Has this been posted yet? Nightfall/weekly heroic won't be up next week for a few hours between reset & the time HoW releases.
aw, man, those were HILARIOUS!In the spirit of good vibrations, here's something we can all support: Phaethon getting pwned by supers.
Golden Gunned up close:
Bladedanced in the butt:
Titan Smash turns him jelly:
In general, we expect all threads to roughly stay on topic and encourage this as a matter of policy, not just community threads. Community threads present a couple of unique issues. The first is accessibility: when new players pick up the game, and want to talk about it on GAF, they often turn to the community threads. Entering a topic about the game they want to talk about and seeing it filled with Bloodborn boss discussion and other random topics can be off-putting (and we've seen a few folks come through these threads recently and make posts along the lines of, "Is this community always like this?" That's not a good thing.) As a side note, Destiny is still selling; I poked into the PAL sales thread and saw it was #10 on the combined platform charts this week, 8+ months from release. Still plenty of new members coming in.if it's kosher to divulge some of that discussion, why is this frowned upon? Was allowing future threads of a certain activity level to remain on gaming side for longer discussed?
What did you call me?
I like it too. I also really like Dust Palace, which for some reason everyone seems to hate.
It'll be the Shadow Thief. You'll have to at the very least play all the story missions to unlock it. And for some reason, I have a feeling it will be solar burn.
Uh, all, what the heck did Rob post? That looks like the longest link in the history of the intertubes
Has this list of best new vendor weapons been discussed? What is everyone eyeing?
I think when TDB came out I was too focused on using my marks for armor, especially because I was a forever-29. I'm going to buy some weapons this time.
Definitely got my eye on Deadshot Luna (New Monarchy) and Vanguard's 55A- ALLFATE and One/One Synesthete. Crucible hand cannon looks nice too. It'll be interesting to think about this stuff now that we can reroll these weapons. I want Red Hand also, but I feel like ascending some of my staple hand cannons (Hawkmoon, FB) will be a priority.
Has this been posted yet? Nightfall/weekly heroic won't be up next week for a few hours between reset & the time HoW releases.
I think I know the reason for this, and it's one you guys will be very happy about.
Have you maxed out your new HoPF yet?Is it the 19th yet? I'm ready to don my robes and get my space magic on. I've been honing my force push. Its range is more OP than ever. Fig won't be able to handle its gloriousness.
No ? Only ! Now
Have you maxed out your new HoPF yet?
I like Dust Palace. Three smaller bosses is an interesting change of pace from the usual one huge lumbering jerk boss at the end of most strikes. The juggling of different elemental shields is a fun deal if you have a fireteam that are coordinating that in advance.
Listen here, Gjallarhorn bib..
Dude this weekend I told Ragarra to bust you because I thought you deleted me. Then I realized you weren't even in the party with your name on it.
I Loled - Party fail
In general, we expect all threads to roughly stay on topic and encourage this as a matter of policy, not just community threads. Community threads present a couple of unique issues. The first is accessibility: when new players pick up the game, and want to talk about it on GAF, they often turn to the community threads. Entering a topic about the game they want to talk about and seeing it filled with Bloodborn boss discussion and other random topics can be off-putting (and we've seen a few folks come through these threads recently and make posts along the lines of, "Is this community always like this?" That's not a good thing.) As a side note, Destiny is still selling; I poked into the PAL sales thread and saw it was #10 on the combined platform charts this week, 8+ months from release. Still plenty of new members coming in.
The other has to do with how communities come together and can become insular over time. This is again related to accessibility, but the side effects can be more corrosive to the forum as a whole. Close knit communities - especially gaming communities - sometimes take on this attitude that they are some kind of offshoot from GAF ,with their own identity. DestinyGAF is a thing, but the GAF part is just as important as the Destiny part. We see this from time to time when someone makes a disparaging post about those "gaming side threads". As in god, those gaming threads are awful, let's stay in here where it's safe and warm. (I've made some posts discouraging this in the past.) This kind of insularity can also be unwelcoming for new players wanting to come in. When coupled with a community that is also going wildly off topic with frequency, you have a thread that is very unwelcoming to new people, and which is no longer serving the purpose for which the thread was created: to be a place in which all active players of a game can feel welcome posting. We've seen some communities turn actively hostile to new members, especially if they come in with differing views. Our moderation policies are generally in place to prevent this kind of thing, but it's tough since there are a LOT of active community threads, but limited moderators. We do what we can.
As to leaving more active threads on the main forum, it has been discussed. The original issue the Community forum was intended to solve was, allowing the front page of the forum (which is the most widely used view on GAF) to be populated by current news topics, and so serve as a source for discussion of current gaming news. As the forum grew and there were enough members to keep a large number of OT's active at once, it was crowding out other threads and diluting that purpose. After some iteration, the current policy evolved: gaming OT's move to Community after one month, regardless of how active they are. This solves a few issues: 1) we don't need to pick and choose what threads are active enough to keep around, and 2) it sets the expectation that the Community forum is not a "junior" forum to Gaming. We don't want Community to feel like a dumping ground for unpopular or old OT's, but rather a part of GAF with a specific purpose. Imagine how some communities would feel snubbed somehow if there were not left in Gaming, but others were. (It would be a big thing we'd have to deal with.)
Hope that helps clarify things. Feel free to PM with any other moderation questions.![]()
Bungie do not, DO NOT, put me in games that are down by 1500 points.
TDB content was available upon reset if I recall correctly.Wonder what Bungie's rationale is for 10am PST release, why not a standard midnight release?
Were there issues with TDB release?
