Sure I don't mind running it with you. Think I have you on my friends list already. Give me 10.Anyone else for nightfall?
psn Bicep_Curls
I can load it up if you still need it in ~10 as well.Anybody have normal gatekeeper? Need to farm.
I think there are only 3 new guns? It's an exotic bounty from Skolas.
I want that so bad, only one of the 3 I would actually use.Bow.
If Squid is ok with it, doesn't matter to me. I will openly admit that I don't think I'm good enough to carry two not good players, though I don't know how good either of you are, just saying.
Yea, let me get the kid to bed.
Was playing on a 4-2 card (win or go home), down 3-4 on the match against a really good group of aggressive people. Tied it 4-4 and it was 1v1... they had 2 warlocks rez and I rez and revived a teammate to Titan smash Enemy Warlock #1 while me and Enemy Warlock #2 on traded kills on each other and someone our Titan died in the middle of it all, and our Hunter finished their last guy 1v1 with a golden gun as he was reviving his teammate. Crazy. Marvel saved the video thankfully.
Thanks Marvel and stb, very good matches. Won 2 rounds 9s and lost 1 round 9. 3 out of 7 games went to the final round is pretty insane.
We're just looking to win 5. Mostly BSing . Not hardcore run.Need one for ToO.
Psn: thenal84
34 Titan. j_rocca42Need 1 for 34 PoE!
We're just looking to win 5. Mostly BSing . Not hardcore run.
Thanks Irawr. If anybody else wants to glimmer farm just join on me. Will probably max it twice. One for current stuff and another to prepare for IB.
34 Titan. j_rocca42one more for PoE 34. Join on perineumlick
Need one for ToO.
Psn: thenal84
Broke the bad streak! thanks mr. Stephen and Myopic!
Friend invite sentNeed 1 more for lvl 32 PoE. PSN: Darknyss
Was going to join Darknyss, but I'm guessing they're full up now. Let's do this.Anybody up for PoE 32?
PS. I just eat a big pizza right now... so good.
Sure I don't mind running it with you. Think I have you on my friends list already. Give me 10.
Fake edit:
I can load it up if you still need it in ~10 as well.
Real edit: I lied getting on now.
Anybody up for PoE 32?
PS. I just eat a big pizza right now... so good.
So using thorns is not cheating.Please know that cheating does not include tactical decisions like camping or using really good weapons. We're looking for people who exploit the game or the networks you use to play it.
Not sure if I'm the community leader you're referencing here (I did the trick on one character), but I also played enough to get the gear for that character anyway. Just a fun thing to do, and then I used my Tower instance to load in other Gaffers so that they could benefit as well.
The whole point of using the CP system to our advantage is to help the community and lessen the grind for people who don't have as much time to play. I can't possibly imagine why we'd be calling CP sharing "shitty" now, that's completely contrary to the spirit of DGAF. I started the Gorgon CP sharing many months ago and then kind hearted Gaffers like Rawr and DJ have taken up the mantle to help share the burden of passing it around. If we didn't use the weekly CP reset trick, none of that would have been possible. So many people who finally got that Hawkmoon or GHorn they'd be dying for, so many great community experiences, and now we're calling it shitty?
If it doesn't affect you negatively, I don't understand why people would be so critical of it. Lag switching is awful because it involves cheating people unfairly. Using the CP system to our advantage is all upside, how does that affect people negatively? This type of stuff is all the more reason I don't want negative OT titles, too many bad vibes as is.
What is a Final Round Sniper? Are we talking about a sniper with the final round perk?
Of course not. I never understood why people said thorn was cheating.
To answer your question, I believe it no longer work since the reset time had changed for IB. I don't think it's cheating just taking advantage of the system and its flaws.You were the person I'm talking about, but I would never call you out. You've always been nice to me, so I didn't want to embarrass you unnecessarily.
I'm in the same boat. I got 2 characters 2 5 last IB and one almost to 4, so I don't feel bad about doing what you did, since I might have to go away this weekend again for wedding planning.
And "shitty" wasn't a term I used or would use. Positive vibes FTW.
FR sent
Anyone up for L34 PoE?
Anyone up for L34 PoE?
Of course not. I never understood why people said thorn was cheating.