U skipping reset shenanigans for UC4?
Nah, will be on for reset raids.
I'll probably finish UC4 by that time 
U skipping reset shenanigans for UC4?
Are you around right now? I need totems if you have it pleaseNah, will be on for reset raids.
I'll probably finish UC4 by that time
Are you around right now? I need totems if you have it please
Need it for another run for TranceWut, I gave you totems last night.
If you're 315 and they're 335, they're only doing an extra 2% damage against you (and you're doing 2% less to them) so it's not really a big deal. If you're 20 levels different, you can get one shot bodyshot from a Black Spindle with fieldchoke, but I rarely see them anyway.
if this is happening, would you guys mind running my account as well? I have about 56 passage coins, never gotten to mercury and have an atrocious k/d. I have a 327 hunter and a 326 titan that could be used. Exotic swords, 1000 yard states and shadow price on both (mainly stability rolls). Would love to see the lighthouse once.
I have hundreds of them.
I am pretty easy, would just like to do bounties and get myself a Doctrine if possible, Mercury would just be the icing on the cake.
I am up for it today or whenever really.![]()
What gear is needed, or recommended, for this? "Bare bones" requirements would be nice as I VERY rarely even almost think about maybe playing PVP, so I'd probably need to acquire a few new things before this is remotely possible with my account.
Primary: Hawksaw from the Crucible vendor is a solid competitive weapon you can easily pick up without relying on RNG for a lucky drop. Alternatively: Arminius from Gunsmith (with Counterbalance) a legendary Hand Cannon with range boosting perks, a good gunsmith PDX-45, Grasp of Malok, MIDA...
Secondary: a good sniper is key. The Taken War quest line drops a very popular roll for 1,000 Yard Stare. Unfortunately none of the vendors have PvP rolled Snipers you can easily pick up :/
Heavy: ultimately unimportant tbh. If you have a Rockey Launcher with the Grenades & Horseshoes perk then near, otherwise don't fret much.
I'll pm you my psn log in stuff. Going to bed in a minute so i won't be around for msg answering unfortunately. Thanks a gazillion thoughMade a fairly significant change for me when I was 322ish. It didn't 3 headshot kill people with my hawksaw as it does now that I'm 330+.
Sounds good man. I'll see if there is any helper on. I think Igor might be available...
Ocean has you handled on the weapons, on the quote below. Hopefully you have some fodder if you have some gear. Ideally, Tarantella for Hunter or Fast Revive. If you have a doctrine with CB that works too but doesn't sound like it?
I'll pm you my psn log in stuff. Going to bed in a minute so i won't be around for msg answering unfortunately. Thanks a gazillion thoughAll my good gear is on my Hunter, as are the coins of passage. Good night and good luck
Just got an eyesluna that looks pretty decent.
rangefinder and luck in the chamber on the end perk trees.
middle tree is hand loaded, reinforced barrel and injection mold ... which of those would you go with?
sights are steady hand IS, sure shot IS and quick draw IS
Nice roll. Reinforced barrel + Sureshot.
Biggy just went up against this guy: Silent_Sniper232
who has 132 recorded flawlesses, meaning for all 44 weeks Trials has been around, he's gotten there once with each character each time.
Sounds good, and thanks, goodnight!
Just got an eyesluna that looks pretty decent.
rangefinder and luck in the chamber on the end perk trees.
middle tree is hand loaded, reinforced barrel and injection mold ... which of those would you go with?
sights are steady hand IS, sure shot IS and quick draw IS
PM sent, i keep forgetting mobile doesn't do pm. Thanks again and good night when you get to it!
PM sent, i keep forgetting mobile doesn't do pm. Thanks again and good night when you get to it!
Anyone up for some non sweaty, don't give a damn trials? Wouldn't mind trying for some bounties/drops
I'm up for bounty run. Psn same as gaf
People talk about a Destiny 2, but also that Destiny 1 was designed for a 10 year plan!?
Is there any chance that Destiny 2, is actually a update to Destiny? ( 2.0) so to speak. Do they really want to make a new game and abandon the current Destiny in the grass?
I'm asking, because if I buy a console later this year (a PS4 Neo, most likely if it turns out good) would there even be a incentive to get into Destiny at that point if a sequel is going to come out that kills off the community of Destiny 1?
Best time to play trials is today guys. Should be an easy flawless.
People talk about a Destiny 2, but also that Destiny 1 was designed for a 10 year plan!?
Is there any chance that Destiny 2, is actually a update to Destiny? ( 2.0) so to speak. Do they really want to make a new game and abandon the current Destiny in the grass?
I'm asking, because if I buy a console later this year (a PS4 Neo, most likely if it turns out good) would there even be a incentive to get into Destiny at that point if a sequel is going to come out that kills off the community of Destiny 1?
I'd wager that there is a pretty decent chance that the next full game release will be an update to the existing foundation of Destiny. Might not go this route throughout the entire decade, but for now it's what makes sense to me.
Honestly, this might be the worst thing I ever saw. It really pains me. I actually get angry inside. I don't understand why some people are so horrible in this world.
Yeah, was ice cold.God damn, I remember that D:
This is one of the worst things - what's the story behind it? did the guy get hacked?
Slow news dayOh that's the guy who got deleted by kermitTHEfrog. Why'd you gif and repost that ancient story Lnkn?
This is one of the worst things - what's the story behind it? did the guy get hacked?
an 11-year-old Destiny player gave control of his PlayStation 4 to a stranger who was supposed to help him. Instead, using the PS4 Share Play feature, the other Destiny player deleted two out of three of his characters, and it all went down live on Twitch.
The jerk told the poor 11 year old to walk away from his console and when he returned he realized what was happening and turned off his PS4 but but not before the damage was done. At the end of the video, you can hear the 11-year-old Destiny player crying as hundreds of hours had been flushed down the toilet by some jerkweed,
Guy was such a dick man.
To my knowledge, they said they wouldn't, and that it was a lesson learned to not trust anyone to take control of your console. they didn't want to get involved.Bungie couldn't re-instate his account?
To my knowledge, they said they wouldn't, and that it was a lesson learned to not trust anyone to take control of your console. they didn't want to get involved.
I understand if that's an adult but an 11-year old kid who doesn't know any better?
ice-cold bungie
To my knowledge, they said they wouldn't, and that it was a lesson learned to not trust anyone to take control of your console. they didn't want to get involved.
I am hopingthat it's a new foundation. Leave behind PS3 and 360 and update the tools.praying
People talk about a Destiny 2, but also that Destiny 1 was designed for a 10 year plan!?
Is there any chance that Destiny 2, is actually a update to Destiny? ( 2.0) so to speak. Do they really want to make a new game and abandon the current Destiny in the grass?
I'm asking, because if I buy a console later this year (a PS4 Neo, most likely if it turns out good) would there even be a incentive to get into Destiny at that point if a sequel is going to come out that kills off the community of Destiny 1?
The most savage thing I've seen in destiny by far.