I can't find anyone on my friends list to play trials with. Kadey is just sitting in orbit.
I'll play
I can't find anyone on my friends list to play trials with. Kadey is just sitting in orbit.
I'll play
I hate being out with wife on Saturdays.I can't find anyone on my friends list to play trials with. Kadey is just sitting in orbit.
this was the first time i did it, we just happened to have all titans and well
but it didn't always work
turn the volume down if you don't want to hear me dying
Got me and DavidBloop for trials. Need one more.
Yep someone join up![]()
Welcome me, m'lords!
easy mate sending inviteI'll join, psn same as here
Welcome me, m'lords!
Lemme in! Psn is cadeSILVER
Ok! 2 more spots for Banana!
Welcome me, m'lords!]
Put me in coach. Kyoufu2
I want to play crucible but I refuse to until I get the Hopscotch Pilgrim. My messenger isn't cutting it.
No opponents game 1 of Trials. AFK opponents game 2. What the?
They're like
the same thing
I want to play crucible but I refuse to until I get the Hopscotch Pilgrim. My messenger isn't cutting it.
Anybody got an open spot for IB train?
Yes. Buy one, especially since ARs are getting buff this September.Guys, is Suros Regime worth getting if you already have a fully upgraded hard light which I tend to keep equipped? Partly as I like auto rifles, but also its my only primary exotic.
Maybe I phrased it incorrectly but I wasn't arguing with you. I was agreeing with you.
And Suppression grenade? I've not used it much. How big is the suppression radius and how long does it last?
Has anyone seen this? A clash match where no one dies ever on the winning team. They end up just chaining supers everywhere.
It's insane. Not even one lucky kill for the opposition
This is an example of what Drizzay was talking about Bubble village....taken to the extreme.
Dear God those people were bad.!
Also why is his radar weird colour? If it was colour blind mode the colour of enemy names won't be red on bottom left of the screen
Only 4 more public events!
Huge shout out to Rubenov and Wicked for carrying me through to Mercury! Never been and I literally could have just sat down each match, true pros! DGAF is awesome!! That was the last item on my Year 1 Bucket List!!!!
Sorry 2PM Skolas School folks, we'll get a round started shortly here, couldn't pass that opportunity up.
No opponents game 1 of Trials. AFK opponents game 2. What the?
Bubble Village is a feast-or-famine strat. Against bad teams its invincibility is matched only by its hilarity. Against good teams it can back fire spectacularly.
Use ~4 Defender Titans and spec Gift of the Void to generate orbs when the bubbles take damage. Wear Crest of Alpha Lupi for extra orbs. Dumb teams will keep shooting the bubbles and spawning limitless orbs. Pop a bubble and your super will be immediately ready again. You can walk around the map chaining bubble to bubble.
The real magic happens when the lucky ~2 team members with offensive supers gobble all these orbs and use their super constantly. The strat works absurdly well as long as enemies keep shooting bubbles and teammates are diligent about gobbling all the orbs. Now I want to go through my old videos to find Bubble Village Iron Banners. Been a long time since I've done one.