Actually my biggest complaint with how they deal with armor now.
For any that have the dead orbit shader what lvl did you get dead orbit to when you got it?
Guess Who's Back Home!
Still 3 weeks no weight bearing, but GODDAMN does it feel GOOD to be HOME
Will sign into PS4 + Destiny in 30 minutes!, need that Gorgon HM checkpoint PLEASE!
Anyone running reset nightfalls and raids?
Wicked and I may be on by the time you work your way from Xbone to PS4.
Welcome back, hope everything is going well!Guess Who's Back Home!
Still 3 weeks no weight bearing, but GODDAMN does it feel GOOD to be HOME
Will sign into PS4 + Destiny in 30 minutes!, need that Gorgon HM checkpoint PLEASE!
Lies!No worries, was just kidding.
I'm around dead orbit rank 10-12 on all three characters and have gotten four bittersteel shaders.
I was about to get really jealous but then I realized you said three characters. It's still good luck but much more reasonable than getting a shader in about 25-50% of your packages.I'm around dead orbit rank 10-12 on all three characters and have gotten four bittersteel shaders.
Wont be on for reset, do you or whomever have all the checkpoints that require saving?
Trying to do atheon hard mode from gorgons if 3 want in.
Me and a friend are available to do crota on hard or normal. Psn: reaperchad
We'll be able to join in 5We have 4. PSN blorez
We ended up finishing it. Doing a crota normal right now if you need it.I need 2 Atheon kills if you guys are still doing it.
I'm around dead orbit rank 10-12 on all three characters and have gotten four bittersteel shaders.
Hoping for hanged man or of course revenant.
Fellow XBox One players, a question.
I noticed a few days ago that if someone sent me a message or I tried to send one while in Crucible, I got kicked to orbit. I'd have a message saying I left the fireteam and was returned to orbit.
Today, I found that this continues in strikes and patrols as well. Anyone else seeing this?
My 360 still has no issues with me stopping to start up or receive a message.
Deathsinger b2b 2 no land beyonds.
Game trolled me hard.
Combined with my 3 characters, I am around 76 ranks with 1 shader and 0 ships to show for it. Drop rate seems a bit low from where I'm sitting.
I was doing a strike earlier and received a message with no issue. Not sure about crucible.
Guess Who's Back Home!
zola's pvp tips are amazing. moar pls
pls ;_;
GLord list has been updated again. Props to SaneManPritch as our 90th Lord!
Could you be lucky #100?
Nice, glad people are reading the OP links.
I'm totally for real working on CE flawless guide now. For serious this time.
-Don't use Rockets till Crota
-Don't use Grenades
-Don't Die
GLord list has been updated again. Props to SaneManPritch as our 90th Lord!
Could you be lucky #100?
Nice, glad people are reading the OP links.
I'm totally for real working on CE flawless guide now. For serious this time.
Yup, pretty much. Also, be level 32 and have a few titans with saint-14 in your group c:
RNG loves you.
Btw I might as well say I can't do it next week either T_T I can hold on to the checkpoints throughout the week and let someone grab it before the reset as an insurances.I will be on with a couple of clan mates. We have gorgon hard and Crota hard.
Wow cool stuff welcome back!Guess Who's Back Home!
Still 3 weeks no weight bearing, but GODDAMN does it feel GOOD to be HOME
Will sign into PS4 + Destiny in 30 minutes!, need that Gorgon HM checkpoint PLEASE!
zola's pvp tips are amazing. moar pls
pls ;_;
-Don't use Rockets till Crota
-Don't use Grenades
-Don't Die
Edit: Listen to Katy Perry's Firework before starting. (you all laugh but our first flawless attempt failed, we started again later that day and listened to the song and it worked)
think so? reading over it, it seems a bit basic
I think communication and adaptation is also really important.
If something doesn't go according to the plan, how do you respond as a team.
Some players might freak out at that point, I might be guilty of that as well when I saw Crota stand up way to fast when Tears was slashing away the last of his health in our flawless run.
Yeah this is very important. Communication is the most critical thing in a flawless run.
Actually now that I think of it communication is pretty much the most critical skill in life...
Fuck me. I really wanted to attribute it all to Katy Perry.
I think it was mostly Katy perry though. 98% Katy Perry. 2% other.
-Don't Die
Flawless guide is complete. Link added to the OP guys, check it out!
Flawless guide is complete. Link added to the OP guys, check it out!
Great stuff Drizzay! We know we chose wisely![]()
think so? reading over it, it seems a bit basic and i don't think i went into enough detail about how to play with the gun. there's some good information in there for sure, but i probably could elaborate more about challenging and positioning.
perhaps that's more general advice than last word tips specifically, and i wouldn't be the best person for that. hell, i could follow my own advice more often and stop putting myself in dumb situations that lead to avoidable deaths.
shooting is only half the game. it can't really be taught, but it can be practiced. decision making on the other hand is something you must learn and constantly be aware of. you could say using the weapon effectively depends almost entirely on being in position to do so. and that's really difficult when the weapon is unleveled because it's fighting against its effective range.
You're one of the best PvP players on the planet. Your opinions have more value than you give yourself credit for, people appreciate your input.
Anyone down to do x3 Nightfall once the reset hits?