For science: how many Coins/Engrams did you get?
You should be doing the exploit alone since the mission will be completed if even one of your fireteam member is alive.
You should be doing the exploit alone since the mission will be completed if even one of your fireteam member is alive.
Yup Vita stylin lolMy controller trackpad is sticky. I hope I pressed it fast enough to go to orbit. . .
Also got an exotic chest engram on my 6th kill in a row from my last drop
Cuco making you leader since you should still have it
We can go there, send it back to me, then we wipe real quick (since I know you are on vita--i think)
I've never seen one! They're a TTK thing. I'll be home in under 2 hours, hoping Bungie turns a blind eye for a while longerI got 10 out of 40
a lot of those were dupes, but i'd long since forgotten the hue of exotic engrams
They better not hotfix this before I get home from work today. People are gonna have all the non-quest exotics on day 1 of Xur. Crazy.
Thread title needs a change. Something about draksis handing out exotics.
At what point in a strike do I use the three of coins?
Was that from a strike boss kill?
I've gotten 4 exotics engrams from 14 coins.
Just be patient, I had a run of 10 straight where I didn't get anything, before that I had 3 straight runs lead to exoticsGoddammi I used 5 in the 5 min I had and nada
At what point in a strike do I use the three of coins?
Wait a second, so you use the Three of Coins before killing the Ultra obviously. But what do you do when the Ultra doesn't drop an exotic?
Wait a second, so you use the Three of Coins before killing the Ultra obviously. But what do you do when the Ultra doesn't drop an exotic?
This is so stupid, haha.
I've got Draksis down pat now, I'm racking up exotic engrams.
I'm debating on how low I should cut my stack of coins on this thing...![]()
Just be patient, I had a run of 10 straight where I didn't get anything, before that I had 3 straight runs lead to exotics
Which is a better for the stag warlock helm?
Dis/str: super energy from darkness kills and replenish health from orb pickup
Int/dis: super energy from MELEE kills and bonus MELEE energy on orb pickup
The buff goes away when you kill an ultra. Dying with him is just to keep the checkpoint and retry right many times do you do it before he drops one?
so the buff goes away once you die right...
i used a coins killed him and me at same time.... respawn use coin repeat...?
Wait a second, so you use the Three of Coins before killing the Ultra obviously. But what do you do when the Ultra doesn't drop an exotic?
For science: how many Coins/Engrams did you get?
Wait a second, so you use the Three of Coins before killing the Ultra obviously. But what do you do when the Ultra doesn't drop an exotic?
Also, if you're looking for money, I just sold all my dead currency at the class item salesman, got 8000 glimmer. But glimmer has been really hard to come by.
There is no way they don't nerf the drop rate before I get in on this.4 hours at work today. Hopefully this doesnt get hotfixed when the raid drops.
Just woke up and I am so confused. What exploit is everyone talking about?
Is there a post explaining it?Suicide engram farm