You know what's the best thing about titans getting armentarium?
4 rockets again boyz! Heavy ammo perk for life!
It's a bug, or a feature, but it's known.Speaking of that, why does my Suros rocket launcher only get 2 rockets in PvP even though I'm wearing +rocket ammo boots?
They really did blow their load with the original exotics. Very few if any of the expansion exotics measure up.
Speaking of that, why does my Suros rocket launcher only get 2 rockets in PvP even though I'm wearing +rocket ammo boots?
It's a bug, or a feature, but it's known.
Its broken and they've never acknowledged it
Okay. I haven't tested it on other launchers. Is it only the Suros one?
My Iron Banner boots with +Rocket ammo gives me a 4th truth rocket.
Boots of Eao or bust.
Make it happen Bungie
ok, hmmmmmm
This is the only thing that I want. 320 boots of Eao.
This is the only thing that I want. 320 boots of Eao.
What was good about them?
What was good about them?
Dat quadruple jump bruh, it's the bees knees
What was good about them?
What about them other exotics for each class that were never obtainable, huh?
Probably getting them soon as well.
Dat quadruple jump bruh, it's the bees knees
Quad jump.
I beg to differ...
Four jumps instead of three. Quadruple jump! And extra heavy perk! An actually useful exotic perk!
What was good about them?
Dear Bungie: please make Y2 armamentarium not so silly looking with grenade boobs. thanks
Please don't bring back the Ram. Please don't bring back the Ram. Please don't bring back the Ram...
I am. Trying to get a train going. psn the_idAnyone doing Iron Banner?
dragons breath??? wtf!!
Please don't bring back the Ram. Please don't bring back the Ram. Please don't bring back the Ram...
Oh goddammit fucking Dragon's Breath
Dragon's Breath can be good with tweaks. Nobody used it because of Gjally.
Why are you guys upset? You don't know how they rebalanced it yet.
We’re infusing loot tables with some more gold to mine from your action. Two of them are exclusive to Year Two. Others are weapons and armor from Year One that have been upgraded to keep pace with your Level 40 character. A couple of those Year One reprisals might even have some new surprises tucked away in their talent trees.
a ha LT i saw your comment on this post
Had me like
Lol you don't know who the fuck you're talking to. TG would wreck your ass in a sniper battle from here to next Wednesday.
My personal hope: either the damage from the solar flare is increased, or it leaves a small shower of solar blooms in an area around the blast radius, creating a large area of denial / damage over time. Would be useful in both PvE and PvP.
Heck, just adding tracking would make it great, with three rounds in the tube.