Has anyone answered this yet?
Has anyone answered this yet?
Has anyone answered this yet?
No. Can be done on easy/normal.so doing that Scourge of winter boss, does the difficulty have to be heroic ?
so doing that Scourge of winter boss, does the difficulty have to be heroic ?
No. Can be done on easy/normal.
This seems like a direct successor to the Thorn bounty. PvP aspect where you lose progression, and a final "special difficulty" Strike.It's a frustrating quest, reminds me a lot of what we went through with the Thorn in year one... expect this one seems way more difficult.
Got it done last night thankfully
Why GL instead of Scourge suicide method? Also do you want to team up in GL? I am seeing TrickleWreck doing it with a full team
It's not really an exploit though is it? It's just faster than using ToC in strike after strike.
No reason. Join me if you want. I have no mic and no volume on my TV right now.
Why GL and not Scourge? Or is it all the same (rocket suicide/boss kill method)Killed the Gatelord 9 times and gotten 3 exotic helm engrams. Where the fuck are the weapon engrams ;_;
No, normal difficulty works fine.
It's not really an exploit though is it? It's just faster than using ToC in strike after strike.
Guaranteed 290
290, mm mm good
dam!3 exotics from 9 attempts so far. Gloves, chest and special. Me likey
nopeso doing that Scourge of winter boss, does the difficulty have to be heroic ?
well just doing a story mission rather than a strike I consider nowhere near an exploit. i don't think it's quite intended for you to kill yoruself before triggering mission end and simply kill the boss endlessly though. still, won't be a bannable thing or anything like thatIt's not really an exploit though is it? It's just faster than using ToC in strike after strike.
it could work on any boss anywhere I imagineWhy GL and not Scourge? Or is it all the same (rocket suicide/boss kill method)
I'm with you, wallach and I got a toooon of other stuff in addition to our exotic engrams and that was just the 36 playlistFollow up, I'd actually rather use it in a real strike and get a bunch of engrams on the way and potentially get a boss legendary. Iunno, doesn't seem like any benefit except speed and then what do you have? Every exotic in a morning? They can't go higher than 290 in a drop so if your goal is to get raid ready, you're better off striking, I think.
Dammit I got the Telesto.
I can't believe how this TLW quest is designed. I can't believe they let you lose progress. I can't believe you have to use a gun that was just nerfed into uselessness.
I just cannot fucking believe it.
Don't be sad. Supposedly it's the new DPS king like Gjallarhorn was.
Why GL and not Scourge? Or is it all the same (rocket suicide/boss kill method)
Follow up, I'd actually rather use it in a real strike and get a bunch of engrams on the way and potentially get a boss legendary. Iunno, doesn't seem like any benefit except speed and then what do you have? Every exotic in a morning? They can't go higher than 290 in a drop so if your goal is to get raid ready, you're better off striking, I think.
First run with Deku, exotic primary engram.
Follow up, I'd actually rather use it in a real strike and get a bunch of engrams on the way and potentially get a boss legendary. Iunno, doesn't seem like any benefit except speed and then what do you have? Every exotic in a morning? They can't go higher than 290 in a drop so if your goal is to get raid ready, you're better off striking, I think.
Thanks 3 of coins!
Exotic special engram on kill 13.
So far
Helmet on kill 2.
Primary on kill 7.
Special on kill. 13.
How you got that ?
Tbf without knowing what to expect in the Raid, and knowing very little about how powerful or useful these Exotics may be in specific scenarios, I'd say the more you have the better likelihood you have of dealing with a given encounter.Follow up, I'd actually rather use it in a real strike and get a bunch of engrams on the way and potentially get a boss legendary. Iunno, doesn't seem like any benefit except speed and then what do you have? Every exotic in a morning? They can't go higher than 290 in a drop so if your goal is to get raid ready, you're better off striking, I think.
yeah, exotics can only be looked at lateral moves in terms of progression. still if you're just looking to collect themTrue, while doing the strikes you are also getting infusion materials to power up your current gear. So you are still progressing in a way while also getting a chance at an exotic drop. Plus all those engrams to level cryptarch / faction rep, strikes are the way to go.
Fair point, though the odds may be against you of course, you could literally get 4 knucklehead radars with bad luck just as well as you could get 4 brand new uniquely useful things. but there's a chance either wayTbf without knowing what to expect in the Raid, and knowing very little about how powerful or useful these Exotics may be in specific scenarios, I'd say the more you have the better likelihood you have of dealing with a given encounter.
Like, think about how useful MIDA and Bad Juju and Dont't Touch Me were in the Abyss, or Ice Breaker on Oracles, that kind of thing.
This is cheesy as hell but I can't really blame the community for seizing a chance at progression which doesn't negatively affect anyone else (unlike PvP exploits) or necessarily rob them of an intended experience (like breaking a Raid with cheese).
Exotic special engram on kill 13.
So far
Helmet on kill 2.
Primary on kill 7.
Special on kill. 13.
So what's going on?
People are killing the Gatelord in the story mission to get drops from the 3 of coins?
Yeah, just tested it, got one engram, back to the tower to buy 100 more of those ToC!Exotic gloves. I'll take them.
Fuck it. Spending the rest of my strange coins on the 3 coins thing.
This seems like a direct successor to the Thorn bounty. PvP aspect where you lose progression, and a final "special difficulty" Strike.
I still need to get shotgun kills but I don't fully understand which kills count and which don't. Only at 15% after shot gunning a million Majorsgave up and started killing Majors for my Sword. I'll do the shotgun part in PvP when the Raid craze is done and I return to Crucible.