What's stopping them from taking Cabal, Hive, and Vex weapons and saying "Here you go, new exotics!"The Community specifically asked for that after House of Wolves weapons were normal Vanguard weapons with Hive scales slapped on. Bungie just can't win. For my money, it's awesome to a Fallen Captain's shotty.
Happy for all the hornless guardians out there. Enjoy this amazing boss buster.
RIP Gjally in 2.0 though.
The way I see it, no Exotic is meant to replace another. We won't (I hope) get a "better" Hawkmoon. They're supposed to be unique and fun. This doesn't always mean OP, which is what many expect.What's stopping them from taking Cabal, Hive, and Vex weapons and saying "Here you go, new exotics!"
I mean those weapons are cool, but I'd rather see some new things.
◦Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds
No hard info, but it's been suggested there will be some, as yet unspecified, way to keep them current.I'm a little confused about what Bungie is doing with Exotics weapons.
I know they have said that year one legendaries/raid stuff is not going to be useful, but what about the Exoitcs? I've been under the assumption that they are going to upgrade somehow, otherwise, what would be the point of changing their balance?
So does anyone know what Bungie is doing with exotics weapons? Will they have any place at all in year 2?
I'm trying to prepare as best I can - I've got Thorn maxed but my secondary weapons aren't great. From what I've watched of Trials runs it seems everybody runs a sniper rifle, I typically use my old Found Verdict in Crucible because it's all I have. I have Praedyth's Revenge and Low Grade Humility on the sniper front.
I'm a little confused about what Bungie is doing with Exotics weapons.
I know they have said that year one legendaries/raid stuff is not going to be useful, but what about the Exoitcs? I've been under the assumption that they are going to upgrade somehow, otherwise, what would be the point of changing their balance?
So does anyone know what Bungie is doing with exotics weapons? Will they have any place at all in year 2?
Well guys... I got caught up in the hype.
Now you can bring your XB1 Horn and help me through the NF and Weekly since I have all of like 7 coins.
Come on, all those weeks of Narmer Quest, Narmer Quest Hard Mode.. Help a bro out will ya?
while we still can
I got my 6th to drop just a week or two ago from nightfall and I'm still thinking about buying one just cause. Man, looking back at all those weeks of disappointment while I was still a little hornless gaurdian... I'd come into work every Friday and immediately check Xur's inventory only to be let down.
I may not need another Gjallarhorn, but god dammit Xur is going to sell me one.
Well guys... I got caught up in the hype.
Me too, please. But seriously I've managed to amass about 20 passage coins so I'm going to try and make this happen this weekend, I'm not averse to just forming a group of misfits and banging my head against a wall a few times.
I'm trying to prepare as best I can - I've got Thorn maxed but my secondary weapons aren't great. From what I've watched of Trials runs it seems everybody runs a sniper rifle, I typically use my old Found Verdict in Crucible because it's all I have. I have Praedyth's Revenge and Low Grade Humility on the sniper front.
My heavy weapon is the question here. I always use Jolder's Hammer but apparently I want a proximity rocket launcher for Trials. Jolder's isn't fully upgraded either.
It just so happens that I'm Dead Orbit rank 3 and have 150 crucible marks lying around - last I checked the vendor was selling a rocket with proximity detonation. Go for it?
Either you stole that picture from somewhere like that old Deej weekly update, or you spend 612 strange coins just to post a picture on GAF.
Totes legit!Not sure if cereal
Either you stole that picture from somewhere like that old Deej weekly update, or you spend 612 strange coins just to post a picture on GAF.
Well guys... I got caught up in the hype.
RIP NarmerQuest
My younger brother just got an Xbox One this week and I bought him TTK Legendary Edition so that he start playing through now. I wish there was a realistic way to get him the strange coins this weekend for Gjallahorn but I don't think that's going to happen.
"Strikes for gear"It would be a grind, but it's possible. Get him to 20, have him grind strikes for gear, at 28 he can grind the PoE 28. Coins frequently drop out of the small chests. It would be possible between that and engrams and the weekly heroic to get enough, but it would be quite the grind.
At level 30 is there any benefit for me to do Trials or should I wait until I'm maxed out?
At Skolas need one, psn=gaf
"Strikes for gear"
3,900 rep to reach rank 2 and be able to buy gear. With low level Strikes on a playlist giving you like 12 per Strike. It really, really is absolutely terribly grindy to clear that beginning grind. It's where all my real life friends quit the game. Reaching 28 is a PITA.
Join asapI can join in a few, psn is gmrtom7
So, uh is it just me or is the Shrine of Oryx just Saturn where Oryx will park his fleet?
So, uh, what's the quickest way to level up a weapon? Do Telemetries affect bounty turn ins? Or Daily Heroic Mission completions?