Finally got a Hopscotch Pilgrim from a Vanguard Dragon strike. I thought this was a good roll:
Red Dot-OAS
Feeding Frenzy
Braced Frame
Hidden Hand
Seems like a keeper, what say you DGAF?
Absolute keeper.
Finally got a Hopscotch Pilgrim from a Vanguard Dragon strike. I thought this was a good roll:
Red Dot-OAS
Feeding Frenzy
Braced Frame
Hidden Hand
Seems like a keeper, what say you DGAF?
Datto is about to try a grenades only run on Skolas now on his stream.
I got a Party Crasher with the god roll as a drop the other day. I previously rolled a Matador for the exact same perks. Matador has slightly better impact and worse everything else.
The spirit of Iwata has saved us.
Because of the flash problems. Nintendo told Twitch to redirect to HTML 5. And that is why Twitch is working without any problems. Thank you Nintendo.
So. Does anyone want to do Nightfall x3? I really don't want to go the LFG route like I've had to lately if at all possible.
PSN: phantom8324
Nah this week Skolas is catapult and angry, so that's the good week for that. ^^with trickle on? sounds painful.
Anyone running a NF?
Absolute keeper.
I'm thinking of doing a few Normal Crota runs around 8pm. Worst case, we at least get one in. Anyone else interested? One or two spots might be taken by friends if they ever answer their messages....
1. OwensboroEsq
2. Biggy(ICan'tRememberTheNumbersAfterYourNameI'mSoSorry!)
3. Samphire
Anyone have Gorgon CP to share?
So. Does anyone want to do Nightfall x3? I really don't want to go the LFG route like I've had to lately if at all possible.
Edit: nevermind, off to LFG.
Join on me perineumlick, I'm already at the boss though I'm only good for one NF.
I'll join u if u like psnAnybody doing any PoE?
I'll join u if u like psnyergram
If you'd like a list, that's the one we maintain (and yes, it needs work). Crucible servers are not on listed specifically, but our team of Engineers are always working to improve the performance of the game. In recent Bungie Weekly Updates, we've alluded to communications about how Update 2.0.0 will address a lot of your concerns, including weapon balance. We'll be talking about all of that work in the weeks to come.
I'm not citing these things to tell you that you're wrong. Just to point you in the direction of what you crave. Bungie cares. Bungie has updated Destiny dozens of times, and your feedback has been a driving force. I save those announcements for when the work is ready to discuss.
I'd love to post more on the forum. The fact of the matter is that I'm spread too thin with all of the things that this community needs. Some of those things happen behind the scenes, but they're the sort of conversations you'd want me to have on your behalf. You're absolutely right when you say that you deserve more attention. We're adding a member to this team, and that announcement is coming soon, so please stand by. I hope you'll welcome that person as your ally - because that's their job description.
In the meantime, keep talking. There are entire teams at Bungie dedicated to reading this forum and planning our workflow. Just yesterday, we gathered to discuss the major issues discussed here. It's a meeting we hold every week. It's an event we plan for every day.
Please excuse me, because I need to get back to planning the next weekly update to address some your immediate concerns.
Soon, friends. Soon. I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but help is on the way.
Thanks for letting me jump in. Wish the reward screen was a little better lol.
TRANSMOGRIFICATIONI guess deej responded to a post on Bungie with this:
I got two prime zealot helms at atheon i didnt even know that was possible lol. Shitty loot all around.
Thanks for the run guys.
Of all companies to force them. Especially since Nintendo doesn't really like streamers streaming their games.
Not bothered IV only ever done the match making one...Ok sure. Which one do you want to do?
Need one more for PoE.
Yeah that was some bullshit lol
Well, after 4 hours I finally claimed my first Skolas kill.
Got the cipher, and I now ride the halls of the reef shiny and chrome
I never want to fight Skolas again
Just invite me when u readyOk sure. Which one do you want to do?
Need one more for PoE.
I got two prime zealot helms at atheon i didnt even know that was possible lol. Shitty loot all around.
Thanks for the run guys.
Silvertongue still up for PoE?
Is the dreamwaker worth keeping?
Sorry. Filled up.Yes. PSN: phantom8324
Bungie is reading and listening to all.LOL, 2 NFs, 2 Legendary Heavy engrams. This game blows
Nice work on the EVO thread! I'm gonna want to finish everything in Destiny before Friday as this weekend will be blocked off.EVO is this week. Nintendo will be damned if millions of viewers cannot tune in.
Is the dreamwaker worth keeping?