Is that where we can watch the bethesda conf. tonight and all other ones? What time does it start EST?
I actually think Bethesda is doing it themselves
I could be wrong
Is that where we can watch the bethesda conf. tonight and all other ones? What time does it start EST?
Is there any spot free for hard crota?Anybody wanna do hard crota?
Sounds good man. I didn't sleep very well last night but I had a nap and I'll drink some coffee before we go lol.I'll try to stop reading things as attacks against me. I will definitely play trials with you later if you want to play. It has to be before game of thrones and fallout 4 stream though. I was thinking about changing the oil in my car soon. That always takes me a little over an hour to pull off. Have to take a shower after that as well. I will just come back here and say I'm ready to play when I'm ready I guess. Then we can find our third.
2 more for 34
Is there any spot free for hard crota?
I'd like to join
Yeah we are waiting to go now you will be the last one. join on Langoit or Mr-Stephen and we'll go when you are here
Sounds good man. I didn't sleep very well last night but I had a nap and I'll drink some coffee before we go lol.
Also this sounds crazy but if you ever get an Xbox, try and get it with Kinect. The UI is a pain in the ass to navigate without voice commands.
Joined up2 more for 34
Back from Jurassic World. How's everyone doing? Golden Gun bullshit still going strong? Bungie's servers still fucking people over big time this weekend?
I know a lot of people from DestinyGAF also play a lot of other games. I can't imagine only playing one game at a time personally. At any time GAF is a huge collection of overlapping communities and it's better for it. Destiny's one of the biggest for sure, and it's a great one. But there are a lot of good people on GAF. Your appreciation of any one game is enriched by the context of others.
Yo I've got three weapons to max out (luckily all different slots) - what is the fastest way to do this?
Better than the sequels but not as good as the original. Last half hour is just pure hype though. I enjoyed it a lot though there's still a big focus on my least favorite part of the series: the kids. God I hate any scene involving kids in this series.How was Jurassic World? I am going to see it in a few hours.
Yo I've got three weapons to max out (luckily all different slots) - what is the fastest way to do this?
I'm a big PC gamer, and my backlog is huge because of destiny. Finally starting to feel caught up with destiny and its content. I will probably start spending a bit more time with my PC games until Sept when more destiny goodness comes out.
I have been playing destiny exclusively since house of wolves though lol. No time for anything else![]()
I don't know if you are still reading this, Zoba, but there will be a party for your return.Hey DGAF family, Twilight asked me to share this with the group.
"id like to apologize for both my untimely departure from the community and for concerning everyone. these events are more recent and not necessarily recurring, but they have taken their toll and im afraid ive been over-reliant on the wrong things. it was not my intention to make my struggles too public, however i appreciate the overwhelming support ive gotten. an internal war rages within me daily for countless reasons, and although i have tried it is not something i believe can be resolved through professional avenues. rather, it is something i must find for myself - a rite of passage i can only grant - and i dont think i can do that while im distracted. whether this is 'the last word' or my worst arnold impression for 'ill be back', please know that i am grately humbled to have been a part of everyone's life, even if it was as simple as a fleeting virtual moment.
-zoba "
Better than the sequels but not as good as the original. Last half hour is just pure hype though. I enjoyed it a lot though there's still a big focus on my least favorite part of the series: the kids. God I hate any scene involving kids in this series.
My backlog is big as well. Like I was planning on playing xenoblade on 3ds tonight, but then I'm asked to play trials and I can't say no. I also still have to play trails in the sky and monster hunter 4. Also have to finish replaying kingdom hearts 2 for the 5th time ha-ha. Damn you hd remasters. Also birth by sleep again. Kingdom hearts is on the back burner until 3 is close to release though. My other games are huge time commitments and more good stuff is releasing this year.
Better than the sequels but not as good as the original. Last half hour is just pure hype though. I enjoyed it a lot though there's still a big focus on my least favorite part of the series: the kids. God I hate any scene involving kids in this series.
Hey DGAF family, Twilight asked me to share this with the group.
"id like to apologize for both my untimely departure from the community and for concerning everyone. these events are more recent and not necessarily recurring, but they have taken their toll and im afraid ive been over-reliant on the wrong things. it was not my intention to make my struggles too public, however i appreciate the overwhelming support ive gotten. an internal war rages within me daily for countless reasons, and although i have tried it is not something i believe can be resolved through professional avenues. rather, it is something i must find for myself - a rite of passage i can only grant - and i dont think i can do that while im distracted. whether this is 'the last word' or my worst arnold impression for 'ill be back', please know that i am grately humbled to have been a part of everyone's life, even if it was as simple as a fleeting virtual moment.
