It fit perfectly. Nothing about that trailer was serious that's it required a serious tone. Unlike the other one.I like Zeppelin. Zeppelin kills the trailer for me.
What kind of argument is this? Guys, back pedal more, you won't die as much? This guy has some serious persuasive skills.
Sure, the extent of shotgun kills have been lessened by the nerf, but it's still a problem.
Live action trailer (can't find it on youtube)
edit: jk youtube link here
i think it fits the tone perfectly.
Saint-14, drop from above... Lord of Wolves... Pocket Infinity...Wow at these class-specific weapon perks:
> Immobius (Link) - TITAN SHOTGUN. UNIQUE PERKS: (Bouncer) Kills inside Ward of Dawn with Armor of Light do not expend ammo. (Surrounded) This weapon gains bonus damage when three or more enemies are in close proximity.
I don't understand how this is a Warlock fusion rifle.> Susanoo (Link) - WARLOCK FUSION RIFLE. UNIQUE PERKS: (Elemental Transfusion) Causing damage with subclass abilities will transfuse that damage type to this weapon for a period of time. (Hot Swap) Readying this weapon grants a brief period of bonus accuracy.
...I don't understand how this is a Hunter sniper rifle.> Stillpiercer (Link) - HUNTER SNIPER RIFLE. UNIQUE PERKS: (Self Spotter) Increased radar resolution when this weapon is equipped. (Perfectionist) Magazine is refunded if all shots fired are precision kills.
Live action trailer (can't find it on youtube)
edit: jk youtube link here
Titan, the poster boy for 2.0. Can't wait for 3.0, year of the Warlock.
i think it fits the tone perfectly.
It fit perfectly. Nothing about that trailer was serious that's it required a serious tone. Unlike the other one.
This Fulcrum is the best Hand Cannon roll I've used after the balance changes.
After Hammer Forged was nerfed, Small Bore gives it better range, stability, and reload than Hawkmoon. And it has far better Aim Assist.
What the fuck is this Bungie
I've played through all the story, quests and strikes over the past 2 days and not one blue armour engram has dropped. All have been weapons or bonds. I don't need any weapons since I'm fiull with Exotics and Legendary.
I can't purchase none and Legendary gear is out of my reach due to no Vanguard marks. So here I am a level 30 Warlock with an Exotic helmet (Thanks Xur) and level 16/20 shitty gear.
I've got a Treasure Key from completing the quest for Petra but that wont drop any decent armor will it? I'll do PoE 32 with my Titan for an Armor Core then let my Warlock spend it on the Kellbreakers Gloves. Then maybe find some people to do both the Raids on normal for Raid gear. :/
Remember Hawkmoon with Aggressive Ballistics hits a full impact class above. Stats wise it'll look like a Fulcrum or Red Hand, but it hits for Ill Will / Timur's Damage - and that's without the 3 lucky shots.This Fulcrum is the best Hand Cannon roll I've used after the balance changes.
After Hammer Forged was nerfed, Small Bore gives it better range, stability, and reload than Hawkmoon. And it has far better Aim Assist.
Not that I don't agree with the general wtf sentiment, but what will it matter come Tuesday?
I don't understand how they haven't managed to address this yet. Even in vanilla the Blue gear was (aptly named) rare. By the time you'd see one drop, you were looking for Legendaries.
It says kills which makes it completely useless for majors let alone bosses. The actual enemies where you'd bother to switch over to a rifle. Even more useless on a hand cannon since they can't one-shot all basic enemies.
It stinks
Looks like I need to reroll my Fulcrum today.
Don't want to because I'm already sitting on a good roll, but that one looks godly.
I think I prefer one with Icarus and Hipfire though. Gotta have my Ghandi hop.
Check the emblems on the sides of the weapons. Also they are quest based.I don't understand how this is a Warlock fusion rifle.
...I don't understand how this is a Hunter sniper rifle.
It's put me just below on completing the likes of Nightfall and the Hard Weekly for coins which I wanted to do for Xur. I'd probably have no effect on Crotas hard or Skolas since my offense and defense is too weak. It's put me in an awkward spot.
In the past month I haven't even got a purple drop or any blues which turned purple lol. Heck I've got probably got 8x more exotics than purples this month.
Remember Hawkmoon with Aggressive Ballistics hits a full impact class above. Stats wise it'll look like a Fulcrum or Red Hand, but it hits for Ill Will / Timur's Damage - and that's without the 3 lucky shots.
I have this roll too and I love it btw
Just saying to prevent people from thinking Hawkmoon is now a regular ass HC. It's got mid tier RoF but still had impact like a low RoF HC.
Don't know the name, but I love it as well.Anyone know the name of the piano piece that plays while in Orbit?
Totally. Rolling one for Icarus and Hipfire too. It already has high AA, so Hidden Hand is not super important. And LitC is too unreliable if you don't run Final Round and a mag reducing perk (which doesn't combo well if you're going for the Icarus/accuracy build).
So, yeah. One Mini-moon and one air-capable, accurate version coming up.
Remember Hawkmoon with Aggressive Ballistics hits a full impact class above. Stats wise it'll look like a Fulcrum or Red Hand, but it hits for Ill Will / Timur's Damage - and that's without the 3 lucky shots.
