Also, if others haven't noticed, the Radar perk on the Hakke Pulse Rifle also shows you chests and materials within range.
When they bring Mida forward I really hope this becomes an intrinsic perk on it.
Also, if others haven't noticed, the Radar perk on the Hakke Pulse Rifle also shows you chests and materials within range.
It also has a better "definition" on it, with smaller segments to show the direction in which the enemies are.Also, if others haven't noticed, the Radar perk on the Hakke Pulse Rifle also shows you chests and materials within range.
Finally have time to try 2.0 sorry if im behind but why cant i do any strikes above lvl 20?
Also i thought the exotic bluprints would be applied retroactively to all exotics you've found?
Every other week would be a suitable compromise to me. I agree that it was largely responsible for the replayability with House of Wolves, but I'm burnt out on it after all those months. And I only played it for a few weekends, so I can only imagine how people like Unstable are feeling after helping others week after week.
I'm looking forward to this weekend in part because Trials will be unavailable, and I hope it stays that way until next year. Beforehand, I felt like if I were to log onto Destiny during the weekend, I'd have to play Trials. It wasn't a matter of me being asked to help people, which I didn't necessarily have a problem with (until it conflicted with real life). Rather, it appeared to have such a tremendous presence over the game during the weekends and it made me anxious.
Iron Banner is a one-week event and everybody hops on the train for a few days to rage at lag and rank up to buy the next OP weapon. It's competitive and has always been a mess, but to that end it feels more relaxed. Like I can play with my friends at my leisure and laugh at dumb shit.
Trials doesn't have that to me unless i'm playing blowout matches and go into auto pilot.
It wasn't 120+, it was 111 and 99 without aggressive ballistics.I always wonder WHY Bungie felt the urge to nerf certain Exotics to shit though. I mean .. Thorn could be countered just by removing that insane high tick damage and drop the range. TLW had a bugged perk that would let you hit 120+ damage shots. Yet, range wasn't an issue here. It was a great weapon for up close. Hell, playing Trials of Osiris and going up against a team of Thorns while using TLW gave me a real pleasure wasting opponents.
Now that I'm reading into these TLW/Hawkmoon/Thorn things I ... I don't really know what to think. Most of the players report that Bungie really crapped on handcannons and I wonder why. There were 2 of the HC's that ruined the "fun". Why not just edit those two and leave the rest as is?
You know what I love most about the new bounties? I can finish them all in one single fucking game.
They give less XP and rep but they're so much easier to do that I'll gladly take this versionYep, I love that Bungie has made these bounties respect our time more. It was a HUGE chore doing them on not just one character but two or three.
More of this "compatible with real life" design philosophy please, Bungie.
House of wolves is headed by the Queen. Awoken are humans who are mutated...but still originally from Earth.I'm the opposite, I like Trials because it's tense, exciting and fun (even though I can't really make it to mercury) but Iron Banner's "laggy mess + rush to hit level 5" stresses the fuck out of me.
Weird opinion from me: I think the Fallen, as an alien race, having a house named after an animal that is found on Earth is weird as fuck.
Yep, I love that Bungie has made these bounties respect our time more. It was a HUGE chore doing them on not just one character but two or three.
More of this "compatible with real life" design philosophy please, Bungie.
They give less XP and rep but they're so much easier to do that I'll gladly take this version![]()
i thought all of the year 1 bounties weren't a static 5k though
but meh
and a some of them were just largely unobtainable if you weren't willing to break yourself to get then. any time I saw a fusion rifle spree or x melee kills (i play a lot of gunslinger so fuck that) i just counted those as a loss
so the field weapon test is useless this week because there are no weapons that will be delivered next Wednesday?
lol why are people even hyped about this shit like do nf first otherwise you won't reach rank 1
He will have weapons on Tuesday which you can order and receive on Wednesday.
That means if you have the NF buff and you do all 5 tests like I did,you get Rank 1 and can get a legendary on Wednesday.
I'm a bit behind on 2.0, and this thread is moving way too fast.
Can you guys please summarize to me in just a few words what is worth doing this week and what is better left for next week?
Why would he? His inventory resets on Wednesday, have Bungie said he will?
Ok so exotic bluprints are only for exotics you own now and find from 2.0 on not past deleted exotics.
What about strikes is lvl 20 the only strike available?
just think next weeks Nightfall will actually give us stuff we need....
Jeeeeesus what a time to be alive.
Light level 170, that good? What's the max?
I hope it can still reward etheric lights, for even more salt...Can't wait for the 11 Motes of Light salt.
Oh! well alrighty
How do you get 171? Pretty sure 170 is max now. Even a Warlock with all 170 gear plus the 180 bond was 170.
If you buy the Necro from the kiosk (172 for some reason) it takes you to 171 if you are on a Warlock. Also allows you to kill the Wolves on the moon for some reason.
If you rebuy nechrochasm from the wall vendor thing it is 172 damage.
Yeah, you will get Vanguard Rep. Tough choice.So it seems I might have to pass in the nf, from what I'm reading you get rep for vanguard no matter what, or is it still viable wearing vacation class items ? Just don't want to cross the edge when I get back home on Saturday.
Class items no longer work. You need to pledge a faction but even then you'll get faction + Vanguard rep.So it seems I might have to pass in the nf, from what I'm reading you get rep for vanguard no matter what, or is it still viable wearing vacation class items ? Just don't want to cross the edge when I get back home on Saturday.
If you buy the Necro from the kiosk (172 for some reason) it takes you to 171 if you are on a Warlock. Also allows you to kill the Wolves on the moon for some reason.
My knee is still recovering and I need to take it easyEarly morning Crucible to see what damage I could do with the Fusion Rifle. First game was laggy as hell. I finished sniping, but could not freaking land shots with the Fusion Rifle. Switched to Clash/Vertigo and wrecked. Got my first Phantom medal. Is Phantom new or haven't I been paying attention? Either way TItan weapons completed!is the excuse I used to cut my morning jog short
He will have weapons on Tuesday which you can order and receive on Wednesday.
That means if you have the NF buff and you do all 5 tests like I did,you get Rank 1 and can get a legendary on Wednesday.
Wow that's incredibly stupid. Also why are there wolves on the moon, weren't they supposed to be taken out? I also found some frenzied wolves on mars..
Class items no longer work. You need to pledge a faction but even then you'll get faction + Vanguard rep.
This is a net positive of course. But it does make it hard for people who are edged to stay that way.
It's dead, I feel sorry for Xbox users who will never get to use it at its peak.
Rift is amazing!