I think I am done with Destiny. Last night, after ranking up Crucible, Vanguard, Faction and finishing the weekly Crucible quest for 'nightfall tier' awards my overall light level did not increase at all. And I dont mean increase in light level, I mean the bar b/w 370-371 did not move an inch.
How is that possible? Well, since i turned 365 I havent had any artifacts or ghosts drop. I even leveled up Eris Morn last week and she gave me a class item instead. Crucible has yet to drop any weapons or armor pieces for me in two weeks and around 30 games. It has dropped 5 titans marks which are always below or the same as what i already have since everything drops class items in this expansion. Oh and last night it dropped a ship for me! Bungie you know exactly what i want!!
We stopped at the Raid's final boss the other day which screwed me because apparently the boss drops a guaranteed ghost or artifact. Quiet a weird decision considering its pretty much the last encounter in a 370 raid.
I cant help but feel that this is all a very conscious decision on their part. First they turned down the smart loot system of 1-6 light levels higher than your overall LL to 1-3. Then they removed a guaranteed way of getting artifacts. Now you can only get it by ranking up Eris Morn which means running 20 Antiquated runes and her weekly bounties. Even then she gave me a class item so its not guaranteed. Ghost dropped from the first or second chest in Kings Fall, now it drops in the second to last chest.
Legendaries cap at 365, CoE caps at 365, even though the minimum LL for the Raid is 370. Though its very doable at 365. They basically dont want to see you level up too fast. They dont want to reward you for playing the game. I get it. I should play the game if I'm having fun and forget about leveling up, but this is a game about leveling up. That's a huge part of its appeal. It's frustrating just sitting there opening packages and seeing shit drop every single day.
Raid is fucking amazing and the loot drops are much better so I will be sticking with just the raid every week. If Bungie wants to keep me playing by going back to its year 1 roots and wasting my fucking time then I wont give them the satisfaction. The funny thing is that I was addicted to the game when I was leveling up to 335 after the April update, and kept playing the game despite hitting 335 for over a month until ROI came out. So their fear that people will leave the game after hitting max level is completely unfounded.
I dont know. Maybe i am super unlucky. Maybe my game is glitched and ghosts dont drop from packages anymore after 365. Or Maybe not since Bungie made conscious decisions to keep ghosts and artifacts locked at the end of the raid. Final straw with a legendary 371 boot drop from the crucible weekly bounty. 1 full LL above my overall LL.
I get the frustration. The progress is bottlenecked at this point, especially with ghosts and artifacts pretty much never dropping. The thing is, like you, I didn't stop playing during the April update when I achieved max light level. I kept playing and focused on different loadouts, gear and classes to experiment. It kept the replay value high for me. Right now, I've been so focused on getting that
one extra LL point to feel like I am not a liability at end game activities that it feels... hell, I know that I am sucking the fun out of why I play this game in the first place. This kind of came to a head last night when I was so focused on finishing the weekly crucible bounty for control. I needed two more advantage kills, and I kept getting placed in these incredibly lopsided matches and put in with unhelpful teammates, that it made getting those last kills impossible. This is from someone who likes playing crucible on a regular basis.
There's nothing wrong with a break. I think I might do the same, or not play as much. I realize that I spent so many hours last week playing this game, that I have come close to hitting burnout. I took time off from work to play this game and raid, which I couldn't even do because of the LL progression kept me from reaching the optimal level in time. That bottlenecking process really annoyed me, even though I am glad to have found a group to raid with blind. It's been quite an amazing experience so far. I just wanted to get to a point where I can particpate in the raid activities here and not feel like I am deadweight.
Although, there is one thing I can say: you really are unlucky when it comes to drops