Wait wait. Wait.
Lord of Wolves has a 30 shot mag??
For reals?
I didn't think the PvP arms day bounties were unfair. You have the entire week to do them. And it's not like you have to do them. Just do the PvE ones if you don't enjoy crucible. Otherwise, work on getting a kill or two a day. You'll have them done by reset.
In terms of the weapons, sniper was a one shot kill on a headshot just like any other sniper. If you're complaining about sniper impact, you're doing it wrong. Read: headshots. Took a bit to get used to but I was cruising with it after a bit. Fusion rifle was a little tougher for me with the long charge time. I tend to be a reactive PvP player (versus aggressive/proactive) so I prefer faster charge times even if impact has to be sacrificed a little.
yes it but uses 5 rounds per shot
Nightfall buffSo the gunsmith has 5 weapons to test.
Completing each gives you 250 rep toward his "faction".
250 rep * 5 weapons = 1,250 rep
But Level 1 takes 1500 rep...
Does this mean I won't be able to get a weapon from him next Wednesday?
Yeah getting like ten kills is easy as shit over a week long period. It's no problem. I understand not liking low impact though. I prefer being able to revive snipe or at least a quick tag and easy switch to kill.
Burn (Arc, Void, Solar) Skulls now only increases player damage by 2x (down from 3x). Combatant damage to player is unchanged at 3x.
Would this mean strike playlists are beginning to get modifiers? That's the way I am reading it, maybe just burns to start with? Unless it just means weekly and NF.
EDIT: Copied wrong line.
naw brehI didn't think the PvP arms day bounties were unfair. You have the entire week to do them. And it's not like you have to do them. Just do the PvE ones if you don't enjoy crucible. Otherwise, work on getting a kill or two a day. You'll have them done by reset.
In terms of the weapons, sniper was a one shot kill on a headshot just like any other sniper. If you're complaining about sniper impact, you're doing it wrong. Read: headshots. Took a bit to get used to but I was cruising with it after a bit. Fusion rifle was a little tougher for me with the long charge time. I tend to be a reactive PvP player (versus aggressive/proactive) so I prefer faster charge times even if impact has to be sacrificed a little.
I understand not liking them. But my point was that it's a bounty for a reason. It's not a weapon you have to use for very long. It's a skill-based bounty and that's it.
naw breh
that impact is crazy low. 100 per hit? that's disgusting. and in skirmish, you need snipers that can kill immediately off of a revive.
i mean yeah, headshots are headshots and all but no body bats 1.000. those non-headshots need to knock off a lot more than just 100 damage. it should be possible for some titans to walk through three body shots i think...
I didn't think I would like the hakke weapons as much as I do.Yeah I gotchu. There's not much reason to bother with it if you don't like the weapon.
They are for the Nightfall and sometimes weekly playlist. However, there are burn resistances on sets of armor. So upon collecting them, you'll offset the 3x reduction to some degree; I'm guessing down to 2x to match the newly reduced damage output. That should make them much less punishing, though more difficult at first.
Do we have to finish armsday bounties today? or there are up until weekly reset?
I didn't think I would like the hakke weapons as much as I do.
The Omolom weapons were a real disappointment from the arms day list, and the rocket launcher is pretty shit as expected with its stats.
Meh, the Suros preorder stuff is still nowhere to be found for me.
The purchase doesnt get billed until 13-15 September though, guessing that's what the problem is.
Hello dgaf, I'm currently on my 5th day of holiday in Italy, only managed to glance at the thread but since Tuesday it's practically impossible to keep up. Just wanted to say this community is amazing, wanted to make a quick post as I don't have much time to do those and I'm a bit scared that I will piss off my wife haha
Hello from Italy
Just wanted to say thanks to bungie and this dgaf for at least when I will be leaving this place I will have a lot to look forward to.
Ps - which OT should I mostly stick with for lurking purposes?
Why? It's not like we don't use guns in crucible or anything, plus it gives the people who purely crucible a chance to earn some rep. They are not going to hand everything to you on a silver platter, kinda need to work for it.
Weapon bounty on all characters or just one?
What the fuck are you even talking about getting things handed to you?
I'm talking about the fact that they pulled a bunch of PvP bounties that were about specific weapon types because they were overly influencing play patterns, and just replaced them with the same problem. If you put a mission in the game that requires you to PvP with some specific weapon that is what people are going to do, so now all week people will be running around with these same two weapons. It's the same player agency problem as those PvP bounties but worse; at least then players could slot different weapons of that category, and the Crucible disruption was on a per-day basis rather than a per-week one.
Per week means it's not a problem. Most people who care about this will be done in the first day or two. It's a serious non-issue man.What the fuck are you even talking about getting things handed to you?
I'm talking about the fact that they pulled a bunch of PvP bounties that were about specific weapon types because they were overly influencing play patterns, and just replaced them with the same problem. If you put a mission in the game that requires you to PvP with some specific weapon that is what people are going to do, so now all week people will be running around with these same two weapons. It's the same player agency problem as those PvP bounties but worse; at least then players could slot different weapons of that category, and the Crucible disruption was on a per-day basis rather than a per-week one.