I can have too many pints and accidentally dismantle it), I was elated. I went through all my characters and locked everything, guns, armor, class items, ships, sparrows, and shaders.
Thank you! No more keeping that extra Word of Crota and Found Verdict in the Vault just in case. With the Destiny Item Manager allowing me to switch my loadouts with a couple button presses (if that), I can't see any reason to level up the same gun twice. Sure, if you want to have 3 max Fatebringers, go for it, but I'd rather just have one locked max Fatebringer and 3 loadouts in the Item Manager for it. This should have been a feature from Day 1, but at least it's here now!
i'm still keeping at least 2 of the things that i enjoy using, because one never knows when there may be shenanigans and an item could be lost in time...
So I did two Nightfalls tonight and got precisely fuck and all.
1: 7 Ass Shards.
Is there a lower reward tier than this? Really?
2: Legendary Engram*
Yes there is. This is it.
*It became a Badger CCL, which I already have. This one does have slightly better perks, having Firefly as one of the abilities. If it had decoded into more Ass Shards I may have deleted my characters and quit the game tonight
Hey Team Lonely Boner... Help has finally arrived! Our current Xbox One clan has created an Xbone only group over at we're planning to use to organize the weekly activities. We typically run all the same CP's each week, but always see others on Xbone in this thread looking for checkpoints, recruiting for raids and nightfalls, etc... and watch as their posts get covered up immediately with elated posts about how someone just got their hawkmoon or 4th horseman etc etc etc (yep, we're salty). So we figured this could be a good hub for you guys to land in and get some help. Not everyone has moved over yet, but we're in the process of getting everyone there. We still plan to use this thread as much as we always have, but this will allow you to see specific Xbone-related posts only at your leisure.
The benefit of using this group is the group wall. For those unfamiliar, it's basically a live chat that all members can access and post in, and you can view this from your companion app or on your PC via It's easy to keep up with and you can see who is looking to do what at any given time. We've been using it since launch and it's how we've been able to knock everything out each week.
If you're interested, please request to join by clicking the X-bone below:
Bad to the Xbone is here to get you your gjallarhorns today!
Have there been any whispers about how the game breaking combination of an arena/horde mode and the heavy ammo glitch will be handled?
I can't imagine them being cool with us using the first wave or two to litter the floor with purple ammo packs when you will stay in that same area for the whole encounter. I can only think of two options, fix the glitch or put the packs on a timer like PvP. I really, really hope they don't put them on a timer since I think ammo management would be one of the "fun" parts of a horde mode.
Hey Team Lonely Boner... Help has finally arrived! Our current Xbox One clan has created an Xbone only group over at we're planning to use to organize the weekly activities. We typically run all the same CP's each week, but always see others on Xbone in this thread looking for checkpoints, recruiting for raids and nightfalls, etc... and watch as their posts get covered up immediately with elated posts about how someone just got their hawkmoon or 4th horseman etc etc etc (yep, we're salty). So we figured this could be a good hub for you guys to land in and get some help. Not everyone has moved over yet, but we're in the process of getting everyone there. We still plan to use this thread as much as we always have, but this will allow you to see specific Xbone-related posts only at your leisure.
The benefit of using this group is the group wall. For those unfamiliar, it's basically a live chat that all members can access and post in, and you can view this from your companion app or on your PC via It's easy to keep up with and you can see who is looking to do what at any given time. We've been using it since launch and it's how we've been able to knock everything out each week.
If you're interested, please request to join by clicking the X-bone below:
Bad to the Xbone is here to get you your gjallarhorns today!
As a side note; here's the most recent Xbone GT list I could find (it's very old). So for those not on here (I see several already missing), please add your name to the list with a link to your account so we can quickly add you. Also if you know some of these guys don't play anymore, let me know and I'll take them off the list.
- Liquidsnake00
- randomraaawr
- dmh33
- Korosenai
- Tapiozona
- purg3
- Iceman829
- Homeboyd903
- TacticalFailure
- yLEFTy
- Mortalikus
- Ev0lved1
- Vince DiCola
- Karl2177
- Macjester
- Toejam2501
- Guitaratomik
- NJ Shlice
- misterthirsty
- rlench
- justkelson
- Natural vV High
- Alienoutsida
- dmc spokane
- Karg
- Defyler
- Ruze789
- WipedOut
- Mocolostrocolos
- ThingontheFloor
- IHaveAnIce
- JRod2100
- BlueNinja BE
Thanks Kadey!Alright thanks guys for the weeklies. I'm done for now. Will probably look for Atheon kills later tonight.
Sent a request and added myself to the list.
Any xboners online to take on HM or NM Crota? Wanna take this fucker doooown.
I can come on for NM but I will need walking through it. I've played every part of the Raid but never actually finished it. I will need a dummies guide through a lot of it
All right, add BlueNinja BE. Not sure if we'll be able to do it today, I can run sword in theory but I'd like to find a 32 to do it.
I've just send you a FR. If it's not tonight I will probably have to leave it until Monday evening. I'm working this weekend and I start at 6am GMT. Stupid job getting in the way of my gaming responsibilities![]()
As a suggestion, the XBone list should be added to the OP, and updated periodically, or to the post directly below it (both of which I can facilitate if needed), so it's not continually buried in the thread.
From the back i saw 3 rockets connect. But the shield regened to half when you got to the platform idk
Never heard of the sword dissapear nefore hm. Cheese was fixrd before hm
No disappearing swords. In fact two swords.?
Lol i thought they fixed that months ago, gaf has a video where crota goes down in 55 sec.
I can join you if we can form a group. Psn gunawiI know it's a long shot, but...
Anybody killing Crota on normal right now?
Still need the hunger.