So we've learned that the Cabal are pretty freaked out at us. They're cited as amazed we keep on reviving, recklessly murdering everything we see and then just casually doing acrobatics on our "light vehicles" (sparrows).
To such a degree that, suspecting the Hive know how to deal with us, the Emperor of the Cabal sent a message from a far off system. He ordered the Skyburners to seize the Dreadnaught at any cost. We know how that went.
Now the Cabal leadership in our system is utterly decimated. Valii (what the hell would the plural of Valus be?), Vals, Primes - all dead or captured in the Prison of Elders.
I think this is an absolutely perfect way to set the stage for a Cabal expansion. I think a Cabal raid would be super interesting. Their militaristic ways would allow some super cool encounters - 6 Interceptor battles, or teams splitting up to hack systems or something. Think tackling a truly, heavily fortified military base. It'd be fantastic if we could end Destiny by clearing the main threats off the inner planets and have Destiny 2 begin in a new world state where we've started to take back Luna, Venus and Mars.
Ok enough future talk. Still missing 2 swords plus the 3 Exotic ones, unlocking the Weekly Crucible bounties, making my Warlock raid ready and maxing his new subclass, discovering the remaining Exoticsperdecting armor and weapon loadouts... And we haven't even seen Iron Banner or Trials or Heroic Raid yet. TTK will keep us busy for a long, long time