Looking for one for ToO.
Is School of Hawk worth dropping my Space Magicians tag for? I suppose it is. Hail Hawkmoon.
Looking for one for ToO.
Yeah, we keep saying that but DGAF is such an awesome bunch of competent yet fun and laid-back people.Yeah. Raids are a lot more fun when not taken too seriously.
Join on Macello.I'm in if you don't mind me probably sucking..
The basic goal is to get 4 pieces of armor from the vendors (vanguard, crucible, and the 3 factions) or get 3 and an exotic. You first need to get to rep level 2; definitely do vanguard, but you can substitute crucible for the faction of your choice. Buy the armor with vanguard and crucible marks. You may already know most of this, this aspect of the game has not changed much. However, what has changed is that in acquiring 4 pieces of armor, you will be level 32.OK, I'm feeling lost. Is there anything I can do to improve my equipment until I can do VoG? I can't farm more marks until the cap is reset and over 22 the daily gets too hard to play alone. Strike playlists for the base game also feel useless right now.
I feel when Stable plays against GAF, he goes even harder.My one and only highlight of running into Stable. Two for the price of one!
So uh no podcast today, Todd?
This podcast is deader than my dead Sir Gjallarhorn clan on PS4.
I peeked at your character and see you're level 28 with 232 attack blue weapons. Your best bets right now are:OK, I'm feeling lost. Is there anything I can do to improve my equipment until I can do VoG? I can't farm more marks until the cap is reset and over 22 the daily gets too hard to play alone. Strike playlists for the base game also feel useless right now.
And with that DGAF I bid you adieu.I will return to Destiny when Drizzle makes his Thunderlord post
This is the worst trials map yet.
Wrong. It's one of the better ones.
And with that DGAF I bid you adieu.I will return to Destiny when Drizzle makes his Thunderlord post
That was fun guys! Thanks!
You sir are wrong. WRONG I SAY!
What in the world is going on there...
Haha that's even worse than our lag fest from 2 weeks ago.
What the hell was Operation gorGONE, Todd?
I just saw the message. Would have joined if I had seen the message last night. I have notifications off and was busy with finishing Arkham Knight.
OK, I'm feeling lost. Is there anything I can do to improve my equipment until I can do VoG? I can't farm more marks until the cap is reset and over 22 the daily gets too hard to play alone. Strike playlists for the base game also feel useless right now.
Yup. That was awesome. Your dancing saved us all, worthy.
Did you end up killing them all?Tried to kill all gorgons.
Tried to kill all gorgons.
Everything after the 1:00 mark is gold, pure gold.I PRESENT TO YOU THE LAGGIEST MATCH OF ALL TIME
I hope rumours are true of new legendary HCs with Firefly in TTK. They may not be GOAT like Gatebringer with Outlaw and Field Scout too, but Firefly itself is enough to watrant a looksie.
Think you need to leave someone at Templar area to not wipe. He goes down to revive and repeat 2-3 times. Hyper tedious. Nothing happens when you kill then allTried to kill all gorgons.
drop me an invite, fedeuy, need to do 3 Nf runsAnyone on rn who wants to do the Nightfall? PSN: ultrajari
Bullshit range is more important than final perk. I say keep it.Ok... so I had this fellwinter:
Accu B/Shot Pack/SmallBore/Grenadier.
It was good. But the distance was not "bullshit level" yet.
So I re-roll and get this on first try:
Agress B/Shot Pack/Reinforced B/Rodeo.
I think it's already better than my first one. And it will cap distance. But rodeo... Urgh... not sure.
What do you guys think? Re-roll?
Anyone on rn who wants to do the Nightfall? PSN: ultrajari
Lvl 34!
Two Lvl 33s and a 32 pulled out 5 wins in ToO for the boots. Good stuff! DGAF is clutch.
Anyone up for PoE 35 now?
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe
i do, send me a request fedeuyAnyone need one for nightfall?