Need 3 for ds and crota normal
Psn robdraggoo
Still have room?
Need 3 for ds and crota normal
Psn robdraggoo
Need 3 for ds and crota normal
Psn robdraggoo
Anybody else still needing to run Hard Atheon x3?
| OT20 | Is really good soundHoly shit I actually made the wall of shame this time? Gawd! That's probably all that hawkmoon bitching lmao!
Wow, I should definitely raid with GAF more often. That was fast and I didn't die once! Thanks.Jion psn robdraggoo
I wouldn't say it was wrong. That was their plan and they delayed it because of the reaction to Dark Below. I think the May 19th datamined date is the new date.The leaked info graph with alleged dates for expansions turned out to be wrong. TDB launched exactly 3 months after the game. The chart had HoW launching 3 months later, and Comet 6 months after that.
Bungie hasn't said a beep about HoW. They started heavily pushing TDB a month before it came out. If they were shooting for a 4 month delay between TDB and HoW, that'd be an April release. But we're a month out from mid-April and still no word.
You guys think this'll be a May launch? Two more months without any new content is a very, very long time. I mean it's been 3 months since TDB and a lot of us found it to be thin on content even on the first week![]()
What do you guys think the rationale at Bungie has been to make the gap between TDB and HoW so long? I mean I'd have far more easily understood giving us a 5 month span with vanilla Destiny than with TDB as the content threshold. Maybe to avoid having too long of a pause between HoW and Comet?
Anybody else still needing to run Hard Atheon x3?
What do you guys think the rationale at Bungie has been to make the gap between TDB and HoW so long? I mean I'd have far more easily understood giving us a 5 month span with vanilla Destiny than with TDB as the content threshold. Maybe to avoid having too long of a pause between HoW and Comet?
Wow, I should definitely raid with GAF more often. That was fast and I didn't die once! Thanks.
The leaked info graph with alleged dates for expansions turned out to be wrong. TDB launched exactly 3 months after the game. The chart had HoW launching 3 months later, and Comet 6 months after that.
Bungie hasn't said a beep about HoW. They started heavily pushing TDB a month before it came out. If they were shooting for a 4 month delay between TDB and HoW, that'd be an April release. But we're a month out from mid-April and still no word.
You guys think this'll be a May launch? Two more months without any new content is a very, very long time. I mean it's been 3 months since TDB and a lot of us found it to be thin on content even on the first week![]()
What do you guys think the rationale at Bungie has been to make the gap between TDB and HoW so long? I mean I'd have far more easily understood giving us a 5 month span with vanilla Destiny than with TDB as the content threshold. Maybe to avoid having too long of a pause between HoW and Comet?
I need atheon 3 times. psn kortez1981
I wouldn't say it was wrong. That was their plan and they delayed it because of the reaction to Dark Below. I think the May 19th datamined date is the new date.
... But the raid is the only content that wasn't disc-locked or "lost."
Ok I'm probably the only one that cares about these details.
I think things like "more vault space" are holding it up. Didn't they push all of the quality of life updates before TDB content release? If I had to guess, they probably realize that things would melt if they gave us more stuff before opening up the vault, and without clearly defining whatever upgrade restrictions/systems/commodities they will have to bring your exotics up to 34 light and 364 attack.
There must be stuff we haven't talked about. We usually end up going off on tangents anyway.Well we can do one next weekend if you want. We will just have to come up with an idea I guess.
Is it weird that upon reflection I liked Dark Below and still feel ripped off by it?
The Urn and Wakening missions are some of my favorite encounters. I hate Crota glitches, but soloing normal is fun.
ME3 MP packs felt like they added more with less.
This is probably more a reflection on my own problems with the base content.
Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. Kashyyyk isn't going to take itself. Fuck the Wookies.
I feel that. It was a rip off for $20, and it did very little to deliver what we wanted from it, but what we did get we were able to have a reasonable amount of fun with anyhow. It would have been nice if it had interesting exotics and a challenging raid and maybe a deeper pool of content with less recycling, but at least we got some wacky bounties, a set of easy loot drops to gear us up for the next DLC and Crota totally points back when you point at him lolIs it weird that upon reflection I liked Dark Below and still feel ripped off by it?
The Urn and Wakening missions are some of my favorite encounters. I hate Crota glitches, but soloing normal is fun.
ME3 MP packs felt like they added more with less.
This is probably more a reflection on my own problems with the base content.
Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. Kashyyyk isn't going to take itself. Fuck the Wookies.
LOL, I hope so too but think it's extremely doubtful. HoW will probably be a Raid, 2-3 Strikes, a handful of Story missions and a handful of Exotics. I'm pumped for it because this game is our crack but I don't expect much more than what TDB offered. Fingers crossed, I'd love to be wrong.More content being added to HoW is what I'd like to think.... That's probably foolish though.
