These changes will make every PvP game a sniper fest, more than ever before.
Yea. My only concern. Sucks they didn't nerf the AA
These changes will make every PvP game a sniper fest, more than ever before.
Is this where I tell you I got a 311 class item since my last loot haul tally?
I swear if they make pulse rifles as bad as auto rifles I'm done with Destiny. "Shotguns coming in" what does that mean?
Trying to get caught up on the news today, excited about how much info they dropped. I'll be down for some Banner trains in a bit if anybody is still rolling. Wanna knock out some daily bounties before reset.
NStalker is a freakin blast. Tether takes more understanding than most supers. Too often people use it offensively like it's Golden Gun which doesn't work well. But it's the best defensive super in the game and excels at area control. You may not get tons of kills with it but if you can control heavy spawns and shut down some hammers then it's a huge boost to your team.
The super with the highest skill ceiling is still Arc Blade (insert fighting words here).
Play tomorrow?
With that, good night DGAF, I am tepid on the changes. We'll see what happens.
Hey guys, should I keep the completed DAILY Iron Banner bounties till Sunday? Or should I turn them in now?
Is this weapon Eris wants me to build any good, or is it a Necrochasm situation?
Better to turn them in now I think since daily bounties can repeat and if you don't turn it in, you can't do it over again, right?
Is this weapon Eris wants me to build any good, or is it a Necrochasm situation?
Which is fine as long as they don't neuter them. I've always loved pulse rifles and if they are garbage I will be the saltiest person on earth.My mentality has always been to buff the "weak" stuff instead of nerfing the good stuff. From what I'm reading out of these notes Pulse Rifle damage is just being slightly reduced and a bit more damage fall-off on depending on range so they'll probably still be beastly.
Cool thanks.Touch of Malice. It's strong but really only for the last two fights of the raid.
Better to turn them in now I think since daily bounties can repeat and if you don't turn it in, you can't do it over again, right?
Cool thanks.
What's the best use of my Ascendant/Radiant Shards? Trade them in for Motes of Light? What about Energy?
Cool thanks.
What's the best use of my Ascendant/Radiant Shards? Trade them in for Motes of Light? What about Energy?
^sounds good Dan. I might not be on quite that soon but I'll be down to play through the daily reset.
Convert everything into Motes and Glimmer, depending on how much you need Weapon Parts. Motes are very useful for quickly leveling up gear and for ranking up factions for rewards including weapons, armor, emblems, shaders and ships.
Edit: and yeah Touch of Malice is excellent in the raid. And the final round damage boost actually makes it pretty unique in PvP since it breaks the intended RoF/impact archetype. Not for serious PvP but still fun.
Thanks guys.Motes or Glimmer depending on if you need Weapon Parts or not. Convert Energy into Shard.
edit: why did I basically just repeat Drizzay? I'm losing it.
Let me train with you!like goku, i'm down to train
I haven't been as motivated to play Destiny as I was by this IB in a looong time. There was incentive. You give players a chance at guaranteed 310+, endgame loot and they want to do the activity.
Funny how that works.
I can't believe they nerf Hawkmoon again. Dammit Bungie,the reason Hawkmoon was used heavily in your stat readings because it was the only viable Handcannon to use when the rest of the handcannons are shit due to your nerfs and your logic is too nerf it even further? What the hell man.
I can't believe they nerf Hawkmoon again. Dammit Bungie,the reason Hawkmoon was used heavily in your stat readings because it was the only viable Handcannon to use when the rest of the handcannons are shit due to your nerfs and your logic is too nerf it even further? What the hell man.
Can't believe the assholes are nerfing the chaperone. That weapon might as well not exist live, only a couple weirdos like me use it often. Suddenly some of the weak bladders at bungie start wetting their pants when playtesting shotguns and it gets trashed.
Fuck it.
rofl this Imprecation quest is hands down the hardest crucible quest I've ever attempted.
I don't understand how my shots are not precision shots... this HC accuracy is just mindblowing
I'll have to come back to this another day
You are literally complaining about a nerf to a gun that is too strong in internal testing, having had no opportunity to use it yourself.
I got it after three or four VERY STRESSFUL, CURSE FILLED matches. SO MUCH CURSING.
Maybe that's what they mean by the first curse.
Shotguns deserve a range nerf dude. It's ridiculous how good they are from certain distances. Chaperone is no different, just land a headshot.They were playtesting nerfs, not buffs.
I see everyone on my list solo queuing banner lol. Why is there no Voltron formed right now?
No one responds when I ask for a trainI see everyone on my list solo queuing banner lol. Why is there no Voltron formed right now?
Not gonna lie - Destiny is beginning to feel like a Frankenstein of a game with all these balances.
Shotguns deserve a range nerf dude. It's ridiculous how good they are from certain distances. Chaperone is no different, just land a headshot.
I got it after three or four VERY STRESSFUL, CURSE FILLED matches. SO MUCH CURSING.
Maybe that's what they mean by the first curse.
Like... I can't.... I don't understand....
My reticule means nothing
It's not the range that's the critical change coming to the chaperone.
No one responds when I ask for a train![]()
No one reads the thread and just post awayNo one responds when I ask for a train![]()
Haha it was the same for me. First two games I got 6/7 headshots and got super annoyed. Third game I got 10+, had to weaken opponents with nades and body shots, then line up the headshot from melee range.
Lost seven games in a row solo queuing iron banner.
That mirrors my experience, yup. A few matches one kill away from closing it out only to end a few seconds and a kill short. I was preeeetty close to chucking my controller at the wall for one of them.
That seemed like a weird change. Sounds like three body shots if you miss the crit. Which is lolbad. But the crits should stop a tank. Pretty lame unless I'm missing something.