Lol the GAF IB train had 4 this morning. It was rough. I also broke destiny for 3 people in the fireteam and we couldn't log in for 3 minutes or so heh
Also, thanks for the carry Kurumi
Lol the GAF IB train had 4 this morning. It was rough. I also broke destiny for 3 people in the fireteam and we couldn't log in for 3 minutes or so heh
Also, thanks for the carry Kurumi
Congrats to DNAbro and plantedunicorn! Awesome Skolas School run, neither had done PoE 35 before and we did it without wiping once the entire PoE! 1 hour 15 minutes and it was cake! Some of the best teamwork I've seen in Destiny to date to have to two new guys roll through PoE 35 like that, amazing! Edit: no hunters too, suck it hunters!
Reluctant-hero (courtesy of drizz and el_bomb)
Unknown_Hero (courtesy of Soss and Reign)
plantedunicorn (voa127)
Up next at 10 PM:
Alright who wants to run Skolas (POE 35)? I haven't done it before, but would like to try. PSN:njean777 also I am level 34.
I'm running through with people all weekend. I have a round scheduled with ori0n at 10pm and two maybes if they are on, if not I'll ping you. Otherwise look for me tomorrow. Psn: rarbusto
Lol the GAF IB train had 4 this morning. It was rough. I also broke destiny for 3 people in the fireteam and we couldn't log in for 3 minutes or so heh
Also, thanks for the carry Kurumi
Thanks man! That was seriously some of the best moments I've had in Destiny. Skolas didn't knew what was coming.
Installed Xbox sticks. Easy, cheap, feel good. Recommended!
Cool will try, but may not make it. 10pm is too late for me tonight as I have to work tomorrow, and after have plans. Maybe Sunday if you can? I am off and have no plans.
At Hard Crota with some guardians new to the raid, and nobody has a tracking rocket. If any kind soul wants to join up with at least a tracking rocket, that would be a huge help. PSN is Reignofsparrows.
Any IB trains going? PSN ErnieMcCracken
Voa was hysterical: "Can I just shoot him now, I have so many rockets"
I like the slow and steady method, best chance at taking him down without problems. We actually never even got in a position where one of you didn't have a res left.
Ew, don't embarrass the rest of us like that
Let's make one. I have an hour and a bit to burn.
May I Join?
You can still only get the EL once. The glitch is good if you want to grab some loot on one character and not bother with IB for the rest of the week, or grind a different character.
Yeah let's do this. Ernie pls invite.
3 spots open. Feel free to join PSN ErnieMcCracken
I bought the Hori FPS pad instead.
I bought the Hori FPS pad instead.
Oof, getting tired and my performance goes downhill. Need dinner, forgot to eat lol
At Hard Crota with some guardians new to the raid, and nobody has a tracking rocket. If any kind soul wants to join up with at least a tracking rocket, that would be a huge help. PSN is Reignofsparrows.
Completely off topic, but anyone Round NJ/NYC see the moon tonight... It's gigantic
Completely off topic, but anyone Round NJ/NYC see the moon tonight... It's gigantic
Completely off topic, but anyone Round NJ/NYC see the moon tonight... It's gigantic
Lol the GAF IB train had 4 this morning. It was rough. I also broke destiny for 3 people in the fireteam and we couldn't log in for 3 minutes or so heh
Also, thanks for the carry Kurumi
Ew, don't embarrass the rest of us like that
Last night it was guys just walking through my trip mines, Today it's rockets to the face, shoulder charge and Supers not registering a kill.
Last Iron Banner wasn't this bad. Ughhhhhhhhh
Anyone got a spot on a train?
Does it have paddles at the back like the Scuf controller?
Holy shit this is the first time I've heard of this thing. How is it?? I was about to buy one of their FC4 pads as well actually.
I've weirdly been seeing people live through shoulder charges a lot today. It registers, it just doesn't do enough to kill them. Not even Ram locks, just like hunters running by.
Completely off topic, but anyone Round NJ/NYC see the moon tonight... It's gigantic
Completely off topic, but anyone Round NJ/NYC see the moon tonight... It's gigantic