Logging in with the Vita now!Last one for me Daryl. El cuco get ready.![]()
Logging in with the Vita now!Last one for me Daryl. El cuco get ready.![]()
These three coins don't work. Three strikes and nothing. Smart loot my butt.
These three coins don't work. Three strikes and nothing. Smart loot my butt.
Again, when have Exotics ever been rare? I mean sure it takes a few weeks of waiting for Xur to sell something but most players (I mean active players from year 1) have most Exotics. Xur sold every single year 1 weapon twice or more for instance.
I didn't mean to screw up that checkpoint colonel! I'm so sorry!
Damn dude, that's a good haul.
These three coins don't work. Three strikes and nothing. Smart loot my butt.
Well you don't have to grind for marks now to buy them.Getting a lot of new version of year 1: Suros, Incentive, Don't Touch me. . sigh
This is so stupid, haha.
I've got Draksis down pat now, I'm racking up exotic engrams.
I'm debating on how low I should cut my stack of coins on this thing...![]()
Ok, so I used a single ToC. Beat the Eye of a gatelord mission on easy. Got nothing. Now what?
Did I consume the ToC and now that one is gone? Is it still active? Should I pop another one or just go fight him again?
I dont understand how this works.
It was a pleasure bro.
Ok, so I used a single ToC. Beat the Eye of a gatelord mission on easy. Got nothing. Now what?
Did I consume the ToC? Is it still active? Should I pop another one or just go fight him again?
I dont understand how this works.
This is so stupid, haha.
I've got Draksis down pat now, I'm racking up exotic engrams.
I'm debating on how low I should cut my stack of coins on this thing...![]()
So that 150 strange coins I spent on helm engrams was you just fucking me right me, Rahoolio?![]()
About to buy stocks in Three of Coins asap
My god, from 1150 coins to 500. I have a problem, that's it though, I swear.... no more.
Lt it took 5 minutes to get there. Not even a thing my man!![]()
Ape, scroll up to what I posted for Zoba. Start the Scourge of Winter mission
1) Equip Ice Breaker and a rocket launcher
2) Use a 3 of coins
3) Approach door with Draksis and shoot him 4 times in the head with IB
4) Rush him and kill him with rocket launcher point blank
5) watch the goodies fall
I got 5 exotic engrams in about 15 minutes. You use one before you go through the door and you get an exotic engram every few times.
When in front of his doors:Care to step-by-step your exact method for those of us at work/school/etc. that must wait for later and are vicariously living through you all right now?! lol
Pop another and fight him again. It's not active anymore (cause you killed an ultra) so you have to pop another. The next one will however have a slightly higher chance for an exotic engram. Mind you, still only a chance.
Pop another everytime
Loot Cave 2.0 People !!![/b]
Actually I'm 100% sure Exotics would have the highest % of ownership because there's fewer of them and they're generally worth keeping.Ok true... but i bet if you took 100% of the destiny population and searched their inventory that exotics would be pretty much the most "rare" of any. But yes, the majority of the hardcore had a lot of exotics as you could buy them.
It's just so damn soon! lol (that said let me out of work i need my Telesto!!!!)
Guys it takes like 5 minutes to fight to Draksis. If even that.
I wish I saved the video
I used 5 and didn't get one![]()
Took me something like that to get my first one on Draksis.Are you guys doing easy gatelord or 240 light one?
cause after 9 kills I got absolutely nothing.
You sure you didn't forget one? (I did once or twice)
But they stack so if you use more than one..
You have tons of coins, right? You can rock some more later.
before they nerf it
Takes 10 seconds to kill the gatelord.
Awhaaaa!?Loot Cave 2.0 People !!!
Took me something like that to get my first one on Draksis.
Normal version is fine.![]()