Well I don't doubt they're working but you know launch dates on this kind of thing are more of a business and administrative decision than a development one. This isn't an afterthought DLC; the bases for it have been worked on even before the game launched. Not to suggest that glitching into an area means it's been 100% all along and just DLC/time gated for the fun of it, but I doubt an effort like finishing up the details on HoW would require 5 months. From scratch maybe, but we know there's a large portion of it which doesn't require ground-up work.They are probably just hard at work making the house of wolves. Game development takes time. I doubt its 100% finished and they are just holding it.
Finally, dat revenant shader! Only had to reach level 9 to get it.
I'll bet they planned HoW to be on-par with TDB and when everybody told them it was a rip-off they realized they had fucked themselves by building HoW into the vanilla game and limiting themselves, so now they're scrambling trying to figure out how to cram an actual expansion into something like TDB's scope.LOL, I hope so too but think it's extremely doubtful. HoW will probably be a Raid, 2-3 Strikes, a handful of Story missions and a handful of Exotics. I'm pumped for it because this game is our crack but I don't expect much more than what TDB offered. Fingers crossed, I'd love to be wrong.
Well I don't doubt they're working but you know launch dates on this kind of thing are more of a business and administrative decision than a development one. This isn't an afterthought DLC; the bases for it have been worked on even before the game launched. Not to suggest that glitching into an area means it's been 100% all along and just DLC/time gated for the fun of it, but I doubt an effort like finishing up the details on HoW would require 5 months. From scratch maybe, but we know there's a large portion of it which doesn't require ground-up work.
Take TDB's strikes and missions. Very little new geometry (reusing existing assets), zero new enemy designs (and the attending AI that new enemies would entail). No new vehicle types. No new weapon types. No new subclasses. I mean the kind of stuff that would really require a long time just hasn't been added.
Not dissing on the dev team but it really feels like this delay is more of a business decision. Which I don't mind at all. I just wonder whether, business wise, this long a gap is really the best idea.
I don't see how they don't have a commendation economy yet - half the packages I get are just that and a coin or some trash like that.Feel my envy. Feel it.
I gave up on thatShaders seem like they would have been a great way of using excess Commendations but alas, they're the true endgame loot. Zero way of getting them other than luck and with fewer rolls than Exotics (Gorgon x2, NF, Crota, Atheon, DS vs. faction level up).
That's selling them short though.They were free though. It's completely fair to still feel ripped off by TDB.
Concur. I've had a lot of fun with, Destiny.I feel that. It was a rip off for $20, and it did very little to deliver what we wanted from it, but what we did get we were able to have a reasonable amount of fun with anyhow.
I'll bet they planned HoW to be on-par with TDB and when everybody told them it was a rip-off they realized they had fucked themselves by building HoW into the vanilla game and limiting themselves, so now they're scrambling trying to figure out how to cram an actual expansion into something like TDB's scope.
I don't see how they don't have a commendation economy yet - half the packages I get are just that and a coin or some trash like that.
I don't approve of this thread
Still a couple spots for sword school tonight if interested
Only the title, The Arena, and the levels, 32 and 34. Interestingly enough they also datamined a level 31 VoG and 3 man Arena.I thought someone found the Raid in a datamine, but no one successfully glitched into it prior.
What's Mythocast?
Honestly I felt like TDB was good value for $20. And I'm not even a hardcore Destiny fanboy in the least.
This is only because I immensely enjoyed Crota raid. The improved drop rates, high repeatability, and vast amount of new raid weapons really did seal the deal. The new multiplayer maps were well done (Skyshock I just don't like but its' high quality).
Granted, I'm back down to casual play again (once a week) and with Bloodborne arriving I will likely remain casual
Maybe, I don't expect them to deviate from the original plan too much. 1 Raid, 1 Strike and 3 Story missions from the leaked slide
Any additional resources are going to things like Vault upgrade. At most they create one more "backwards" strike. Nothing to dev heavy.
I think people do the math.
Main game $60: 1 Raid, 20 Story Missions and 5 Strikes.
Expansion $20: 1 raid, 3 Story Missions and 1 Strike.
Add in a couple Strikes for PS Users.
Less than 1/3 the content added but at 1/3 the price.
You forgot PvP and weapons.
The last episode was uploaded 2/7/15. Looks like Destiny isn't the only thing lacking new contentThe DestinyGAF official podcast. Look up mythocast on iTunes and you will see it.
The last episode was uploaded 2/7/15. Looks like Destiny isn't the only thing lacking new content![]()