Hold square (x on xbox) to consume it. Xp goes towards every thing you have equiped.
Dismantling (hold square) a mote levels all your gear. Telemetry boosts work for this too!
Hold square (x on xbox) to consume it. Xp goes towards every thing you have equiped.
Yeah, it is wierd. They have to have something planned in the future right? Otherwise why do it?Isn't it odd/new that patrols have a difficulty/level select (obv. with only one choice right now)? I must have missed this being discussed?
Anyone wanna grind out a bunch of Heroic Strikes? PSN: ultrajari, 268 light. No mic
Anyone wanna grind out a bunch of Heroic Strikes? PSN: ultrajari, 268 light. No mic
I'm game, I'll on in a few minutes.
Are the Venus/Mars Taken War quest lines solo-able? I'm 285 light btw...
I've finished one Earth one I think. Can't recall if it's the same quest.
Anyone wanna grind out a bunch of Heroic Strikes? PSN: ultrajari, 268 light. No mic
got the ugliest frog ballsack cloak ever but put it on because it had higher light.
then i remembered i could break that sucker down and feed it to best cloak to make that one higher.
so i did. and i did for other stuff.
this infuse thing.![]()
if only it didn't cost marks.
How do you start the first TTK mission? Do you have to do subclass stuff first?
Hold square (x on xbox) to consume it. Xp goes towards every thing you have equiped.
Dismantling (hold square) a mote levels all your gear. Telemetry boosts work for this too!
Just use them from you inventory while your desired gear/weapons are equipped
How do you start the first TTK mission? Do you have to do subclass stuff first?
Which Strikes are able to be played in the Heroic playlist (level 41). Seems like I get Valus and the Shank one every time. Not even kidding. I've run about 10-15 strikes and those are the only two I've gotten.
Trying to download the PS4 Legendary Edition remotely but all 4 items have been in the queue for an hour now. Does it not know what to do since I currently have the trial version installed?
Dude the shank strike in the heroic playlist (w/ taken enemies) is harder than the Nightfall. Like.. WAY harder than the Nightfall.Shank one is nice... very quick.
I got undying mind earlier. It was brutal. Valus is kind of a pain now, too.
I refuse to believe you have 350 over 2 days.
Howww did you get so many marks? I have like 65 and I've played a stupid amount.
I got a legendary artifact from Eris.
Dude the shank strike in the heroic playlist (w/ taken enemies) is harder than the Nightfall. Like.. WAY harder than the Nightfall.
Just do the mission on phobos. It's on the bottom right of the director.
Phobos. strap in.
Dude the shank strike in the heroic playlist (w/ taken enemies) is harder than the Nightfall. Like.. WAY harder than the Nightfall.
Wow, just finished the new vex strike in the heroic playlist... That boss does not mess around. Straight up gorgon stuff.
Yeah but now it gives way more than you would have gotten with the old system lol
daaaamn this enhanced radar is sweet. I want shadestep pretty bad but this is awfully nice...
Nightfall! Already halfway through. Need 1 more. Light 270 is fine.
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
My plan was Warlock -> Titan -> Hunter.Keen Scout is amazing. How will I live without it?
If I can ever start getting some decent gear I've got to remember this. I've been racking up motes like crazy.
You know whats awesome? Taking a detour from whatever mission youre on because you and your fireteam mate ran through the cavern and happened to notice a lonely solo bro off in the distance attempting Court of Oryx by himself, leaping across the chasm and while in midair sending a Nightstalker super purple arrow right into the middle of it just as solobro was about to be fucked, exlode every goddamn thing in a giant purple atomic orb blast then killing the boss in like .5 seconds before continuing on your merry way. Feels fucking good.