The completionist in me just made me spend a lot of money on eva just because of those collections -_-
Wow. We're already at OT 30.
That's... excellent. *nods head in approval*
Anyone up for a quick NF? Just need one.
PSN Instant__Vintage
I'm down!
I'll join psn chiquili59, no mic atm though
New OT! Aside from some disappointment with the new voice, I'm really enjoying this update. GHorn wasn't half-bad in Nightfall either, though Solar burn likely had a lot to do with that.
Heading on now.
Eh, you can always get more glimmer, but it may be months before she sells a rare emblem again. I get it.I'm not bothering because glimmer has more important use.
So are the fallen wolves bounties done? The first expansion had the blades of Crota stuff spawning everywhere. When the second expansion launched the blades spawns disapeared. Now the Fallen KIng is launching and the Wolves stuff from the second expansion are being retired? Are we just paying for events as opposed to additional content? It seems everytime they introduce new stuff they're rapping up old stuff.
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere, I just haven' seen anyone mentioning anything about it.
2x more Nightalls. Join me for one or for both!
1. SilvardCT
2. xGrief?
3. You!
With mag sizes already lower, I prefer Smallbore. Hand cannons need range now.
Mind if I join you? Reluctant is already full psn chiquili59
The completionist in me just made me spend a lot of money on eva just because of those collections -_-
They're all quest rewards...Looks like the Murmur also ascends with legendary marks now, very strange.
I just did the Sepiks Prime strike and there area behind the final boss battle is now opened up!
Unfortunately it'll give you a "turn back" message if you try to go
Running into a friend in the wild
Cool coincidence. I dont think I have ever had that happen before.
Eh, you can always get more glimmer, but it may be months before she sells a rare emblem again. I get it.
How do I get ZW's emblem? Never seen that one before...
i cant believe shotguns still have such incredible range in pvp
You can get further if you glitch through in Patrol
Emblem collection page 2 under Class Starter. They used to be given out in the Beta when you created your class, they obviously added them back. You can only access the ones for the class you are on though. So the Aspect of Dust is for Hunters.
It was available on my Hunter in the emblem collection. I believe it is a hunter specific emblem, but I'm not exactly sure how I earned it.
How do I get ZW's emblem? Never seen that one before...
One more needed for NF. PSN Instant__Vintage
Who's that cool cat right above ZW? Must be a baller.
I just did the Sepiks Prime strike and there area behind the final boss battle is now opened up!
Unfortunately it'll give you a "turn back" message if you try to go
Basically. HoW patrol events are gone, and while I haven't checked that likely goes for bounties as well. Eric Morn bounties are also gone.
Right now, the only bounties are the ones from the main bounty vendor afaik.
Is there a video of this?
Looking for 2 players for a normal VoG.
Helping a friend do his first raid.
Join on ruthlesbarbarian (ps4)
What is the clanging sound the Hawkmoon randomly makes when shooting now?
Got back the Stranger's Rifle. Making sure I don't dismantle it this time around. I'll go back and get the Vestian tomorrow. It's getting late.
Go to Abandoned Missions kiosk and pick the A Stranger Calls quest line. You have to do all the quests for that quest line and stick around for the cutscene. Took me 45 minutes to get it again.How did you get it back?
Go to Abandoned Missions kiosk and pick the A Stranger Calls quest line.
It's in the Vanguard Council room. On Ikora's side. You can redo the whole story now via quest lines and get all the rewards again.Abandoned Missions kiosk? What is this all about?