Flying Toaster
didn;t it used to be fri-sun?
Unless you count the first two hours of Sunday as Sunday.
didn;t it used to be fri-sun?
What is everyone doing to prepare for the new DLC? Maxing which weapons? Maxing Vanguard rep? I need to get materials for my hunter but doing strikes don't interest me anymore. The grind is wearing on me that i'm maybe playing a couple times a week and only to do the easiest of bounties. I haven't done a raid the last 2 weeks and this week I haven't done the gorgon chest yet...
Gala said:Anyone up for a roc train? Wann level some weapons and get engrams and rep.
Today 09:19 AM
Yup, I'll help you.I wanna try for that flawless raider/raiding party trophy...anyone here up for it?
I wanna try for that flawless raider/raiding party trophy...anyone here up for it?
There should be a run Oracles and Templar from the ground campaign lol!
Well the Templar relic disappearing means the relic holder has to stay in the Templar well even if the rest of the team can stay up too. So it does prevent some cheese.
Started playing Crucible a few days ago.
Actually having fun with it.
Probably a lot of scrubs playing these days,
But I even carried a few games at the top of the leaderboard.
Might try to max out my Crucible marks and get to Crucible rank three before HoW on my toons...
See how far I get...
Which gametype have you been playing my friend? I just recently started playing Skirmish again
I wanna try for that flawless raider/raiding party trophy...anyone here up for it?
Oh man the feels I get from that pic. I was the young tender #Forever29 in that pic (sandboxgod).
Thanks for looking! It will make his day when I tell him tomorrow. He did the abyss too, but I didn't save that.
I was in a group this afternoon doing CE HM, all level 32, and we simply could not get Crota to drop. Rather frustrating as everyone involved was experienced with this raid and all knew their role (and did it). At least everyone kept high spirits and there was no finger pointing.
Next time Cota!
That'd suck. Exclusive content when there's so little to begin with is awful. If they switch platforms with it I'm going to walk. There's no way I'm gonna Ji66a_Man that shit.
I've noticed that too, a couple of wipes isn't that big of a deal and if everyone is fairly experienced it's not too difficult. Going up top is sooo boring for me, I enjoy the challenge and Oracles/Templer legit might be one of the more (if not most) challenging aspects of the game save certain NFs depending on modifiers. Of course, playing the raid for fun as opposed to just for phat lewtz might have us slightly biased and surely in the minorityNobody can do HM Oracles anymore, it's hilarious. Did a full HM VoG with 5 non-Gaf friends last night and they said "yeah let's do everything legit!"... they were all dead before the end of the 3rd Oracle wave.
Immediately they all wanted to cheese, smdh. Oracles is a really fun phase that goes by quick but it's been majorly lost in the dark corners of time.
I'd be down for a fresh NM CE if you are still looking, or any other raid variation if anyone is interested... especially flawless VoG!Down for NM CE
Going up top is sooo boring for me
Of course, playing the raid for fun as opposed to just for phat lewtz might have us slightly biased and surely in the minority![]()
Just leveled up my Red Death, hoping that it will be good in Crucible. Can anyone tell me how good it is?
Wait for the Atheon drops at about 40 sec
Three horns with two first timers.
lolwut? What about all the Xbox people who had to deal with the same thing on launch?
I mean, I doubt it'll happen, but still. It'll be funny seeing people whine about it when box users already got shafted by it. Hopefully, though, that proved that exclusivity helped no one.
It's great. Top tier exotic since the PR buff, although I agree with Zoba that hand cannons are still king of primaries, especially for people that know how to use TLW.
Is anyone doing HM Crota? Still haven't done it yet and would like some of them raid primaries.
There's just me, Kartik and Mickey for Flawless raider now.
Anyone else here ?
Whoa never notice the girl on the left till you posted that larger picture. Hmm feel like I should finish Ico and Shadow of the Colossus now.
Just leveled up my Red Death, hoping that it will be good in Crucible. Can anyone tell me how good it is?
The GAF speculation spiral.why is everyone worried that the Xbox will get exclusive content~!
I'd be up for trying If you guys are planning on running VoG. Haven't really got enough experience with CE to feel comfortable if thats the plan though.
Because the Xbox players in this thread are shills and have hijacked this OT to get people to buy an Xbox one next month. That was stage one. Stage two is exclusive content. Or something.why is everyone worried that the Xbox will get exclusive content~!
The GAF speculation spiral.
A poster in a thread said something that could be interpreted as a hint that Sony is getting CoD marketing deal at E3. There is zero source or information other than that vague cryptic post.
Other posters have not only made a leap in assuming that this is true but that MS would somehow retaliate to losing CoD by snatching Destiny.
If people keep posting assumptions of potential MS Destiny content eventually some blog or site will write an article citing "rumors" that this is happening. This, in turn, will fuel more people posting about it claiming to have a source from the Internet. This happens very, very often and is summarized in a way you might be familiar with:
GAF > Internet > GAF
Because the Xbox players in this thread are shills and have hijacked this OT to get people to buy an Xbox one next month. That was stage one. Stage two is exclusive content. Or something.
CE flawless is still much easier than VoG even if you're less experienced. As long as you have an experienced team and sword bearer. Even if you die on Crota it takes ~20 minutes to get back there, whereas you won't be to Templar after 20 minutes on VoG.
why is everyone worried that the Xbox will get exclusive content~!
Is anyone doing HM Crota? Still haven't done it yet and would like some of them raid primaries.
If you're doing a full run I would be down for it.
Because the Xbox players in this thread are shills and have hijacked this OT to get people to buy an Xbox one next month. That was stage one. Stage two is exclusive content. Or something.
CE flawless is still much easier than VoG even if you're less experienced. As long as you have an experienced team and sword bearer. Even if you die on Crota it takes ~20 minutes to get back there, whereas you won't be to Templar after 20 minutes on VoG.
I wanna try for that flawless raider/raiding party trophy...anyone here up for it?
The GAF speculation spiral.
A poster in a thread said something that could be interpreted as a hint that Sony is getting CoD marketing deal at E3. There is zero source or information other than that vague cryptic post.
Other posters have not only made a leap in assuming that this is true but that MS would somehow retaliate to losing CoD by snatching Destiny.
If people keep posting assumptions of potential MS Destiny content eventually some blog or site will write an article citing "rumors" that this is happening. This, in turn, will fuel more people posting about it claiming to have a source from the Internet. This happens very, very often and is summarized in a way you might be familiar with:
GAF > Internet > GAF
Because the Xbox players in this thread are shills and have hijacked this OT to get people to buy an Xbox one next month. That was stage one. Stage two is exclusive content. Or something.
Count me in for this, just hit me up if it kicks off!
Alright.I still need to do this.
I don't know why but I am terrible with TLW. I own with Hawkmoon though. Any tips on how to use TLW?
Also first game with Red Death, ended up backing out since my team left but I did pretty good. I only got to benefit from the health regen once but that seems like a life saver.
Kartik and Mickey are you still up?