It's okay, Todd. Let it go.
That's great. He did a great job. He is showing some advanced skills there. He will be out playing you before you know it.![]()
I agree with this.Whining? I don't need an Xbox list. But you making such a big kerfuffle over someone politely asking if you could update the OP, and you pretty much going 'But muh hatred', is childish. You literally couldn't edit, scroll all the way to the bottom, type 'XBone Player list' and copy paste the link posted, is extremely childish.
This is where you're wrong. I don't 'need' that list, I play on the PS4. But I'm going to call you out when you're acting like a drama queen over how much you hate Microsoft and that you possibly can't edit the OP because it would go against your hatred of MS. Hell, you had already edited the OP earlier that day, was it really that hard to spend a minute editing it again?.
It's pathetic, todd. It really is. It's childish. And that shit doesn't belong over in the Destiny Community. It certainly doesn't belong on NeoGAF, this isn't GameFAQs.
I think everyone gets that at some point in their life, and its always the high you just keep chasing.Thanks for looking! It will make his day when I tell him tomorrow. He did the abyss too, but I didn't save that.
The best part was when he beat the first ogre, he looks at me and starts telling me about how his heart is racing. It was a totally new sensation for him, and to watch him experience that was awesome.
The best part was when he beat the first ogre, he looks at me and starts telling me about how his heart is racing. It was a totally new sensation for him, and to watch him experience that was awesome.
Fun run guys. Thanks.
I promised my kid that I'd share his solo bridge run... so here it is:
He's using my titan since he is only level 30 on his account. Nothing we haven't seen before, but he's only six. The first but is him waiting for his super to charge.
After not playing console games for 5+ years I purchased a PS4 for Bloodborne and have been playing Destiny for a few weeks. I've managed to get to 26 and have been on quite a few strikes however I've yet to hear a single person use a mic. Is that odd? I'm just trying to figure out if there's some issues with my connection/headset or if it's just a matter of people not talking in public on consoles since party chat became available.
if anyone's interested, i started an unnecessarily long in depth analysis of the pvp maps a while ago. i'd forgotten about it until just now. i planned to make it all fancy with pictures and graphs, but it's been sitting in my documents gathering dust. it's probably outdated but i can post some of it for now.
edit: actually i think i already posted some of it a few OTs back. bieberidontrecall.gif
Yeah I still get nervous on that final sword. With the amount of bugs and stuff it just feels like luck whether or not you beat him, so you're always expecting something to go wrongCrota hard still gets my heart pumping :x
huh I'd check it out
Please do. I am interested in the informed opinion of higher tier PvPers. You see the game in an entirely different light than my scrubby perspective.
After not playing console games for 5+ years I purchased a PS4 for Bloodborne and have been playing Destiny for a few weeks. I've managed to get to 26 and have been on quite a few strikes however I've yet to hear a single person use a mic. Is that odd? I'm just trying to figure out if there's some issues with my connection/headset or if it's just a matter of people not talking in public on consoles since party chat became available.
After not playing console games for 5+ years I purchased a PS4 for Bloodborne and have been playing Destiny for a few weeks. I've managed to get to 26 and have been on quite a few strikes however I've yet to hear a single person use a mic. Is that odd? I'm just trying to figure out if there's some issues with my connection/headset or if it's just a matter of people not talking in public on consoles since party chat became available.
Could play online, but all Xbox features: friends list, party, microphone, messaging, etc. were completely borked.
Is Microsoft getting DDoS'd right now?
(basing this off of the current
Thanks for the responses guys. I'll get myself geared up a little better and will hopefully get a chance to play with DGAF some time soon.
"Hooked", "addicted", oh god, what did I do?
I think he'll be alright though. He was too busy picking up older women today to think about video games. He saw this girl at his brother's baseball game, walked over and sat on a fence near her, and two words later she was sitting next to him. Cool as a cucumber.
I'm playing Skirmish right now too. We could be donging together.Guess I picked the right time to go into Skirmish solo, then.
Could play online, but all Xbox features: friends list, party, microphone, messaging, etc. were completely borked.
Is Microsoft getting DDoS'd right now?
(basing this off of the current
great thing about the xbox one is you can snap skype and use that in lieu of party chat
I can't tell if this is stealth trolling or not...
I'm watching you
We need 2-3 for some Crota normal mode action.
1. Me
2. FirewalkR
3. x_Mafix_ox
BTW PS4...
Well I just bought BB. Time to die a lot.
Oh, Bloodborne. I thought BB was an acronym for some weapon in Destiny and I was really confused.Enjoy it - best game on the PS4.
Could play online, but all Xbox features: friends list, party, microphone, messaging, etc. were completely borked.
Is Microsoft getting DDoS'd right now?
(basing this off of the current
I'm sorry deku. I was being stubborn. I was only thinking about myself and not the rest of us. I don't know what's wrong with me. I baited the entire thread into a stupid squabble.
I don't know what to say. I was being childish like the others said. I really like you guys a lot. Why else would I post here almost daily when there's no new destiny content to play. I haven't been coming here to find groups. I have no need for groups until may. I just come to hang out and talk about destiny with like minded people and I've lost sight of that.
Well I just bought BB. Time to die a lot.
Dealing void damage for the Thorn bounty is pretty hard as a Hunter now that there's so much less special ammo in PvP. It'd be cool if they'd lower the requirement.
Dealing void damage for the Thorn bounty is pretty hard as a Hunter now that there's so much less special ammo in PvP. It'd be cool if they'd lower the requirement.
I don't have either of those. :-(probably going to have to use epilogue or word of crota in the mean time
Yeah, I'm making slow progress. It's just reallllly slow. I'm pretty good at PvP and go at least +10 in almost all my matches, so my K/D is fine. I just don't deal enough void damage.Just camp the heavy ammo and sit your ass down invis until it spawns.