I'm joining you
Thanks Cade. I was on vita at my in-laws house lol
I'm joining you
Stream is up!
Tune in if you wanna watch me just screw around in Mercury while I wait for folks to log in. VoG HM Flawless attempt will start 10+ minutes.
Stream @ twitch.tv/namikaze01
Haha, nice. Arc burn hive was a bit dicey but we got it done. No loot to write home about though.Thanks Cade. I was on vita at my in-laws house lol
When your guns don't work like they used to before.
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
R N Gesus works in mysterious ways,
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am
When your guns don't work like they used to before.
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
R N Gesus works in mysterious ways,
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am
During the Fourth Round I ll stand over the door so I stop Hive from spawning. U both dismantle mines and try and keep farthest distance from me (otherwise hive will spawn). Once mines are done, Hive will come so retreat to safe spot to deal with them
Ah nice congrats! Sorry again, those two stupid final bosses we lost with 5-4![]()
We are just missing Kadey then. I set up a party chat already.Logging online now FYI Nami et al.
Edit: lol.
Rerolling a sniper can be infuriating.
It's 6 PM
Logging online now FYI Nami et al.
Edit: lol.
Who's streaming?
I am:Who's streaming?
Stream is up!
Tune in if you wanna watch me just screw around in Mercury while I wait for folks to log in. VoG HM Flawless attempt will start 10+ minutes.
Stream @ twitch.tv/namikaze01
Yo, you up for some crotes mcgotes and iron bananas later on the bone?Good luck DGAF! Can't wait to see this
Not entirely. Pulling a Blaze refers to a legendary man who stole many kills from his team mates. One day they had enough and rushed the enemy leaving said man with 0 kills for an entire Trials match.
You guys are never going to let fig live that down?
Well, we're 5 manning a trial run till Kadey logs in.Stream is up!
Tune in if you wanna watch me just screw around in Mercury while I wait for folks to log in. VoG HM Flawless attempt will start 10+ minutes.
Stream @ twitch.tv/namikaze01
For exotics, you can upgrade from the normal upgrade screen for one exotic shard and some materials. For legendaries, you will probably need to get new armor, and then get Etheric light from an endgame activity (nightfall, Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, or Prison of Elders). Etheric light will let you bring any legendary weapon or armor to the current max level.Where do I upgrade my old gear if I just got house of wolves?
Thank you, Nami.
We made it to Templar flawless!
Your welcome!
Thanks for the answer, didn't realize I needed both packs in order to get Taken King. Thanks for the heads up, I will probably end up preordering the whole $60 package then.This is kind of a complicated question. Moreso than you might think.
If you want to buy the $40 "upgrade" version of The Taken King, you will need to own both previous DLC packages. They are $20 each or $35 for the Season Pass.
The full version of The Taken King (Legendary Edition) costs $60, and includes vanilla Destiny, Dark Below, and House of Wolves. If you buy it digitally today you will get all of that content right now PLUS The Taken King, which ships in 6 weeks (at least on PSN I know this is the offer - make sure to check before ordering).
If you are planning on buying The Taken King it will actually cost you more money to get the two DLC packs separately now. If you only buy House of Wolves now, you'll be stuck buying the $60 version of Taken King Legendary Edition later ($80 spent in total). If you only buy the season pass now, you'll get the $40 upgrade on Taken King, but will end up spending $75 in total. The full version of Taken King is only $60, so buy that one or nothing at all really.
No. Blade dance is no more overpowered than the other offensive supers. You can only wipe out the entire opposing team if that team is bad and doesn't shoot.
It's clearly the most OP ability in the game.
It's why pvp is FILLED. . . . and I mean FILLED.. .. with hunters.
Hunters and hand cannon users.