Event Horizon can feel just as crispy.
Spot on train now.
Can I join?
Anyone can join.
How is a matador with accurized, smallbored and close and personal.
Finally got a Jade Rabbit, after a year. I can stop being annoyed by that empty spot on the kiosk, and move on to Thorn and Optimus Prime or whatever the hell its called.
If Bungie were an education board and Destiny were a school, they would remove the science club because all the smart kids go there and ignore the rest of the clubs.
Because that's how the Gunslinger nerf looks right about now - completely unwarranted changes based on incredibly flawed reasoning biased towards kill death ratio, which is skewed based on the sample size of above average players who gravitate towards a class whose potential has always been dependent entirely on the skill of the player. In other words, "good players tend to play this subclass and do well, therefore the subclass is too good." Correlation does not equal causation.
Meanwhile, a Stormcaller can blink through 4 guardians team shooting it and survive because... balance? Or the other end of the spectrum where there's still no reason to play Defender in PvP unless you're spamming suppressor nades. Furthermore, skip grenades are overpowered as fuck.
It doesn't take 6 months' worth of behavioral data and patterns to spot balancing errors. I think Bungie needs to stop playtesting this internally with people who play the game the way it's "supposed to be played" and not the way it's actually played.
Dear ones, how is the new content?
Hey Zoba, how's it....oh *slowly backs away*
I'm just tired of incompetence. I played Overwatch for 2 weeks and saw balance problems. 2 weeks later changes were announced and they went up before I could even finish my rant post. How the fuck Bungie still hasn't figured out how to fix this game is completely beyond me. i'm all but convinced that they've long since given up and spent the last 2 years beta testing Destiny 2's Crucible balance.
To be fair Overwatch is a competitive MP game and a competitive MP game alone . Even then I'd say they could be rolling out changes faster.
If Bungie wanted the balance to be better than it is they would have done something by now.
Bungie want to be mad scientists and "give things their age and era". Which would be cool if it was a 2-4 week turnaround and not 6 months while the fanbase wonders what they'll fuck up next.
It's been the shit era since they fucked up my Hawkmoon
...when all they had to do was lower its DoT
Good games everyone. Definitely going to have to change playstyle for supremacy.
Still say make it have near 0 impact and it's all about just getting DoT stacks on.
You know what really gets me? How long did it take them to fix Thorn? They nerfed an entire weapon class and fucked up entire playstyles...
...when all they had to do was lower its DoT
How many bullshit stability and accuracy penalties did we have to sit through for them to indirectly arrive at such a brainless conclusion - one that was proposed literally the day Thorn started showing up in Crucible when it had 6 rounds and everyone who had it said the DoT was too good? And that's not the first or the last time this will happen. Granted, reigning in Hand Cannon ranges can be seen as a positive. Getting sniped from across the map by a weapon with high aim assist oversteps the Scout Rifle and Sniper niches so that's fine. But those are the type of obvious QOL that take more time to tweak into their sweet spot.
In game development, every change will affect something else, especially within the context of sandbox balance. But if there are people who have foresight and wisdom to anticipate those reactions and the problem solving and response time to address them, there wont be any issues. At this point, I frankly just think the sandbox team is not qualified for such a task. This is not a difficult game to balance. They simply either cannot do it or they don't want to.
Yep I remember when mid-low RoF auto rifles were good about..... 2 years ago..... (Still waiting on that buff)
Bungie knocks it out of the park when it comes to PVE, but their PVP balance is beyond fucking horrible. They have the horrible mentality that weapons should 'shine' for a while, which is a poor excuse for not needing to balance things properly. The sad part is they're pretty close to balance, with a few tweaks they'd be there, but since they just adore updating the game balance twice a year there really isn't a point since they always fix one thing and fuck up two more (remember the .06 damage buffs last year? Wow that changed everything). This on top of skill-based matchmaking and it's a recipe for frustrating PVP.
However my biggest issue is gun mechanics, like auto-rifles (or any weapon class really) having horrible base hip-fire accuracy, and most guns having trash mid-air accuracy, which destroys the entire point of how vertical this game can be because it does nothing but harm you unless you're rolling a hand cannon. Earlier in Trials I was having a sniper 1v1 for a winning kill, instead of peaking a corner i decided to be sneaky and jump above a piece of cover and do a nice popshot, I hit the dude directly in the head from my point of view and I see my bullet trail shoot at a completely random angle away from my crosshair and I don't even get a hit on him. Shit like this blows my mind.
There is no such thing as balance. For something to be balance, everything will come to a standstill. Because everything is constant perfection can never be achieved. No I did not read this from a fortune cookie.
I'll just ask again once you guys are done with your PvP rants![]()
There is no such thing as balance. For something to be balance, everything will come to a standstill. Because everything is constant perfection can never be achieved. No I did not read this from a fortune cookie.
I'll just ask again once you guys are done with your PvP rants![]()
Yeah the fragments are raid only.
Would like to do a ROI Raid at 6pm CET (Noon EST)
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest
1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
Already ran the raid with all monitors activated but didn't beat Aksis last time (ran out of time since some had commitments)
Anyone 365+ is welcome. If you beat Aksis or you're 371+ that would be awesome.
Please quote me and sign up.