It's not even the best Pulse Rifle though. I think if you're insane enough to use something as awkward as a Pulse Rifle, being rewarded with a decent time to kill is a fair concession.the messenger needs nerfing to hell BUNGIE PLS.
Real shame that whoever is doing this has rather poor English. I applaud his or her effort because the idea is extremely cool, but I can't imagine anyone will find the experience enjoyable at this point. I tried.
The Traveler is mysterious sphere floats above Earth and massive in scale, is unknown wether the huge space object is empty ship or living being.
Oh it could certainly be worse that's for sure. But it's poor enough to be extremely uncomfortable to read, or at least that was the case for the segments I glanced over.It's typos and slight grammar errors like it's and its. Doesn't really hurt it as much as it would if it was written with broken english with broken sentence structure like
I stopped playing a while back to come back and find no one using fusion rifles anymore. As a pulse rifle user I wish I had a messenger or hopscotch.It's not even the best Pulse Rifle though. I think if you're insane enough to use something as awkward as a Pulse Rifle.......I respect that, whereas shotguns are just boring to use and boring to die from. They're a mistake.
I was you except I switched consoles and started from scratch. It's like night and day. No more farming for ascendant materials, lots of motes everywhere. Max level is 34 and I already have two characters at 32 from about 3 weeks of playing.Ok, so I left the game before the frist xpac even dropped. Level 23 or 24 I beleive, Hunter.
A couple of friends are going to play again, is it worth it to go back in? or will it be hard to catch up?
Anything I should know?
I was you except I switched consoles and started from scratch. It's like night and day. No more farming for ascendant materials, lots of motes everywhere. Max level is 34 and I already have two characters at 32 from about 3 weeks of playing.
Other people's*I'd settle for people not switching "lose" and "loose". You lose the match, your butthole is loose. It's not that hard. If I start seeing certain typos frequently, they end sticking to me. And from time to time I have to proofread other's person's english compositions, so I can be a bit of a grammar nazi, even for not being my native language (Although it is my main language due to years of conditioning at work).
Received notification that my Nepal Aid tee is out for local delivery, should arrive tomorrow![]()
Your English is fucking good as hell man. I would've never guessed it's not your native language.Oh it could certainly be worse that's for sure. But it's poor enough to be extremely uncomfortable to read, or at least that was the case for the segments I glanced over.
English is not my native language and I've never lived in an English-speaking country So this isn't some bigoted "learn our language" thing. It's just that I feel when publishing something it's important to respect your audience, a standard I don't feel is met when reading something in this state.
the messenger needs nerfing to hell BUNGIE PLS.
Apparently people have the ability to dismantle your hard-earned gear/weapons now.
Well, that sucks ass.
Today is the day I get killed by Skolas for the first time <3
Apparently people have the ability to dismantle your hard-earned gear/weapons now.
Well, that sucks ass.
Apparently people have the ability to dismantle your hard-earned gear/weapons now.
Well, that sucks ass.
Good morning DGAF! Weekly update today! woo!
Wait wat....? How?
Yeah, what? At least post a link or something before trying to kill me with a heart attack and just leaving it at that!![]()
... this.
And when reading through all the replies people actually confirmed this. Happened to others aswell. They reported it on Reddit but Bungie (so far) didn't reply to this issue yet. They are also able to "lock" certain bounties. Making them unable to delete or finish.
One thing is for sure... my Horn is staying in the Vault this Trials of Osiris.
Lol who the heck at bungie designed the Elder cipher bounty? I literally just "wait" ?
I will try my best using my twitter account to get this noticed, will have a word with the Bungie guys that follow me now.
It's to make you have a time out to play other games. I believe running another 32 makes it auto decrypt, or so I've heard.
The worst thing that could happen it that this gets too much attention. Which, I'm afraid, already happened. I'm not sure Bungie is going to do anything about this. They'll just give the "don't give away your login" crap again like they did before.
Disgruntled players (who will do everything for wins) will search the internet for this method and I'm sure some will be succesfull. Only a matter of time before this becomes a bigger issue than it is now.
Add this to the list of things that is broken/wrong with PvP and I might just quit doing PvP/ToO alltogether.
Oh man, I actually remember reading about bounty locking a little while back, I guess it's now evolved to being able to dismantle people's gear.
This is a completely insane, and should be priority #1 above everything else that Bungie is doing.
If my gear ever got dismantled, I would never return to destiny again. Not sure if there are any precautions we can take, but this makes me extremely nervous....
Maybe this is only possible on xbox though? Who knows...?
Well I'm confused by the story tbh, It is entirely possible that someone could gain someones IP using Cain and Able,
decipher password for account login delete item then log out again.
Apparently people have the ability to dismantle your hard-earned gear/weapons now.
Well, that sucks ass.
Now, what's this about people being able to delete people's stuff? Of course ToO is right around the corner...
If he dismantled every shotgun in the game I'd PayPal him some money.Why would I delete my thorn? Don't worry I'll do it for you. I loled. I feel bad for the guy, but that was hilarious. Is this guy batman or something? Deleting all the thorns. The hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now.
Only if you switch from sony to Sony or MS to MS. I went from 360 to PS4 so I started from scratch. It's easy as hell to reach 32. All I did was beat the Sp base game, do bounties till I hit 20. Play crucible until I reached level 2, and by then I had enough motes to buy 1 exotic, marks to buy 2 crucible armor and 1 vanguard. Bam! That's already lvl 32.If you switch console can you use the caracters you had on the other platform? One of these friends had a Hunter over on Xbox One, and he is switching to PS4.
So it isn't hard to catch up then? I even have the season pass from the limited edition, sigh.
If he dismantled every shotgun in the game I'd PayPal him some money.
Seriously though, this is alarming as heck. I'll run Trials this week using dupe stuff only just in case. That means Jewel of Osiris (have all 3, Arc is expendable) + Her Benevolence (have 2) and Tomorrow's Answer (nobody's touching my precious Ash Factory)
Anyone interested in joining Kiguel and I on lv32 PoE?
"I kept getting the wrong Vanguard missives. Crucible only dropped fusion rifles for me. Something had to be done. Fuck you, RNG."Imagine the gaming news headlines if that happened. Man deletes all felwinters lies, thorns, and final round snipers in the game. They get an interview with the guy and he says he did it because bungie refused to release a weapon balance patch.
"I kept getting the wrong Vanguard missives. Crucible only dropped fusion rifles for me. Something had to be done. Fuck you, RNG."
I'm down.
Psn: MightKAC
You kinda answered your own question hehe.Not like I'll ever use Pulse Rifles anyways but sheer curiosity:
How do you compare Red Death to the all-adored Hopscotch pilgrim? RD is also a 2 burst kill to the head and fires more quickly, allowing for a better potential time to kill, but HP has higher base stability and the ability to be re rolled...
I wouldn't exactly say to hell, but something like a range nerf would be fair I think. Aren't Pulse Rifles supposed to be mid range weapons? The Messenger has a pretty high range stat that can compete most scout rifles and that's not something which should be allowed if we go by Bungie's design philosophy with weapons (each type of weapon has its own use in certain ranges)the messenger needs nerfing to hell BUNGIE PLS.
Imagine starting a Trials match with 6 Guardians and NO weapons. FIST FIGHT!
Had the game since launch and did the VoG raid for the first time today. Was fun. Still don't see why there can't be a matchmaking option. I had no idea what I was doing but still finished it.
Posted the link above ...