Self professed bad raider
I still need it. Still need one?
Ya what's your psn
I still need it. Still need one?
Same as gafYa what's your psn
And I got them on my first HoW nightfall. On my titan. Didn't even have a hunter then.
I agree, but wouldn't be able to go through with it lol.
I finished VIPs yesterday and basically did the same as Nami. Load into Earth, do a VIP if it was there, then check the patrol missions in the Divide since I was already there and hopefully get lucky. I'd also check the Rocket Yard if I was already in the Divide since it's so close. The lengthy trip from Steppes to Divide is rough though.
If there was no VIP when I loaded into the Steppes, I'd go back to orbit and try again. I did 70 over several weeks, it sucked. I hate not being able to make predictable progress. Sometimes I'd get lucky with 3-4 VIPs in one go but frequently I'd have to reload Earth multiple times just to get one. Bleh.
Now I just need to pay someone to Share Play my 94 Rumble wins![]()
I will never understand why female Exo's have breasts. They're freaking machines! What, does a male Exo have a mechanical schlong? One of Destiny's many mysteries along with what the hell the Traveler is here for?!
Just ignore me. I had a rough day yesterday and drank a bit after watching Rogue Nation with friends.
I used Bad Juju just so I wouldn't have to reload. From what I saw, I netted about 1200 kills every half hour with it. Made getting the last 4000 I needed a breeze over the past 3 days.That's pretty impressive how quickly you got through them. I'm going to wait on doing AR ones (need about 1,200) for when the new update hits that will biff 'em up.
Yeah... I don't think I want to grind it that much haha, ogres and some of the pvp modes I can handle. My rumble's only have 17 wins
Need skirmish and salvage
I'm sure the answer is in a grimoire card. Best way to explain everything.
The robots have breasts because breasts are useful for feeding robot babies. Yeppers that's the answer. Now let us think of more pleasant things such as eris's breasts.
So what comes out? Oil. It can't be milk.
Just read the Exo's grimoire card.I'm sure the answer is in a grimoire card. Best way to explain everything.
-__-they remain ciphers, even to themselves: their origins and purposes lost to time.
Whoever built the Exos fashioned them in humanity's image, gifting them with diversity of mind and body.
Any avatar-making photoshop guys in here right now?
Can someone please make this transparent for Homey lol?
Which new subclass are we most excited for?
Really hoping Sunbreaker can find a niche other than just looking cool. But I doubt it will beat Defender for PvE. If it gives Titans a Voikwalker/Bladedancer PvP equivalent, I'd be okay with it. Would love to be able to use it in PVE though.
Stormcaller looks awesome, idk about effectiveness.
I don't really have an opinion on nightstalker, the animation looks cool.
The legend returns. PMs.Hello!
Just read the Exo's grimoire card.
Liquid light.
Can someone please make this transparent for Homey lol?
The legend returns. PMs.
Here it be.
I just woke up and I was too sleepy to get it right lol
So... Who wants to explain Homeboyd's new avatar?
Rumble is the daily PVP activity.
I just suffered through one. NEVER AGAIN.
So... Who wants to explain Homeboyd's new avatar?
Been using Red Death in the crucible and I'm enjoying it. How does it stack up against The Messenger and hopscotch pilgrim?
DestinyGAF is weird in the morning.
Edit: I guess it's night in Europe and Asia. And like 20 years in the future over in AU
A Ram wearing guardian using a an Ice Breaker hovering on an rng hoverboard
DGAF's weirdness is not limited by paltry things like timezones.
That said... I'm more confused now than before I asked.
Is someone still doing newbie raids on ps4? I have not raided and want to give it a try if I can find a group.
Not being able to raid pretty much ruined destiny for me but I'm trying to give the game another chance.
Red Death is good as a 3 kill burst, but messenger and hopscotch both kill in 2 bursts.
Actually if Rumble is the daily pvp while IB is running, this might be a good chance for me to try to both get Rumble wins (I have....1) as well as try to knock out the Thorn void kills since a lot of people who are terrible at the pvp (like me) will hop in for the daily just for rewards. I may give this a go when I get home.
ftfyBaka xur. Baka rngesus.
Hawkian normally organizes these, but this week he said he was exhausted from traveling.
I think nami and drizz posted something about doing a newbie raid this saturday?