Reagan's BR
Anyone on Xbox want to help me with one of the taken champions? There are never people in this one public area to help.
Anyone on Xbox want to help me with one of the taken champions? There are never people in this one public area to help.
So far I've found that the Citadel on Venus and The Divide on Earth are the best places for their respective planets to find people to help. I would love to help, but I'm on PS4.
Appreciate it. I'm in the rocket yard trying to kill a certain one. Nobody is ever here.
Suhweeeet, adding to OP (short-lived as it'll be)
So I just did the daily crucible for the first time ever and I didn't get my 15 legendary marks? Is it because it dropped me into a game already in progress?
Divide is better. Smaller. People are usually there for daily events.
On Venus the ember caves are a better spot too. Same reasons as earth. If it wasn't 1230, I'd join.
I want this helm, like really bad. So bad assAlmost there.
Should try for exotic weapons.
Are you sure you wouldn't rather some Red Bull, the Official Gamer Fuel of Destiny?
Red Bull Gives You Wings.
I have a quest marker hovering over the Tower, but when I go there, no one has a quest.
Check all the rooms. I've had quests that need to be turned in the dead orbit dude and I didn't get the marker until I was at the hanger.I have a quest marker hovering over the Tower, but when I go there, no one has a quest.
the one for the chaperone
Also, Vertigo isn't a good skirmish map.
meh, i don't drink sweet horse piss
also their codes dont bloody work
Thanks for the run Silvard! That was rough but we made it. That guy one shotting you at random.
I did my first daily crucible on my hunter and didn't get the marks. Not sure what's up, if there's a pre-requisite or what.
I'm on the same mission. Want to group up?Only on the Promethean Code step of the Taken King quest, just hit 40 and 198 light with the two legendaries from faction packages. These quests are something else
I want this helm, like really bad. So bad ass
at the end of heroic Shield Brothers - really need help as I'm alone lol
psn delamarch. no mic atm
at the end of heroic Shield Brothers - really need help as I'm alone lol
psn delamarch. no mic atm
Is this for the Exotic Bounty?
Sending you a Fr
court of oryx anyone? drizzay and 1 have a spot
I just wanna stop and appreciate this AR.
Crap perks, but love everything else.
court of oryx anyone? drizzay and 1 have a spot
I just wanna stop and appreciate this AR.
Crap perks, but love everything else.
I chose the pulse rifle, I already have the hand cannon