shhh shhhh no good connections. Only dreams now.
Rustle the connections
shhh shhhh no good connections. Only dreams now.
Nobody else wants to come? Man, I've had this checkpoint all week!
Haha, you got meEJ will be going, the long train trip and masses of people would have been too much for me. I faint easily because of reasons in such circumstances (masses of people packed together).
Ha! Yeah, I stopped using it when it started becoming ubiquitous in pvp. It's Badger-CCL and Spare Change for me now and they're good good weapons.Thorn is a cowards weapon. Ahhfucckkaaayouuuu Dredgen Yor
Thorn is a cowards weapon. Ahhfucckkaaayouuuu Dredgen Yor
Ha! Yeah, I stopped using it when it started becoming ubiquitous in pvp. It's Badger-CCL and Spare Change for me now and they're good good weapons.
The fear of even the potential of 50 fruitless dragon strikes holds that fever in check. It started to creep in but repeat Dust Palaces pretty much stopped it from spreading.I'm surprised you haven't caught the hypescotch fever like everyone else in here.
Doing the deed for Ruthless since he's on vacation. Hosting HM Gorgons for 15-20 min. Come get your shards and energies!
Psn thenal84
You got it done? I got coins. Ugh
We've got 4 on the PSN IB train, if anyone wants to be the caboose we still have room!
Right there with ya buddy. Claustrophobic when there are too many people and no exits. ehhhh yuck
Bummed I didn't get to run with you this weekend but I had a busy one. My brother's birthday.We got him a PS4.
Is there something special I need to do besides just playing Crucible to gain Crucible marks? I've played 6 matches so far and won 4 of them, yet I have 0 marks still.
Is there something special I need to do besides just playing Crucible to gain Crucible marks? I've played 6 matches so far and won 4 of them, yet I have 0 marks still.
Is there something special I need to do besides just playing Crucible to gain Crucible marks? I've played 6 matches so far and won 4 of them, yet I have 0 marks still.
I can't get enough of that glim glim.I was passing on the checkpoint like a good gaffer
Coins are my favorite NF reward! Love getting them.
Not sure if its claustrophobia, but I tend to get migrains/faint when there's no breathing room, not my idea of fun.
Anyway, too bad you missed this week, because Burning Shrine is a great map for us! Try to run with us next week if you can!
And happy belated birthday to your brother!
You have to be a certain level, like 18 I think?
You don't get marks until level 18. IIRC
You have to be level 18 at least I believe to start gathering marks.
So has anyone heard of this: Pulling out your ghost cancels Thorn's DoT?
My brother told me about it last night and in a few ties it seemed to work. I didn't get to try it enough to make a solid conclusion and I'm not sure if it was just my imagination thinking that it did.
Is IB still the worst thing ever made ever?
Received three different Spare Change.25s in row during this afternoon's Iron Banner sessions. 1) Is this a pulse worth keeping? Yes, it's not a Hopscotch or Messenger. 2) If yes, which is the best without rolling?
A) Outlaw / speed reload, light weight, hand-laid stock / Counterbalance
B) Feeding Frenzy / armor piercing, QuickDraw, casket mag / Reactive reload
C) Feeding Frenzy / high caliber, ligtweight, smallbore / Rangefinder
Also, anyone have the link to the reddit pulse reforge guide?
Yeah. That bastard lord salad charges insane prices for everything. Doesn't even have the courtesy to bring new upgraded gear. He expected us to pay him for upgrade materials when Osiris is handing that stuff out like candy.
I just booted the game for the first time since...last october? Looks like I havent missed a beat but damn at locking me out of a weekly nightfall strike because i refuse to buy DLC.
I just booted the game for the first time since...last october? Looks like I havent missed a beat but damn at locking me out of a weekly nightfall strike because i refuse to buy DLC.
Got me a Thundelord from Gorgon chest. A nice exotic shard to my collection.
It's terrible. The recoil is to the left hard even at max stability. Do not use it.
Reforge Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/CruciblePlaybook/comments/37zd20/guide_to_pulse_rifle_rolls/
Review of the Hopscotch he touches on the Spare Change and why it's no Bueno. http://youtu.be/GWqpGX3c7JY 58 seconds in.
Vog hard? We need 2 more. PSN AdmiralMidget
Vog hard? We need 2 more. PSN AdmiralMidget
Vog hard? We need 2 more. PSN AdmiralMidget
Thorn is a cowards weapon. Ahhfucckkaaayouuuu Dredgen Yor
Is IB still the worst thing ever made ever?