Anyone for ToO?
Just trying to get the Titan helmet. Anything beyond that is a cherry on top.
9pm EST
1. Cosmos_Man
Sure, no one wants me. Mic charged this time,
Anyone for ToO?
Just trying to get the Titan helmet. Anything beyond that is a cherry on top.
9pm EST
1. Cosmos_Man
Anyone for ToO?
Just trying to get the Titan helmet. Anything beyond that is a cherry on top.
9pm EST
1. Cosmos_Man
6need 1 player for trials, we are "average"
Yup same lolI'll join. I just need helm. PSN?
Yup same lol
Fuck you, Variks! We gonna head into day 3 now, you jerk?
I'm cooking dinner right now so I won't be able to play for roughly an hour.
Anyone up for poe l32?
Starting now
Psn v1br4t1ons
Fuck you, Variks! We gonna head into day 3 now, you jerk?
I'm cooking dinner right now so I won't be able to play for roughly an hour.
still looking? Sent invite, sandboxgod
Off topic:
So with E3 just a few days away, and knowing how GAF is during E3, where are we gonna chat? We gonna use the DGAF twitch chat room that was made for Bungie's streams? PSN for those of us on PS4? What?
Only missing the sidearm. Haven't heard good things about it so I'm in no rush to use it. But I would like it if the jerk gave me the next part already.looks like your luck's out
Off topic:
So with E3 just a few days away, and knowing how GAF is during E3, where are we gonna chat? We gonna use the DGAF twitch chat room that was made for Bungie's streams? PSN for those of us on PS4? What?
Been wondering the same thing!
It'll be my first E3 with GAF![]()
Sure, no one wants me. Mic charged this time,
thats 6 my time, perfect!
Im only looking for that 5 wins as well. just want to get to 34
See you at 9pm EST!
I'm only asking cause lets face it, GAF will be down. A lot of you will be looking to do ToO/raids/nightfalls/weeklies on Monday. We will need to find an alternative way to chat and set up teams during GAF's E3 downtime.
Off topic:
So with E3 just a few days away, and knowing how GAF is during E3, where are we gonna chat? We gonna use the DGAF twitch chat room that was made for Bungie's streams? PSN for those of us on PS4? What?
I'm only asking cause lets face it, GAF will be down. A lot of you will be looking to do ToO/raids/nightfalls/weeklies on Monday. We will need to find an alternative way to chat and set up teams during GAF's E3 downtime.
Anybody up for trials?
Fairly decent player looking to test out the map this week. Who knows maybe we cruise through anyway haha
1. Dunk7
I'll go for 9-0 later. I'll just grab whatever packages I can from this first run
Anybody up for trials?
Fairly decent player looking to test out the map this week. Who knows maybe we cruise through anyway haha
1. Dunk7
I'll go for 9-0 later. I'll just grab whatever packages I can from this first run
I can play now.
Sorry if this the wrong thread to ask this (i know there's a clan thread, but i think i have more of a chance getting an answer here.)
If i try to apply to the gaf clan, there's isn't really any chance of being accepted, is there.?
Sorry if this the wrong thread to ask this (i know there's a clan thread, but i think i have more of a chance getting an answer here.)
If i try to apply to the gaf clan, there's isn't really any chance of being accepted, is there.?
Off topic:
So with E3 just a few days away, and knowing how GAF is during E3, where are we gonna chat? We gonna use the DGAF twitch chat room that was made for Bungie's streams? PSN for those of us on PS4? What?
My clan, School of Hawk, accepts all.Sorry if this the wrong thread to ask this (i know there's a clan thread, but i think i have more of a chance getting an answer here.)
If i try to apply to the gaf clan, there's isn't really any chance of being accepted, is there.?
Sorry if this the wrong thread to ask this (i know there's a clan thread, but i think i have more of a chance getting an answer here.)
If i try to apply to the gaf clan, there's isn't really any chance of being accepted, is there.?
Site goes down for hours. It's my second E3 as a member but my third E3 since following GAF.This is my first e3 on gaf, so does the site go down a lot? Or is it just taken down?
This is my first e3 on gaf, so does the site go down a lot? Or is it just taken down?
I'm only asking cause lets face it, GAF will be down. A lot of you will be looking to do ToO/raids/nightfalls/weeklies on Monday. We will need to find an alternative way to chat and set up teams during GAF's E3 downtime.
When things like The Last Guardian get announced, downtime follows from the insane traffic![]()
Have you guys seen this?
These dudes do a flawless run of Trails of Osiris using only No Land Beyond lol
Highlight reel here
Am I unlucky or are LFG pick-up groups bad at clearing VoG HM?
LFG groups suck, period.
Well shit. Looks like I'll be on Atheon forever then.
If 4 more people are down, we can knock this out in <10 mins.
Looks like we got 6 now.
1. Kyoufu
2 Kyoufu +1
3. rawr
4. xGrief
5. kortez1981
6. torment
Would anyone be up for multiple kills?
This is amazing. This is DGAF.
Cool, i'd would like to send an invite, if that's cool.I'm actually still accepting invitesBut for the DestinyGaf group
All are welcome
My clan, School of Hawk, accepts all.
Thank you for the find offer. <3School of Hawk is the only clan option. Believe.
Ahh, cool, i don't really play much any more, but it's good to have just in case.There should be a list of active clans in the OP. If you're looking for a clan as a means of grouping up for various activities then you're better off using this thread.