-zoba "
Hey DGAF family, Twilight asked me to share this with the group.
"id like to apologize for both my untimely departure from the community and for concerning everyone. these events are more recent and not necessarily recurring, but they have taken their toll and im afraid ive been over-reliant on the wrong things. it was not my intention to make my struggles too public, however i appreciate the overwhelming support ive gotten. an internal war rages within me daily for countless reasons, and although i have tried it is not something i believe can be resolved through professional avenues. rather, it is something i must find for myself - a rite of passage i can only grant - and i dont think i can do that while im distracted. whether this is 'the last word' or my worst arnold impression for 'ill be back', please know that i am grately humbled to have been a part of everyone's life, even if it was as simple as a fleeting virtual moment.
-zoba "
Oh I know it's such a beautiful thing haha!
My first flawless this week was Titan, which was horrible. First tip never use a striker Titan haha! My second flawless this week was with my Sunsinger which is in my opinion the best class to use. I've gone flawless with each class at least once now so I can safely say that. Also, my Matador was my best friend this week, it had aggressive ballistics/shot package/rifled barrel/kneepads. I was running with a Thorn as a well and The Dreamwaker with Tripod/Grenades and Horseshoes. Also, each time was with LFG randoms, it all came down to proper communication, solid strategy (had a specific strategy for each spawn), and no one was a lone wolf. One teammate never strayed from the others and we traveled in packs. Final note, exotics with fast revives are a must, so many times that saved our butts.
Unfortunately, I'm on Xb1![]()
Anyone want to get 5 wins? Just want the warlock helmet.
So I've got a Trials card with 3 wins and two losses. I've bought the last boon, anyone care to run with me?
I'll try my best![]()
I'd love to!Anyone want to get 5 wins? Just want the warlock helmet.
Hot damn, that's great. I've been practicing and changing, and still feel incompetent in trials. I feel like as I get better, so does the competition, and more of the weaker competition either sit it out altogether or wait for a carry.
Thanks for the quick run Hawk!2 more for 34
Anyone running PoE 32, 34, or 35?
I can do HM Crota or Vault as well ..
Depends on my luckIf I didn't suck at PVP I would. Haven't gotten anything yet. How strong is your back? Ha
Sure we can give it a go. Will no my best. Do we need a third?I'd love to!
not if ernie joins us lol!Depends on my luck![]()
Sure we can give it a go. Will no my best. Do we need a third?
Im down for PoE 34
They got rid of the ads!No way. I'm trying to give xbox another chance. I didn't even like kinect back when it came out on 360. No way I'm supporting kinect. I'm sure i'll be pissed off enough if I ever get an xbox one and have to look at all the advertisements while moving around the menu. That always made me so mad on end of days 360. I'm paying $50 a year already and your forcing ads down my throat. Buy doritos and mountain dew! Also World of Warcraft commercials on a system I can't play WoW on.
Dude, its a small dlc. We didn't even get a raid this time. This isn't debatable. Most of it was content cut out from the main game that they just sat on till now.
You know what? Screw you guys. I have 16 days of play time in destiny. I was one of the first people to get flawless on atheon. I even record a destiny podcast with some great people in our community. Yet each and every time I say something somewhat negative, the destiny defense force comes out and shits all over my opinion. I was just trying to fucking say that this dlc is meant to hold us off until the real expansion. The content we got this time around isn't enough to keep a normal person playing every single day until the next dlc comes out. Arena isn't as good as a raid. Trials is fun, but its mostly just a new multiplayer mode with good rewards. The campaign missions were great, but there isn't any reason to play them more than once for each of your characters. I'm fully decked out in trials armor and there isn't anything else I can get unless I get lucky. Such as celestial nighthawk and ram helmet. You all know how unlucky I am. I don't even have a ghorn and I have played since the alpha. I forgot about that. I have even more than 16 days play time. I spent a great deal of time on the alpha and the beta. So save your sarcastic remarks for someone else. I know you all would love for me to move on to other games and never come back. I don't know what the hell I ever did here to piss everyone off so much.