Unconfirmed Member
Is it not possible to do more than five of the RoI quests in hard mode at the moment? I've done:
Download Complete
The Iron Tomb
The Plaguelands
King of the Mountain
The Walls Come Down
... but everything else with the RoI icon doesn't have a hard option. All others raid related?
I know this may seem a stupid question, but can you actually get gauntlets or helmets from faction packages, or only chest armors? Last 6 armor packages I've opened turned out to be a chest piece and a class item. I think I should pray to RNGesus
Whats up man, been awhile how you been?. If a spot is open give me a holler be more than happy to raid it up with some Gafers instead of majority of times lfg. I'm sure most know how much of a shit show that can be with ppl not listening/communicating arguments etc etc.
It's entertaining listening to alot of it sometimes but I've had my fill of hearing the bickering and ppl kicking others over and over just to spend 10 min to find another just to have them leave or be kicked as well this week in the 1 run I've done lol.
Yes you can, I got a helmet from a DO package the other day, and some gauntlets from either vanguard or crucible packages.
It counts if you replay them IIRC.
Well, now I feel daft.Can you just run them multiple times? I'm assuming you're doing it for the RoI Record Book.
Ty, you give me some hope at least! Both my helmet and gauntlets are holding back my LL a bit, it looks as if the game wouldn't want to make me progress at all haha
For some reason I thought someone said Eris has a weekly bounty, but I can't see anything when I speak to her. :s
Well, now I feel daft.
Bungie is investigating issue with Comitatus drops for players who have previously acquired the Dead Orbit faction ship, Kondratyuk's Escape.
Thank god, it's about time. I recall hearing people putting the pieces together that folks who got the TTK DO ship couldn't get Comitatus to drop, happy to see something official come out.
Thorn still feels so damn good to use in PvP.
Sshhnnlapt Sshhnnlapt Sshhnnlapt
Do you already have a part active??
Think it's a black card with a pink diamond on it or something.
Step it up for 43!!
If the tempered mechanic is gone then how long is it gonna take to reach rank 5. Same amount of rep every day? Turn in your weekly bounties right away?
Is there still an alt buff?
Awww man, I wish the Bad Juju didn't use an exotic slot and could bring it with me more often, every time I pick it up from the Vault I have such a blast, one of my favs weapons in the game
Any raids starting up? Need to do a run on my warlock.
Is the poison the same as it was in TTK? or did they nerf it even more?
Gonna need one for Aksys, have all monitors done.
Don't think I've ever had one...Do you already have a part active??
Think it's a black card with a pink diamond on it or something.
Ah, I know what you mean now.Pretty sure you have to go to CoO to have it activate.
That prime weapon looks so complicated to get
Hmmmm if I run it tonight probably around 8 or 8:30 eastern or so
Anyone? We're at phase 1, done all monitors.
Awww man, I wish the Bad Juju didn't use an exotic slot and could bring it with me more often, every time I pick it up from the Vault I have such a blast, one of my favs weapons in the game
Next week's Iron Banner is supremacy, I'm pretty stoked about that!
Wait, so the patch notes today nerfed Omnigul farming, but I'm still stuck at >360 light. How am I supposed to farm light levels now?
The Palindrome is pretty nice.
Damn, want to try the new raid blind, but most of my friends have done it.
I'm in the same boat. And the LFGs are pretty much all requiring experience and 370 light. I'm 363 and looking to run it, but I have no experience. Anyone feel like giving it a shot?
Depends on which platform. Xbox only here.
The Palindrome is pretty nice.