Fate of all fools perk being changed to something... interesting. Spoilers if you don't want to know etc etc
Eh, I hate that kind of shit.
Fate of all fools perk being changed to something... interesting. Spoilers if you don't want to know etc etc
#smartlootTried the reddit cryptarch trick.
I saved up more engrams so I had 26 rare engrams to decrypt before trying the legendary special weapon engram I had.
Not a single rare turned to legendary. It was enough to nearly complete a full cryptarch rank.
Sounds good, thanks for the update. Like I said before, I only offered since nobody else seemed like they wanted to do it, haha.
Tried the reddit cryptarch trick.
I saved up more engrams so I had 26 rare engrams to decrypt before trying the legendary special weapon engram I had.
Not a single rare turned to legendary. It was enough to nearly complete a full cryptarch rank.
drizzay is going to lie about hunters not being the best isn't he
Second this notion.
Drizzay would not be lying.
Lie? Drizzay is gonna tell the cold hard truth. It's time for DestinyGAF to see the light!
as long as we all agree that warlocks suck
maybe comet's 3rd subclass will give you guys a proper jump
I ran into the same issue as Defyler.
Tried the reddit cryptarch trick.
I saved up more engrams so I had 26 rare engrams to decrypt before trying the legendary special weapon engram I had.
Not a single rare turned to legendary. It was enough to nearly complete a full cryptarch rank.
lol we'll just have to wait a few pages to find out... Xur should get us there soon.
Titan bros for life!
We can all agree on that.
On a more serious note, I can try to add things to the OP like class/subclass advice or descriptions but not sure if it would matter. Regulars know everything by now and I feel like usually new people just start reading wherever the thread is at instead of carefully perusing the OP.
Eh, I hate that kind of shit.
We can all agree on that. .
Destiny |OT20| No Raid! HoW Come? No Comet!
lol we'll just have to wait a few pages to find out... Xur should get us there soon.
Titan bros for life!
We can all agree on that.
On a more serious note, I can try to add things to the OP like class/subclass advice or descriptions but not sure if it would matter. Regulars know everything by now and I feel like usually new people just start reading wherever the thread is at instead of carefully perusing the OP.
Fits the subpar titles and relevant. Not bad.
And now we'll probably end up closing with some disgusting Titan chest pounding 'we bled on a wall' from a certain someone *coughNamicough*. Or Fig kills Zoba for trashing Hunter fashion.
decent range?the melee attacks have decent range
decent range?
If by decent you mean they can hit you from like 10 feet away then yes I'd agree. Then the other two classes must be downright terrible.
Sorry I just hate warlocks so fucking much. That goddamn fusion grenade and axion bolt and their melee attack is infuriating.
the only thing i've heard people groan about are the reskinned helmets. otherwise, i'd say the best dressed awards go to the 'locks.
I think force barrier only gives you the shield on a kill. The sunsingers have that flame shield on hit.well blink strike has the farthest lunge (and i think the backstab perk is a OHK from behind) and hunter's throwing knife can kill you across the map if it lands.
titans don't have much range, but force barrier gives you an overshield, so...
I think force barrier only gives you the shield on a kill. The sunsingers have that flame shield on hit.
I do love me some throwing knives though.
Hunters need exotic boots to jump as high as a Warlock or Titan can. Hunters have the shittiest jumps in the game. I hate playing my girlfriend's Hunter whenever there's jumping involved. They suck. Suck suck suck.as long as we all agree that warlocks suck
maybe comet's 3rd subclass will give you guys a proper jump
Hunters need exotic boots to jump as high as a Warlock or Titan can. Hunters have the shittiest jumps in the game. I hate playing my girlfriend's Hunter whenever there's jumping involved. They suck. Suck suck suck.
Do it. Don't forget to add the scrota hp and damage calculations in the OP![]()
As a new player I have read the shit out of the OP. I may not be the norm but don't discount that.
anyway, what are we doing for the OT? may as well make the new one now since Xur's about to show up.
When's the new OT going up? Go go DrDrizzay!
Hunters need exotic boots to jump as high as a Warlock or Titan can. Hunters have the shittiest jumps in the game. I hate playing my girlfriend's Hunter whenever there's jumping involved. They suck. Suck suck suck.
Thank you sir, because I didn't want to type it. The hunter triple jump is my favorite.i think you mean best jump
-it's the only jump that can jump again at any point before landing and still increase height. if you don't double tap the titan and warlock jumps, you will continue descending if you press it again while airborne.
-only jump that can fully change direction in mid air. double jump with directional control can 180, and triple jump can triangulate movements (jump off of the map, turn and then jump back on).
-only jump where you can fire your weapons almost immediately afterwards. titan and warlock lower the weapon while they're gliding or lifting, and firing your weapon will drop you in the air instantly. gliding and lifting takes longer to reach maximum height than jumping
height isn't everything. the titan has the edge in forward momentum and height, but you rarely need that in pvp. that's where mobility comes into play, and agility is the hunter's domain.
and we're getting boots that boost weapon accuracy in the air - lord have mercy
Thank you sir, because I didn't want to type it. The hunter triple jump is my favorite.
The only bad thing I can think of is that it's a bit harder to get into the cheese spot during the nexus fight.
I'll be up for a while so it shouldn't be an issue to time the new OT properly, depending on how long these last few pages take. I'll start working on it now since I've never made a Gaf thread, although I'm sure it's not exactly neuroscience.
What's a realistic expectation for Xur today? I'm going to assume he won't be selling the yolohorn
What's a realistic expectation for Xur today? I'm going to assume he won't be selling the yolohorn
What's a realistic expectation for Xur today? I'm going to assume he won't be selling the yolohorn
Hello DGAF! have been playing Destiny since the alpha and actively reading this thread for a while. looking forward to running with you guys in the future.
PSN: honjo73
I think today is Gjallarhorn day.What's a realistic expectation for Xur today? I'm going to assume he won't be selling the yolohorn
Welcome.Hello DGAF! have been playing Destiny since the alpha and actively reading this thread for a while. looking forward to running with you guys in the future.
PSN: honjo73
Welcome home good guardian.Hello DGAF! have been playing Destiny since the alpha and actively reading this thread for a while. looking forward to running with you guys in the future.
PSN: honjo73
the last word just to spite oddone
I don't approve of new people until they have a silly picture for an avatar.
You have been warned.
I think today is Gjallarhorn day.
... or Dragon Breath day