I have it but I need two more tier 2 kills to charge it. I got it from a tier 2 kill if a remember well. I'll try to set up a CoO group here around 6:30pm CEST to complete Eris' quest.
I have one T2 Rune (stolen), so I hope I catch you online then.
I have it but I need two more tier 2 kills to charge it. I got it from a tier 2 kill if a remember well. I'll try to set up a CoO group here around 6:30pm CEST to complete Eris' quest.
Someone join us for one last spindle if it works. We're at the Ketch.
I have the spindle. it's 3 rounds, my other sniper is a 4 round and does more damage to Oryx which is the only boss it really matters on.
lol the people who tell you things troll you so hard. But they invite you to parties and gift CEs so it's all forgiven
Shouldn't be more than a week before it's the Daily again, you know how much bungie likes DLC Dailies
It matters on more than just oryx. Makes things go quicker in the first bosses.
Tell me more about this Gjallarhorn 2.0I'm sorry to hear that, man. When the Daily rolls out again let me know and you'll be the first person I help.
We found Gjallarhorn 2.0, but it requires you to do Skolas with pre-TTK gear and with Burns like when it launched and you can't use Gjallarhorn.
Wait what?There may be a VoG mission secret, with not attacking the vex thing..
Oh damn, well I hope I'll have time to infuse my 295 1000 yard before this happensThem MALICE! Will use it.
Oh man! I will take the chance to infuse my 1000 twice then. Get it up to 310.
Can you provide the link?
Edit: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/155921520
Oh boy Ill infuse all the secondaries I want to keep up to 300 today. Good I got on reserve 300 Axio beads. Glimmer will not be a problem to get 20+ .Will also infuse a few crappy secondaries up to 300 just as a feeder for the nerfed spindle. Will get it up to 300 but that ok
Raid spoilers:Them MALICE! Will use it.
Oh man! I will take the chance to infuse my 1000 twice then. Get it up to 310.
Can you provide the link?
Tell me more about this Gjallarhorn 2.0
Raid spoilers:
I never wanna cap a platform again. Don't wanna leave to detonate a bomb. Just wanna stay in my bubble, safe from my gun trying to murder me, shooting an infinite, uninterrupted double damage auto fired stream of bullets at Oryx's belly. It's cathartic.
We'll have to wait until it's the daily.Tell me more about this Gjallarhorn 2.0
Wait what?
Oh damn, well I hope I'll have time to infuse my 295 1000 yard before this happens
The game has been out for 1,5 week and people still haven't found the Sleeper Simulant yet.
We'll have to wait until it's the daily.
But when I did that Paradox mission, there were some Minotaurs at the entrance to the Vault. As I started shooting them, Nolanbot was like "don't attack them! Their attack profile is off" but then said "oh well" as I wrecked them". Thought it was just a funny little quip but now I wonder if it's a hint to do something different when it's the daily. Maybe cap all points and activate spire?
The mission being VoG means there's a billion different places to look![]()
I want in as well, so make that two.anyone doing a raid today please let me join... hunter Llv294
psn ne0ism-
will be on in a bit....
Probably will end up coming from a Rank 5 Gunsmith quest, after you've gotten 5+ of those purple relic items that drop.was there not meant to be hints on the collectors edition? on that map or something (just recalling something random i read)
He says that on the normal mission.
was there not meant to be hints on the collectors edition? on that map or something (just recalling something random i read)
He says that on the normal mission.
I knew about an emblem, but not a shader. Do tell more plz.Yeah, there's several coordinates on them. When you follow those you get a shader... not related to the Sleeper.
It's weird though. I love hunting Exotics who are hidden. Yet, Bungie tucked this one away pretty deep. Hey! Bungie! MOAR BRETKRUMZ!
I knew about an emblem, but not a shader. Do tell more plz.
I believe I was at the killing people in the Crucible with the Sword part of it.
It also dispenses an infinite amount of Red Bull. The only fuel for Guardians!
Touch of Malice down, thanks Drizzay for being cannon fodder
Next on the list, unlocking crucible weekly quests
Link to reference plz?So anyone know what the whole "You guys want to talk to Eris tomorrow" thing from yesterday was about?
That quest will test you.
Some guy on Twitter said:will the black spindle i acquired today at 310 be nerfed to 290 or only future drops??
Cozmo said:All Black Spindles will be set to 290, but weapons you infused with them will not be affected.
Major props to Bogey-Drassil for doing eighty million runs. If you think he's good at Spindle runs, you should see him play Resident Evil Remake!
Deej, thank you for making me spend 45k glimmer +18 exotic shards leveling some secondary weapons.
Who I am talking about. I think its ok to nerf it.
Link to reference plz?
has anyone a spare Red Bull code?
any people interested in doing the raid on Xbox? Haven't done it myself yet. 296 Warlock
I love the way the hung jury scout sounds when shooting
it's very soothing like water
I wont mind to do another raid today. This time with Warlock. But first 3xNFs + Dailies.
Well that sucks
Yup, it's going down to 290.So my exotic spindle we got that is 310 is getting nerfed? the fuck or am I reading it incorrectly? (I'm tired)