Do i need to play the old Raid to get Mida multitool? Or will it drop like the other exotics in year 2.
My name should only be attached to great weapons. Hezen's Vengeance isn't one of them.What if they named it Namis Vengeance
Do i need to play the old Raid to get Mida multitool? Or will it drop like the other exotics in year 2.
Kinda feeling the same way. Really haven't done much grinding as a result. Whatever drops for me will drop, and I have had a lot of fun when I have that attitude. ( Usually able to most of the time except for disappointing raid drops. )I have pretty much stopped playing Destiny after spending a lot of time with it since release and I think I'm done for good. I'm tired of the little things Bungie does to try and keep you playing only to make it all useless once a new expansion comes out.
Do they expect you to run the raid over and over to months to possibly get the glorified 320 drop for every single slot? It feels like a waste of time when I know the next expansion that drops will have made all my grinding useless.
My name should only be attached to great weapons. Hezen's Vengeance isn't one of them.![]()
Currently you'll have to run old stuff to get it or buy legacy engrams. When it's actually available at Y2 values it will drop like other Y2 exotics currently do.
I know you don't like pvp, but the trial bounties are a good way to farm marks. Just play some games and you will end up with some easy marks.I'm going to need more marks to pad out the collection. Good grief.
Right, I understand that. The question is whether they are 100% done and just locked up. It's possible they were held back because they were going to be tweaked further and a glitch let them out for a couple drops; I'd wager that is the more likely scenario. The alternative is they were done and held back to be part of the December release. I'm still skeptical that was the case, but if the ones that arrive in December are identical in perks and behavior, then we'll know.
Fuck yes . Maybe now I can get them as ir never dropped for me on year one. And when xur sold them last I was in hollidays in Portugal.
I'm a PvP convert as of this week.I know you don't like pvp, but the trial bounties are a good way to farm marks. Just play some games and you will end up with some easy marks.
Patience and Time is the best Year 1 sniper KappaThe next exotic to be listed will be
That sniper rifle that makes you invisible.
Off the top of my head Ram, purifier robes, lucky raspberry, bones, universal remote, vex, necro, patience and time,
Also Khepri's, Glasshouse, Stand Asides, Sunbreakers (lol), Eternal Warrior, and the Prison of Elders weapons.
Ah, nightfall on Tanicks with arc burn. One shot fallen captains ftw. GloriousPatience and Time is the best Year 1 sniper Kappa
I'm still waiting for the Thorn to make it to year 2.... where it at doe?
walking my dog then I'll start an ib train with the first purple to reply to this
No. Seriously. No.
I'm still waiting for the Thorn to make it to year 2.... where it at doe?
walking my dog then I'll start an ib train with the first purple to reply to this
Ok so
They will release Necrochasm and call it Namichasm(NecroKaze?), BUT
you would need to get
1000 No Land Beyond PvP kills and
500 Hezens Vengeance PvP kills
before they release it.
Would you give up hope y/n
I'm still waiting for the Thorn to make it to year 2.... where it at doe?
he lyin though......dangit.
he lyin though
Anyone seen any helm rewards as single endgame rewards?
Best news of the day, need to start hoarding some infusion fodderBones make me happy, and bungie knows it.
he lyin though