I have this roll too and I love it btw
Just saying to prevent people from thinking Hawkmoon is now a regular ass HC. It's got mid tier RoF but still had impact like a low RoF HC.
Ehhh it might be useful for the beginning missions of TTK or just join up with peoplebut I wouldn't waste my time grinding to max it out. And I don't know what the attack level cap for year 2 is, maybe someone else...
The majority of all my exotics are maxed out before there was the extra level up slot to boost damange. So more specifically I should have asked, is there any use for exotic shards in TTK? Will new exotics still require them or are exotic shards strictly limited to year 1 leveling?
Looking back on some old titles for year 1...
Destiny |OT| Home of Frabjous Guardians
Destiny |OT2| The Last Guardians
Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.
Destiny |OT4| Get your ass to the Vault of Glass and help Timmins find better pants
Destiny |OT5| New patch out Tues., Master Rahool reportedly crying into his robes
Destiny |OT6| Lock me like one of your French girls, Jack
Destiny |OT7| "In the Garden of Suros" by I. Ron Banner
Destiny |OT8| Whine and Cheese
Destiny |OT9| Suros Business
Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended
Destiny |OT11| It goes up to 11!
Destiny |OT12| Play. Whine. Repeat.
Destiny |OT13| How the Grind Stole Christmas
Destiny |OT14| Sticking It Hard in Crota's End
Destiny |OT15| What Cheese May Come
Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...
Destiny |OT17| 17th inning stretch
Destiny |OT18| CA$H-4-CROTA
Destiny |OT19| Raiders of the Lost
Destiny |OT20| HoW Comes, No Raid?
Destiny |OT♦21| Our House, in the Middle of the Reef
Destiny |OT♦22| Game of Thorns
Destiny |OT♦23| This Train is Bound for Mercury
Destiny |OT♦24| Dances with Wolves
Destiny |OT♦25| The Taken Thread
Destiny |OT♦26| Like a Hat
Destiny |OT♦27| Nerf Herders
Destiny |OT♦28| Nolan Beyond
Destiny |OT♦Forever29| The Season Finale
Destiny |OT♦30| Long Live the King
RIP in peace DGAF Season 1. Not sure if those links are useful for OP purposes but there they are anyways. Nami, a few more threads and you could fill an entire OT with your posts alone!
Ready for Season 2.
ttk y'all
Live action trailer (can't find it on youtube)
edit: jk youtube link here
Hawkmoon is still top tier. Saying anything else is simply misinformation.
Is Bannerfall actually in ANY map rotation for ANY game mode?? I have yet to play it and I've been doing crucible all day. :-/
Awesome sauce:
Movie or book series give me either.Movie when?
Anyone who says arcbolt grenades are "beast" in their current form earns a paddlin'."Crap grenades"
See this is what Daemul means from over reaction. The thing still does its job that it was intended to do, if you've ever played Halo you know that grenades should be used as a preemptive strike for your actual attack or to finish someone off in these kind of games. 91 damage is enough to serve that purpose and the range is barely reduced.
It was broken before because it used to do almost 70% damage in a large area and used to require little to no precision from the player...bringing a support ability down to do 50% damage is not making it crap, it's making it balanced.
I'm seeing a lot of "it's crap now" reactions here (from everyone) without any factual evidence or numbers instead what I do get are ancedots and vague response such as "but it didn't work !!"... Well maybe they threw it wrong? I remember this one scrim between DGAF and some other top clan and one of their players kept complaining about how his arcbolt never works despite him throwing it see DGAF's stream and you notice it was because he kept throwing it wrong.
The funniest ones are the ones where a person will say something is crap and then after a while someone else comes in and says that same thing's a beast. Lol
I had much, much better success with Field Choke than Aggressive Ballistics on 2.0 Hawkmoon.Remember Hawkmoon with Aggressive Ballistics hits a full impact class above. Stats wise it'll look like a Fulcrum or Red Hand, but it hits for Ill Will / Timur's Damage - and that's without the 3 lucky shots.
I have this roll too and I love it btw
Just saying to prevent people from thinking Hawkmoon is now a regular ass HC. It's got mid tier RoF but still had impact like a low RoF HC.
Hawkmoon is still top tier. Saying anything else is simply misinformation.
Anyone who says arcbolt grenades are "beast" in their current form earns a paddlin'.
I had much, much better success with Field Choke than Aggressive Ballistics on 2.0 Hawkmoon.
Hah, thanks for rounding these up. I like how you can tell from the titles alone how the game evolved, and when the community turned (even) more positive toward the game. What a ride year 1 was.
Titan, the poster boy for 2.0. Can't wait for 3.0, year of the Warlock.
True. But to this effect, there's no benefit to using something at the Fatebringer/Fulcrum impact class. A Revelator-impact HC requires the same amount of shots despite the impact difference and boasts higher RoF, for better time to kill. This low impact tier of HCs is ideal right now but I'm not sure I kept any other than Word of Crota.Except that, after AgBalls was nerfed, that extra damage only kills someone with super low armor (read: NO upgrades according to folks on Crucible Playbook) in two headshots with a Moon. It's not good any more. Might as well use the Legendary, free up the exotic, and use a gun with better handling, AA, and range.
Whatever happened to The Librarian anyway? Dude hasn't posted since October of last year.