Rollo Tomasi
Will we see the return of the MIDA as part of the Y1 Exotics that are making a comeback? I hope so.
I picked up the quest to get AR kills in crucible the other day and used the Zhalo... it's actually pretty good, particularly if the enemy are tightly grouped.Interesting that while PRs are top of the pile for crucible kills, Zhalo is currently the most popular gun.
You don't need TLW for The First Curse (I have the The First Curse, but I still haven't moved the quest that needs TLW (is that for The Chaperon?)). You'll get a terrible HC from the Gunsmith (Imprecation, which is apparently also getting buffed now that I've done the quest) which you need to get precision kills with in the crucible and PvE (and infuse it up to I think 260).I'm really curious how the First Curse will be. Don't have a TLW so can't get one myself.
Bungie are blind if they can't see how op snipers have become. With that huge amount of aim assist they got, the bullets fired have more tracking than Truth rocket.
Surely this is just the game calculating that it would have been a hit when the shot was first fired and making the adjustment necessary? Should you be able to dodge (blink or otherwise) an already fired shot from a high velocity rifle?Know this is old now. But in IB last night I fired a sniper shot. Towards the head of a warlock. Who then blinked. The trail of the round actually jumped to where the blink animation ended and gave me a body shot.
All I have in my special slots are vendor 1KYS, Eirene RR4 and a Telesto - I don't care for anything else in that slot in terms of enjoying using them. I'd be more than happy to be able to use the Telesto more in PvP, it's a lot of fun to's actually kind of amusing.
since PRs are getting a slight nerf and snipers are staying the same, we will definitely see more scouts to combat them.
Sniper + Hand Cannon
Scout + Fusion Rifle
Pulse + Sidearm
Don't know yet depending on how work goes, right now planning to do 1 run during lunch (reset). In other matters, these are the weapons that will dominate in the upcoming balance patch, untested still of course:
- Eyesluna: It's pretty good right now, but with the ADS fix, the fact that it's basically Hawkmoon without the lucky bullets, and Hawkmoon getting a range nerf, this hand cannon will be very powerful.
- Tlaloc: A beast of a scout (with signature perc on), but sometimes got outgunnned by pulses. With pulse nerf incoming, this weapon will dominate everything.
- Zhalos supercell: Good right now, and getting a 7% damage buff? Yes please.
RIP all shotguns. These are getting ABSOLUTELY destroyed. You will see some fancy Chaperone users still but with the nerf to their movement speed and ADS speed (along with range nerf), these people will often be at a disadvantage.
With snipers AA untouched, and them getting a range buff, I expext the game to become little more than long distance sniping battles over and over. Really saddened by this tbh.
Edit: Forgot to mention, but if MIDA makes a Year 2 comeback in December drop everything and get this!
If MIDA returns in Year 2 with no nerfs then damn that thing is going to wreck, especially with all the bonuses it provides.
And if TLW is maybe 50% of the way to where it was pre-2.0 then it also could be a great deadly close-quarters gun again. Here's to hoping because those shotgun nerfs look brutal.
Why is Zhalo popular in PvP now and not the Monte Carlo? Aren't they the same archetype?
This is kind of a stealth buff to Striker Titan in some ways as well.
I'm surprised they're preemptively nerfing Hawkmoon whilst leaving Ace of Spades alone.
This is kind of a stealth buff to Striker Titan in some ways as well.
I'm surprised they're preemptively nerfing Hawkmoon whilst leaving Ace of Spades alone.
What ways?
Kinda glad that this patch releases in december, would be so torn if it was coming out sooner. Next week it will be all about Old Hunters.
I'm surprised they're preemptively nerfing Hawkmoon whilst leaving Ace of Spades alone.
Bungies PvP testers kept getting killed by Hawkmoon, no one uses the ace of spades
Nah, the bet was not about nerfing the No-knight strat (imo the Double Bubble Malice strat is way superior too), it was about it being impossible to sherpa absolute complete newbies through KF HM. You'd get two fellow sherpa's of your choice and the guy that placed the bet would supply three of the biggest idiots around and claimed it'd be impossible to beat KF HM (Oryx). If I remember all that correctly. I feel i've beaten that bet more than several times already on my own(on a near weekly basis, hi Mr-S, drizzle & Cloud)
What bet did you place lol?
Ah yes thats true. Hawkmoon's range nerf means AoS will be the best handcannon though.
Good. It's perfectly balanced.
Zhalo's impact is decent, and the flinch it causes on the enemy your shooting makes it hard to fight back against. It's going to be even better.
I fully expect to see the Suros Regime become a beast in PvP again. Also Red Spectre could be very promising after the AR buffs.
If shotguns start getting thrown in the bushes then it's going to be a lot easier to safely close distance for FoH and shoulder charges
Meant to post about this yesterday. I've been playing IB as a Stormcaller and the survivability difference between that and a Sunbreaker are insane.Also, someone mentioned last night(Frenden?Macello?) Bungie released some stats about Sunbreakers and Stormcallers? Apparently Stormcallers get more kills with their supers? If that's true, what version of Destiny is Bungie playing?
When you hear a stormcaller do you run? No, because they can be 1HKO with a super, sniper, and or focus fired. Heck, you can even trade 1v1 with a good shotgun on them.
When you hear a sunbreak do you run? Yes. Unless you're a nightstalker or defender titan.
Edit: Not to mention the sheer mobility a Titan has over a Warlock.
BWU said:This is not the last youll hear from the Design Team before December. Sage has been thinking a lot about Titans, and hell share some thoughts on the matter before the update goes live.
Also, someone mentioned last night(Frenden?Macello?) Bungie released some stats about Sunbreakers and Stormcallers? Apparently Stormcallers get more kills with their supers? If that's true, what version of Destiny is Bungie playing?
When you hear a stormcaller do you run? No, because they can be 1HKO with a super, sniper, and or focus fired. Heck, you can even trade 1v1 with a good shotgun on them.
When you hear a sunbreak do you run? Yes. Unless you're a nightstalker or defender titan.
Edit: Not to mention the sheer mobility a Titan has over a Warlock.
The auto rifle meta is coming back with a vengeance.
Time to dust off my Suros.
We're all going to be using Scouts aren't we?
I've dusted my Destiny every Tuesday morning thank you very much.You mean
Time to dust off my Destiny.
Thanks! But why specifically is Zhalo popular and not Monte Carlo? They're both the same archetype so shouldn't they have similar damage and flinch?
I've dusted my Destiny every Tuesday morning thank you very much.
The auto rifle meta is coming back with a vengeance.
Time to dust off my Suros.
We're all going to be using Scouts aren't we?
If the new meta will be ARs then it'll be a showdown between Suros and Zhalo.
Personally I'm rooting for Zhalo.
I understand pulses are being nerfed and so are shotties, but I don't understand anything else. So Snipers are actually better now? Who's idea was that? Also, what the fuck is going on with Fabian Strategy?
I might as well grab me a Y2 Last Word from the kiosk and start infusing it now since the meta will be TLW + Sniper
I understand pulses are being nerfed and so are shotties, but I don't understand anything else. So Snipers are actually better now? Who's idea was that? Also, what the fuck is going on with Fabian Strategy?
I might as well grab me a Y2 Last Word from the kiosk and start infusing it now since the meta will be TLW + Sniper