I vaguely remember something about that. I wasn't on more than a couple mins this weekend. I had a buddy in town from NYC and I was trying to prove to him that Southern Alabama was almost as fun as NYC. This is of course not accurate so I basically took him on a drinking binge in a misguided attempt to convince him of said inaccuracy.
I don't even know if what I just said even makes sense. I killed a LOT of brain cells this weekend.
So are we doing Nightfall as well?
I'm mostly looking at special and heavy vendor weapons. I mostly deal in PRs for primary (based on my loot drops since day 1 I am clearly the favored disciple of the PR god) and I don't really like the look of any of the vendor PRs so far. None of them seem to fall into the high impact category. My current stable is going to be hard to beat anyway, reforging or no. Am interested to see how much of an impact Hidden Hand has on auto-aim, though.
I'm definitely eyeing the Admonisher III. If Pacifier X had Flared Magwell I'd jump on it probably.
For any strike (or story mission for that matter), as long as there is no physical barrier preventing you from advancing, you can just go regardless of what's left alive. So as soon as the "light wall" is down you can just run for it all the way to the boss room.how do you skip the middle section. I dont even know what the triggers are for the next section. I just kill things until the game says I can move on. I really dont understand the pacing of the strike. granted I dont run it that often if I can help it.
Yeah Omnigul is great too, but the real key is all the yellows/majors that are teleported in during the boss fight. It's on the order of the Gatekeeper room in VoG, but it lasts as long as you want it to. If you just massacre the boss in 20 seconds with WoL/Gjallarhorn/shotguns, then it admittedly isn't as profitable, and Omnigul probably wins.More glimmer than Ommigul? I haven't paid too close attention, but Omnigul just has soooo many adds, the glimmer just piles up.
Do we even have a third?It's up to you. We need to do-
Depending on the nightfall, we can knock those out in 30 minutes or so.
TDB content was available upon reset if I recall correctly.
The other has to do with how communities come together and can become insular over time. This is again related to accessibility, but the side effects can be more corrosive to the forum as a whole. Close knit communities - especially gaming communities - sometimes take on this attitude that they are some kind of offshoot from GAF ,with their own identity. DestinyGAF is a thing, but the GAF part is just as important as the Destiny part. We see this from time to time when someone makes a disparaging post about those "gaming side threads". As in god, those gaming threads are awful, let's stay in here where it's safe and warm. (I've made some posts discouraging this in the past.) This kind of insularity can also be unwelcoming for new players wanting to come in.
I wonder if it's because the daily/weekly content is tied to HoW.
Is this even English?
Do we even have a third?
And I wholly agree on keeping the thread on topic. we can have fun discussions and be silly, maybe a post about "hey guys have you played X" as long as it doesnt turn into an enlongated discussion about it.
Has this been posted yet? Nightfall/weekly heroic won't be up next week for a few hours between reset & the time HoW releases.
I reintroduced Dust Palace to a couple of my clanmates by telling them it's like a mini PoE with the different elemental shields on the Flayers (and the reduced XP from the last patch). They were much more receptive after we took them down without ever retreating to the top of the stairs and just attacking everything up close with shotguns, heavy and melees. It's an intense fight that way. And hella fun compared to the other strikes!
Two things made this strike one of the better ones nowadays: Shotgun PvE buff and reduced Flayer XP.
NM Crota is much much easier. VOG people still choke on the platforming and it really sucks. It's even worse if someone chokes with the relic inside with the oracles.
Deathsinger on Normal is really the only place you could have an issue but that is more just carelessness then anything.
They promised that with HoW the NF and the weekly heroic would be different so at least one of them should be an old strike.
Yes, Destiny GAF is indeed a pretty welcoming Community. Certainly the most so I've ever been involved in. <3Thanks for all your clarifications Ghaleon. Regarding this particular point that you just made above, I think a lot of people from DGAF try to be very welcoming to new players and a lot of people respond to their posts and we invite them to add us and we try to answer all their questions.
To the point of Destiny "gaming side threads", a lot of us feel that they are all filled with mostly drive by garbage posts like "destiny sucks didn't you hear?" etc and it's a waste of time to attempt to engage in meaningful discussion about Destiny with people over there when whatever you say you mostly get bombarded with an overwhelming number of drive by posts like that...
Oh good, I wasn't aware this one was made public yet. Where was this nugget dropped at? I missed it. (If that split is a feature of the HoW update, then it might explain why the weekly strikes are not live until the HoW is.)They promised that with HoW the NF and the weekly heroic would be different so at least one of them should be an old strike.
Do we even have a third?
I would like to add a suggestion for gaming side. There alot of "your favorite boss in X", or "does video game music every make you cry". Perhaps another sub-forum like GAMING GENERAL DISCUSSION or something would be able to keep the news front loaded. Its not that I dont like those threads, there quite amusing, but when I have to go back a couple pages to find a duscussion on the newest "whatever trailer" it can be frustrating.
Can't you just reroll it for that? I feel like I am going to be a maniac with rerolling weapons at the gunsmith, especially after I get all those Motes from my leftover shards/energies.
We need a Hunter to complete us. I got the fists, you got the magic, we need the knives.Hmmm..
Hey, Guardian!
Take me with you!
Which of you two main a hunter?If your looking for a tag along I still have stuff to do.
But I understand if you don't want a sidekick
I am the one who Thirds. Pretty please.Hmmm..
We need a Hunter to complete us.
Which of you two main a hunter?
Yes, Destiny GAF is indeed a pretty welcoming Community. Certainly the most so I've ever been involved in. <3
Oh good, I wasn't aware this one was made public yet. Where was this nugget dropped at? I missed it. (If that split is a feature of the HoW update, then it might explain why the weekly strikes are not live until the HoW is.)