Has anyone completed the Eris legendary bounty chain yet?
the final task is to beat the raid, so one has done it
Has anyone completed the Eris legendary bounty chain yet?
Anyone for Fear's Embrace?
So I've seen like 5 ppl now with an exotic scout rifle. Is it part of a quest?
great impressions pretty much on the money ... lol amazing nics for those itemsWell now that I understand the new leveling and loot systems, i'd like to offer some more cohesive thoughts on it.
What I think is good
- Quests have breathed life into the game that it didn't have previously. Now there will always be something to do and talk about because there will be dozens of Quests to pursue, each with their own challenges and rewards. And yes, they are challenging and they are rewarding. The Taken War stuff especially had me ecstatic and they're a blast to play with friends.
- The slope is less steep. This is good for the obvious reason that you aren't immediately handicapped if you are a level below the enemy. You can be level 40 and be stronger than a level 41 enemy based on your light; or can get wrecked by a level 38 if your light is low. With this system, it is still obvious that being a higher light makes you more powerful, but the differences between are more granular. This is good for the community and good for longetivity.
- Infusing Legendary gear is fun and lets people keep the items they want. I was afraid that the Vendor gear would be irrelevant once I'd gotten Raid gear, but now that I know that isn't the case, I'm excited that I'll have more control over how I look. I only wish that it extended to Rare and Uncommon drops somehow, as there is one green helmet I really like that I wish I could keep.
- Smart Loot dropping out in the wild makes the game more rewarding and more exciting, especially when the boss dies and poops out 3 of them. It isn't always better than what I have, but i have that min/maxing moment to look forward to nonetheless.
- I like that every piece of gear we have offers a bonus to something.
What I think needs work
- Quests need to show recommended light levels and be more clear about their rewards.
- Legendary marks need to be more accessible throughout other activities.
- I wish infusion didn't cost legendary marks. It feels like whenever I infuse an item, I've somehow lost a lot of time because of how "rare" they seem.
- The whole "equip items one at a time at the Cryptarch to game the system" feels cheap. I like what it is doing, but it just seems unnatural to me.
- Artifacts currently seem pointless.
What I think is not good
- Being forced to use crappy guns with underwhelming stats while I level up made the game feel worse than the 20-24 grind from Vanilla. Going from 200-250 light was a slog because I was being thrown Greens and Blues that were less efficient than my Year One items; however, I had to use them to luck into better drops. That's not fun and it forces me to play with weapons I either don't like using or ones that are not efficient for the job.
- Cosmetic items contributing to light. There are a bunch of beautiful Ghost Shells now, but I'm forced to use the highest level one so it defeats the purpose. This is especially the case because most of the Ghost Shells are Rare, so I can't infuse them. The same goes for Class Items. I'm fortunate to have fallen for the Marsh cloak, so I'm set; nevertheless, there are hundreds of Class Items that nobody will be wearing now that it doesn't contribute to your light. I like the stats, but I don't like that it affects your power (and I don't think it makes much sense for it to).
- Quests tied to specific weapon playstyles like "Get kills with The Last Word". First of all, this gun stinks now so that's rubbing salt in the wound, but the fact that the tracking mechanism behind it is cumbersome on top of it makes it needlessly frustrating.
- We still can't do anything about the stats on our armor. If the smart loot system is less likely to give us dupes, then I'm afraid I might never be able to maximize my builds.
- Farming Cornflakes and Worm Sperm on the Dreadnaught. Bungie pls.
Does anyone want to 6 man the 300 Court of Oryx??? Or does anyone try to do it? I have a Antiquated Rune (so does one of my friend so we can do two). We are all 285+.
Does anyone want to 6 man the 300 Court of Oryx??? Or does anyone try to do it? I have a Antiquated Rune (so does one of my friend so we can do two). We are all 285+.
So Mindlog and I finished Petra and Variks questlines but isn't there a rest that will get us the Gemini Exotic Scout? Got nothing after talking to Variks.
Starting Nightfall on PS4 right now, looking for 2 more. I'm at 281 light.
Haha, I've seen a couple people saying they got one here and there. I wonder though.Did Bungie forget to include Exotics in the Nightfall loot table?
So the rep items for gunsmith, do those only drop from fallen? Is it only fallen on earth? I've gotten one or two from earth fallen and I'd like to try and grab a few more for rank 3. Be nice to work on my exotic class weapon over the next few days
Legendaries count for 5 iirc and Y1 weapons will work.have to dismantle 10 rare/legendary hand cannons for my exotic hand cannon
it's pocket infinity all over again![]()
If it's like the one I did for still piercer, you don't need to do 10 of them. It counts the number of materials you get from dismantling it.have to dismantle 10 rare/legendary hand cannons for my exotic hand cannon
it's pocket infinity all over again![]()
"Talk to Ikora"
"Talk to Zavala"
"Talk to Cayde"
"Talk to Eris Morn"
"Talk to Arach Jalaal"
"Talk to Petra Venj"
"Talk to Variks"
Why? None of them has anything worthwhile to say. It's just a lazy way of padding out those shitty grind quests.
the lieutenants on patrol? what's the best way to get these for the quest?
For the shotgun thing, majors don't count. Tried it on the 3 Hive Majors on earth. Didn't count. But if you load up the mission Regicide and make it to the bridge (it's the first encounter in the mission), you'll summon a group of Taken. Amongst them is a single Tortured Knight (an ultra). Killing him will count.
As I mentioned above, it's 6% for every Tortured Knight kill while 3% for every guardian kill. I basically killed the knight 17 times by wiping after each kill to complete it. Don't even bother with the Hive, just rush up to the bridge where the Ascendant Gate is at and pull back after coming close to the gate. Chip his health away from a safe distance and just rush him when close to death.
does infusing bring any type of armor to the max def?
Nope, I've gotten them sporadically during strikes and such. Venus, Mars etc.
So the rep items for gunsmith, do those only drop from fallen? Is it only fallen on earth? I've gotten one or two from earth fallen and I'd like to try and grab a few more for rank 3. Be nice to work on my exotic class weapon over the next few days
somebody fix this lag in the crucible
why am i playing crucible?
Petra gives you the exotic.
Yep.Nf anyone?
Psn robdraggoo
Nf anyone?
Psn robdraggoo
thanks. it's weird seeing so many legendary gear with different statsOnly gear capable of being infused, IE Legendaries.
I'm down
X_Magik_ox psn
PSN is Bonsoir.
What's the light level for NF?
Yes! I'm 293.Does anyone want to 6 man the 300 Court of Oryx??? Or does anyone try to do it? I have a Antiquated Rune (so does one of my friend so we can do two). We are all 285+.
Legendaries count for 5 iirc and Y1 weapons will work.
If it's like the one I did for still piercer, you don't need to do 10 of them. It counts the number of materials you get from dismantling it.
I dismantled an old legendary sniper, gave me 4 weapon parts, and the quest advanced 4 points.
Lieutenants don't count either.![]()
It's in the Regicide mission. It's a huge knight that shows up on the bridge in the mausoleum.good to know, thanks. i just dismantled a dupe TLW an hour ago
which knight are you talking about, the one after killing the 2 hands of oryx?